The two men attacked Chu Xun at the same time, giving Lu Ze a chance to escape.

His speed was so fast that he almost disappeared from sight in the blink of an eye.

Chu Xun brandished his spear, quickly dealt with the two lieutenants blocking the way, and then continued to chase Lu Ze.

Soon, Chu Xun chased him to a wide plain, but he could no longer see Lu Ze.

Chu Xun searched around, and at this moment, suddenly a powerful momentum came from behind him.

He didn't dare to be careless, and immediately punched back, hitting that momentum.

With this strength, Chu Xun avoided a distance of more than ten meters to the side.

After pulling away, Chu Xun looked at the master who had sneaked up on him, and found that this guy's cultivation was actually a seventh-rank realm!

"Who are you?" Chu Xun asked.

The man in black said coldly: "Zhuge Yun of Yan Kingdom is here to kill you!"

Chu Xun's heart sank. Although he was not afraid of him, it should be very difficult to deal with this guy.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun didn't talk nonsense, brandished the Golden Dragon Sword, and rushed towards Zhuge Yun!

Seeing this, Zhuge Yun burst out laughing, and saw his right foot suddenly stepping on the ground, and a gust of violent wind instantly enveloped him.

Chu Xun was secretly startled when he saw this, he didn't expect that the other party would attack him first, and he had already begun to guess the real identity of this person in his heart.

Afterwards, Chu Xun waved the Golden Dragon Sword.

At this moment, a fire dragon fell from the sky and went straight to Zhuge Yun.

Seeing this, Zhuge Yun quickly swung his sword and cut off the fire dragon, but at this moment, another fire dragon fell from the sky and hit him directly.

Seeing this, he quickly dodged, but at this moment, another fire dragon smashed towards Zhuge Yun.

Zhuge Yun quickly moved his body, trying to get rid of the two fire dragons, but he failed.

Seeing that the fire dragon was about to fall on Zhuge Yun's body, Zhuge Yun quickly swung his long sword and cut off the fire dragon!

Chu Xun snorted coldly, and then continued to attack. Chu Xun didn't care whether Zhuge Yun could resist, he only knew that he must be dealt with this time!

Chu Xun's attack was fierce, and Zhuge Yun didn't dare to take it lightly, so he had to defend seriously.

However, Chu Xun didn't get any benefits. Zhuge Yun's attack was very fierce, and Chu Xun didn't dare to push him too hard. He had to resist with all his strength, and Chu Xun's fighting power was greatly reduced.

Seeing this, Chu Xun was in a hurry. He knew that he had to make a quick decision, otherwise he would have no chance!

Seeing that Chu Xun's attack was getting slower and slower, Zhuge Yun was overjoyed, thinking that this time, he would definitely succeed!

Zhuge Yun's face gradually became ferocious, and his eyes revealed a strong murderous intent, looking at Chu Xun, as if he was looking at a dead body!

Chu Xun also noticed the other party's change and was furious.

"Boy, I want you to die without a place to bury you!"

Zhuge Yun sneered, and said: "Young man, don't be so arrogant, just because you are not worthy of letting me die without a place to die!"

Chu Xun was so scorned by the other party, his heart became angry from embarrassment, and he no longer retained his strength.

Holding the long sword in his hand, he moved quickly, and in the blink of an eye he was in front of Zhuge Yun.

Zhuge Yun looked at the long sword that was close at hand, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

He raised his right hand violently and grabbed Chu Xun's long sword!

Chu Xun was taken aback, how could his weapon be grabbed by the opponent?

He hastily drew his sword, trying to break free from the opponent's hand, but it was still in vain. He quickly exerted all his internal energy and pushed his body outward.

But Zhuge Yun grasped his long sword tightly like iron pincers, no matter how hard Chu Xun tried, the opponent still didn't move.

Chu Xun panicked in his heart.

At this time, he realized that he had met a master!

He never thought that he would be defeated by such a master so easily.

"Let go! Otherwise you will die miserably after a while!"

Chu Xun said coldly.

"Hmph!" Zhuge Yun snorted coldly, and said, "It's up to you? Do you want to threaten me too?"

As he spoke, he increased the strength in his hand, and the long sword in Chu Xun's hand began to tremble suddenly. Chu Xun quickly exercised his inner strength, but he still couldn't break free from Zhuge Yun's hand.

