[Successful collection!Obtain a level 5 skill - Nirvana! 】

[Kill the leader monster, Guardian of Fire, congratulations for getting 5000 experience points! 】

[As the first person to independently kill the leader monster, Guardian of Fire, you have additionally obtained the exclusive item Fire Seal]

With the sound of the reminder, the huge boulder block that was shining slightly before became dim and shattered!Only ashes are left. "This...what's the situation?"

"Where's the boss? Such a big boss, how did you hide it just now?"

"I just touch a corpse and it's gone right away??"

As for Chu Xun, he even maintained the gesture of reaching out his hand, his face full of bewilderment.

He just operated like this, and it turned out that he couldn't find the boss after searching for a long time.

directly by the system.


"Wait a minute, could it be related to that Nirvana skill?"

With a thought in his mind, Chu Xun mobilized his skill panel, and there was indeed a shiny label [Nirvana] on it.

He opened it up.

The instant information was refreshed in front of Chu Xun's eyes.

[Nirvana: Ashes can be revived, and people can be resurrected after death!Feign death for 3 minutes, you can be reborn from Nirvana, and temporarily get a full value of 100 points of Fire Element Affinity, which lasts for 3 minutes!Cooling time: 72 hours]

"Fuck! This skill is awesome!"

"Wait, could it be Nirvana's suspended animation state that allowed me to touch the corpse successfully and take away this skill, making the boss unable to be resurrected directly, cool off!"

Thinking of this, Chu Xun felt another wave of emotion in his heart.

This is also thanks to the fact that he came to kill the leader, Guardian of Fire!

Otherwise, ordinary players, not to mention whether they can defeat it with difficulty, will have their first life of this terrifying monster!

Without knowing the mechanism of the boss's suspended animation and resurrection after 3 minutes.

It is very likely to be instantly killed by the guardian of fire with full fire element affinity after rebirth!

"This boss is much harder to fight than it shows. Fortunately, my talent is restrained! I just touched the resurrection skill!"

Chu Xun was amazed and complained.

He looked at the pile of ashes at his feet.

"This stuff is really dark!"

But after all the talking, Chu Xun was in a good mood.

Because, touching the corpse this time is a huge profit!

The effect of the Nirvana skill is equivalent to gaining one more life every three days!

In this precarious world, this is a magical skill that players all over the world dream of!

It is estimated that the top players on the village rankings will be willing to exchange all their wealth!

And after resurrection, they will get the full value of fire element affinity.

Combat power has skyrocketed, and it is easy to counter-kill the enemy!

It is equivalent to having an extra powerful hole card!

how to think?

It's all blood!

Chu Xun stood up and stretched, with a cheerful expression.

However, he suddenly thought of a problem.

"Wait, I can't turn into a stone after I fake my death."

"If you meet some people who are interested in dismembering corpses, wouldn't you just wait for death?"

After thinking about it, Chu Xun felt that Nirvana was not as easy to use as imagined.

When he was feigning death, he was at the mercy of others.

Any accident, or the appearance of a monster, may take his life away.

How can there be a chance to bring a full value of Fire Elemental Affinity after 3 minutes.

The Dragon King is back!

Chu Xun kicked away a few rocks left by the little flame stone man, and walked towards James.

Also made up his mind.

Nirvana, let's keep this trick as a trump card.

Never use it unless you have to!

"This trick is just normal."

He sighed.

If other players saw Chu Xun's appearance, they would definitely go crazy with anger!

What do you mean just normal? !

You have the ability, give us this resurrection skill!

After walking a few steps, Chu Xun patted himself on the head again.

"By the way, there is another harvest just now."

With a thought, he took out the items dropped by the Guardian of Fire from his backpack.

It is a beautifully framed Fire Emblem.

Chu Xun spread it on the palm of his hand, and he could even feel the slight heat and the rising flame that seemed real. It looked extremely extraordinary.

"What's the use of this thing?"

He tried to touch it with his fingers a few times, but there was no response to the badge.

Chu Xun did not give up.

"Pupil of True Sight"

He activates his skills to detect.

However, the information that emerged in the field of vision was only a few simple words.

[The Seal of Fire:? ? ? ? 】


Just, gone!

"Well, it seems that I don't know what the use of this thing is for the time being."

Chu Xun was speechless.

Reluctantly, he looked at it for a while, but he really couldn't see the purpose of the badge, so he could only put it back into his backpack with a tangled face.

"It's okay, this is a reward for killing the guardian of fire alone, it should be very precious."

"Sooner or later it will come in handy."

Chu Xun comforted himself.


On the other side, James also took the initiative to walk over from the steps up the mountain.

After the guardian of the fire formation was defeated, the original fiery temperature gradually dissipated, and this five-star general suddenly felt that he could do it again.

"Oh! My boss, you are really amazing!"

"I bet, even without my help, Boss, you will definitely be able to find the monster's teeth all over the place!"

"This is definitely not flattery! I swear to God, I really think so."

As soon as they met, James shouted in his characteristically exaggerated loud voice.

Noisy Chu Xun, his head hurts.

He just glanced at it coldly. This scumbag actually threw himself away when the temperature was high!



At this time, the little flame stone men on the side gradually gathered together, rushing towards Chu Xun and the two of them.

These guys also have a lot of experience value, Chu Xun thought about it, and while making jokes with James, he brandished a wolf knife and killed these fire guards.

In the case of the blessed Wind Control Technique.

He wiped out these monsters at an extremely fast speed.


[Kill the monster Fire Guardian, congratulations for getting 140 experience points. 】

Chu Xun slowly withdrew his knife and looked in front of him. The last flame stone man also slowly turned into rubble.

He was pleasing to the eye and glanced at his level panel.

The experience value has reached eleven thousand points!

An absolute bounty!

However, when Chu Xun wanted to click on the ranking page to see the progress of the thirds, he found that the icon had turned gray.

seems to be in a locked state

"Can't see the ranking now?"

Chu Xun was taken aback for a moment, and then from the corner of his eye, he noticed that many people in the chat box had already discussed this matter.

"The rank leaderboard is sealed! It should be for the sake of fairness, neither side knows the other's progress."

"If the people from the two villages who made it to the ranks are exposed, some people will play tricks, and it's better to seal the leaderboard."

"Not bad! The two sides may actually have different tactics for leveling up, and they can also avoid interference from other villages!"

Most people think that the ranking list is temporarily closed out of fairness.

Not surprising.

At this time, it was still Xiao V who read the content of the chat box with a pleasant voice.

And Chu Xun didn't bother, it didn't matter to him whether the leaderboard was closed or not.

Because, the victory has already been decided.

An hour of hard work gained more than 1 experience points.

Such efficiency.

Who can do it except yourself?

Chu Xun is still very forceful.

He knew that his achievements this time could not be said to be outstanding.

At least it is far ahead!

The number one contribution list is none other than myself.

"Okay, let's move on."

Chu Xun greeted James and motioned him to go with him to a higher mountain above the clouds.

He guessed with some anticipation that since the fire guard appeared, it is likely that there are other guards on the higher mountain!

If it can be defeated, more experience value will not be mentioned.

By touching the corpse by myself, maybe I can add a few powerful skills!

James, on the other hand, was sitting there, looking like he couldn't accept the reality.

It seems to say that I just wiped out the flame stone man just now!

It's time to work again!

He muttered a little dissatisfied.

"Oh! Damn it! Why not, for God's sake, get a little more rest!"

James stroked the barrel of the gun lightly, with a slightly sad expression between his brows.

"My poor old chap is too hot to shoot!"

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