Soon, Chu Xun's body hit a tree again, and this big tree was also broken by him, but Chu Xun did not fall down, but rushed towards Shen Jinghan again.

Seeing Chu Xun rushing over again, Shen Jinghan showed a mocking look on his face, and then rushed towards Chu Xun again.


Chu Xun fell to the ground again.

"Haha, Chu Xun, I said, you are not my opponent, do you understand now? Hahaha!" Shen Jinghan laughed loudly.

Chu Xun struggled to stand up, but he felt a whirlwind and fell down again.

"Chu Xun, it's time for you to lie on the ground now." Shen Jinghan shouted loudly.

Chu Xun struggled to stand up again, and rushed towards Shen Jinghan again, but this time, he fell to the ground again and couldn't get up again.

"Haha, Chu Xun, you can't do it! You're just a scumbag!"

Shen Jinghan had a triumphant smile on his face.

"Shen, you dare to hurt our Lord Chu!" At this time, Li Hu and Tai Lang rushed over at the same time, and together they fought back Shen Jinghan and rescued Chu Xun.

Back at the back of the battlefield, Chu Xun hastily took a lot of pills to heal himself.

Originally, Chu Xun felt that with his own strength and these troops, it would be easy to break through the Yan Kingdom.

But I didn't expect that this country of Yan had so many masters, and I couldn't handle it at all.

It seems that my strength still needs to be improved, and I am now in the initial stage of the sixth rank.

According to the current situation, at least one more level must be raised before the next thing can continue.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun asked Li Hu and Tai Lang to take charge of the battle here, and then went directly to Yan Cang's family and found Yan Qingtian.

In the Yan Cang family, there are many trial secret realms, so finding them can completely solve your own problems.

After Yan Qingtian knew Chu Xun's intention of coming, he still hesitated at first.

But on second thought, Chu Xun improved his strength in order to attack the Yan Kingdom.

Therefore, Yan Qingtian didn't think about it anymore, and directly brought Chu Xun to the Tower of Eternity.

This Tower of Eternity is a trial secret realm, if Chu Xun wants to improve his strength, he can enter it.

Chu Xun nodded, then pushed open the door and directly stepped into the first floor of the Tower of Eternity.

Entering the tower, Chu Xun seemed to have entered an illusion.


In an instant, countless purple thunders fell and bombarded Chu Xun's body.

Chu Xun hastily used the power of destiny, and with the blessing of the power of destiny, Chu Xun also withstood the Zi Lei's attack.

Although these purple thunders will not hurt Chu Xun, they are not easy to deal with.

After all, this is the Tower of Eternity, a secret realm of trials, and the things inside are very powerful.

But Chu Xun is not without gains.

At that moment just now, Chu Xun discovered many secrets.

He knows that only by truly defeating himself can he go further. Only in real battles can he truly learn a lot of experience.


Zi Lei continued to fall, but Chu Xun was already ready. His fists were clenched tightly, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura.

Under this terrifying atmosphere, his whole temperament seemed to undergo an earth-shaking change.

In front of his eyes, the purple lightning was still falling down continuously, but Chu Xun did not dodge, but let the purple lightning fall on him.

"Crack! Kick!"

The sound of Zidian falling on Chu Xun's body was very clear, and it exploded on Chu Xun's body, turning into electric sparks all over the sky.

On the surface of Chu Xun's skin, deep purple marks appeared.

Zidian raged in Chu Xun's body, but it did not cause any substantial damage to Chu Xun.

"Crack! Kick!"

At the time of the [-]th purple lightning, Chu Xun's arm finally couldn't bear such a fierce attack.


Chu Xun's palm was turned into scorched black by the purple lightning.

However, this was just Chu Xun's physical suffering, and it was only temporary. With the blessing of the power of destiny, his injury quickly recovered.

The 470th ninth purple electricity.

This time, Zidian did not land on Chu Xun's body, but landed at his feet, breaking through all the stone slabs at his feet and turning them into pieces.

Chu Xun ignored these fragments and continued to move forward, walking inside step by step.

The scene at the top of the tower is not the same as the outside of the tower. The top of the tower is very huge, several thousand meters high, and it is covered with all kinds of weird plants.

On the top of the tower, there are a few huge night pearls. Under the light of these night pearls, the whole tower seems to be daytime.

And in the center of this tower, there is an altar. The shape of this altar is a sphere, and in the center of this sphere, there is a mass of white light constantly rotating.

Chu Xun stayed here for a while, then walked towards the small altar.

But at this moment, there was a sudden roar, and then a purple thunder dragon emerged from the altar!

When the thunder dragon saw Chu Xun, it shot out a bolt of lightning and blasted towards Chu Xun.

Chu Xun's speed was as fast as lightning, and he dodged in an instant.

The lightning spewed out by the thunder dragon fell on the ground, causing bursts of flames.

It seems that this thunder dragon is also a monster with thunder attributes, but this thunder dragon is much weaker than ordinary monster dragons, but it is extremely fast and good at sneak attacks.

This is why there are so many purple thunders here.

However, although this thunder-type monster is powerful, Chu Xun is not very afraid. Under the power of his destiny, this thunder-type monster is not vulnerable at all.


At this moment, Chu Xun punched him again.

A golden light beam, with the sound of piercing through the air, slammed into the Thunder Dragon fiercely.


The thunder dragon immediately flew upside down, hit the wall, and landed on the altar again.

However, it did not die, but struggled to stand up, looking at Chu Xun with endless hatred in its eyes.

Chu Xun sneered: "Don't look at me with such hatred. If you are not my opponent, you should disappear quickly."

After finishing speaking, Chu Xun made a leap, came to the altar again, and then punched out again.



The thunder dragon fell to the ground again, but this thunder-type monster did not die immediately, because the power in its body had not been exhausted.

So at this moment, it jumped up again, and rushed towards Chu Xun, trying to tear Chu Xun into pieces.

But these thunder dragons seem to be inexhaustible, one after another comes out after breaking up.


Chu Xun punched out again, and another thunder monster fell to the ground.



Chu Xun knocked down five lightning monsters in a row, and then he stood on the top of the altar.


Thunder resounded in the sky.

Chu Xun knew that it was the voice of God's punishment, he didn't dare to neglect, quickly retreated to the edge of the altar, and then sat down cross-legged.


The moment Chu Xun closed his eyes, all the lightning in the sky bombarded him.

These lightning bolts are all thunder and lightning in the punishment of heaven, and they contain strong and destructive power. If Chu Xun is hit, he will definitely be killed instantly.


Chu Xun pushed the power of destiny to the extreme, and golden halos lingered around him.

At this moment, Chu Xun was surrounded by incomparably bright golden halos, as if there was a golden world around him.


The lightning in the sky landed on the golden halo around Chu Xun, making ear-piercing sounds continuously, as if these lightnings were ants, trying to break through the golden halo, but unfortunately it didn't work.

Chu Xun closed his eyes, feeling the power of the lightning.

He could feel that although the power of these lightning bolts was powerful, their power was still a little too weak.

If he was in his prime, he wouldn't need to be afraid of these lightnings, and he could even absorb the power of the thunder element to strengthen his destiny.

But now that he was seriously injured, only about [-]% of his Destiny Power was left.

Therefore, he had to use Heaven's Punishment to temper his power of destiny, so as to make the power of destiny stronger and protect him to live longer in this world.

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