Chu Xun knew that the opponent's cultivation base was much higher than his own, and he was definitely not the opponent's opponent.

But I am not willing to lose like this, I am the future master of the world, how can my destiny be controlled by an ant at will?

Thinking of this, Chu Xun said coldly: "I know you are amazing, but I'm not a vegetarian either!"

As Chu Xun said, he bit the tip of his tongue and spat out a mouthful of blood!

The blood sprayed on the long sword, and it burned instantly, igniting the long sword.

Seeing Chu Xun make such a move, Zhuge Yun secretly marveled in his heart that this kid was able to break through his limit on the verge of death.

But so what, even if you can break through, how can you be my opponent?

Zhuge Yun felt disdainful.

At this time, Chu Xun turned around and rushed behind Zhuge Yun like a ghost.

With a strong wind, Chu Xun's long sword stabbed at Zhuge Yun's back!

Chu Xun's move was indeed powerful, but Zhuge Yun was not afraid at all. He quickly swung his sword to block Chu Xun's attack.

However, at this moment, Chu Xun brandished his long sword again, aiming at Zhuge Yun's back.

Seeing Chu Xun's actions, Zhuge Yun cursed inwardly as being despicable, but he is no match for Chu Xun now, so he can only retreat first, and then look for opportunities to deal with Chu Xun!

Seeing this, Chu Xun sneered and said, "Do you still want to escape?"

Zhuge Yun snorted coldly and said, "Even if I die, I won't let you invade the Imperial City of Yan!"

Chu Xun snorted coldly, and then increased the strength in his hand.

Zhuge Yun felt that his shoulder was pierced by Chu Xun's long sword!

But his figure still didn't stop.

At this moment, his heart was filled with grief and indignation. He knew that no matter how strong he was, he would eventually be defeated by Chu Xun. In that case, wouldn't he be aggrieved? How could he let such aggrieved things happen?

But at this moment, he saw a touch of purple flying towards him in the distance!

Zhuge Yun's heart was shaken, knowing that he could not hesitate at this time, he strode forward, then jumped up, and walked in that direction.

Chu Xun hurriedly followed!

He wanted to know where a strong man came from, and it was very likely that he came to support Zhuge Yun!

Not long after Chu Xun chased him out, he found a figure in front of him, blocking his way.

Chu Xun was taken aback, he didn't expect that there were other masters hidden here, and this master's cultivation was not weaker than Zhuge Yun, which surprised him a lot!

"Who are you? Why are you blocking my way!" Chu Xun said coldly.

"Boy, get out of here quickly, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The man said coldly.

Chu Xun couldn't help sneering when he heard this.

"Haha! Do you think I'm scared? Do you think I'm really afraid of you?"

Hearing this, the man snorted coldly and said, "Since that's the case, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

Seeing this, Chu Xun sneered, and immediately punched the man.

Seeing this, the man hurriedly dodged. Chu Xun's punch hit the ground, and the ground suddenly crumbled and dust filled the sky.

He was secretly surprised in his heart, he didn't expect that Chu Xun had such terrifying strength!

"Good! Very good! You are the second person who can force me to use my full strength!"

The man sneered.

This man is Yan Beichen!

Zhuge Yun stood in the distance and said loudly: "Senior Yan, I will leave this kid to you, I will go to support the front line immediately!"

Yan Beichen waved his hand casually, keeping his eyes on Chu Xun.

Seeing that Yan Beichen was so strong, Chu Xun sneered, and said, "Your strength is not bad! You can be so calm in front of me!"

"But today, I, Chu Xun, will definitely kill you and let you, Yan Beichen, know that I, Chu Xun, are not easy to mess with, and my Huaxia Kingdom is not a place where you can mess around!"

After finishing speaking, Chu Xun was ready to strike and take Yan Beichen down!

Yan Beichen's heart shuddered when he heard the words. Chu Xun was able to know his own name, and he was obviously very familiar with him, which made Yan Beichen feel vigilant.

Chu Xun's strength made Yan Beichen very worried. He didn't dare to relax even now. He immediately mobilized the spiritual power in his body, condensed it into gang energy, and went towards Chu Xun.

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