This made Yuan Zhi feel very shocked. He couldn't help but secretly said: "How is this possible? After so long, how could he not be injured at all? Could it be that this guy is stronger than me?"

Feeling the surging energy in Chu Xun's body, feeling Chu Xun's strong muscles and terrifying combat power, Yuan Zhi couldn't help feeling a little terrified.


Yuan Zhi yelled, clenched his hands tightly, and then patted Chu Xun with all his strength.

"Good come!"

Chu Xun also let out a roar, and raised his fist to meet him.


The two fists intersected, and there was a deafening roar, and the two figures were bounced away several meters away.

The two figures collided again, and then each retreated, but both of them had a feeling of trembling.

It seemed that the confrontation between the two people just now was like two meteorites colliding together, making a loud noise that shook the sky, and it hurt people's eardrums.

Chu Xun's face turned even paler, while Yuan Zhi's mouth was bleeding, his body shook and almost fell to the ground.

They stood up almost at the same time, and then faced each other, preparing for the next wave of attacks.


At the same time, in Xinliang City.

Tai Lang and Li Hu sat chatting in the government office, since Chu Xun left, they had nothing to do.

After all, without Chu Xun's leadership, they would not have dared to rashly attack Yan.

So they all knew that before Chu Xun came back, they could only stand still.

And at this moment, suddenly a subordinate rushed in and said to Tai Lang and Li Hu, "My lords, there are enemy troops attacking outside!"

"What?!" Tai Lang stood up abruptly, "Whose team is it?"

The subordinate said: "It's from Yan Cang's family, they brought [-] soldiers and horses to attack!"

"These bastards!" Li Hu slapped the table angrily, then strode out, "Let's order the soldiers and horses, let's see how I teach them a lesson!"

When they first heard the news, they thought it was people from Yan Kingdom who had killed them. After all, they had robbed many of their cities before.

Unexpectedly, the people who attacked this time turned out to be members of Yan Cang's family, and they came to attack their own territory while Chu Xun was away!

They were allies before, this is too hateful!

Tai Lang and Li Hu are just like Chu Xun, they hate people who betray them the most.

Afterwards, the two of them led soldiers and horses together, and went out of the city aggressively to fight.

At this time, the soldiers and horses of the Yan Cang family had already arrived outside Xinliang City.

As soon as the two armies met, they began to fight.

The two sides are playing hard to give up, and there is no winner.

But this was only a short pause, and the members of the Yan Cang family quickly reacted.

"Hahahaha!" A burst of wild laughter sounded from the Yan Cang family's team.

A handsome man, wearing a black armor, holding a silver-white sword in his hand, said arrogantly:

"Li Hu, I heard that you are Chu Xun's subordinate, the general of Xinliang City? What a coincidence, today is your death day!"

Li Hu narrowed his eyes, stared at the young man of the Yan Cang family with a cold face, and said coldly: "Who are you?"

"Shen Liang." The young man replied arrogantly, "Today I am here to send you home!"

After finishing speaking, he stabbed Li Hu's heart with a sword.

Li Hu had known for a long time that his target was himself, and he had already made preparations. The moment Shen Liang struck, he also swung the same sword, smashing Shen Liang's silver sword.

However, he was also sent flying a few feet away and fell to the ground.


Shen Liang snorted coldly, kicked Li Hu on the chest, knocked Li Hu over, and then rode on Li Hu's body, pierced Li Hu's chest with a sword, directly piercing Li Hu's heart.


Li Hu spat out a mouthful of blood, and then struggled with the last bit of strength.

But in the end it was futile, because the sword pierced too deep.

Li Hu struggled for a moment, then completely lost consciousness, fell to the ground, and lost his breath.

Looking at Li Hu who was lying on the ground, Shen Liang showed a wicked smile, "Haha, I really didn't expect that you, a dignified fifth-rank cultivator, would be so vulnerable."

At this time, Tai Lang had already rushed over with the soldiers and horses.

When Tai Lang saw several corpses lying on the city wall, he couldn't help burning with anger.

These corpses are his subordinates and comrades-in-arms, but now they are killed here.

How can Tai Lang bear this!

Seeing Tai Lang's unkind expression, Shen Liang couldn't help but become serious, because he knew that Tai Lang was much stronger than Li Hu.

"Your name is Shen Liang?" Tai Lang looked at Shen Liang and asked.

Shen Liang nodded and said, "Who are you?".

"Stop talking nonsense, I'll kill you first!"

A crimson flame burst out from Tai Lang's palm and blasted towards Shen Liang.


With a loud noise, Shen Liang was engulfed in flames.

Tai Lang put away the flames, walked down the city wall, and looked outside the city.

At this moment, Shen Liang has been reduced to ashes, with no bones left, not even dregs left.

Tai Lang's heart is not only angry, but also with a trace of grief.

After all, I have fought side by side with Li Hu for a long time, and the relationship between them is absolutely beyond doubt.

But now that Li Hu had lost his life in front of his eyes, he felt very guilty in his heart.

For a moment, Tai Lang's eyes were red, and the hatred in his heart had already driven him crazy.

"Master Tai Lang, don't get excited, General Li Hu's are not to blame..." A subordinate quickly comforted Tai Lang when he saw Tai Lang's appearance.

"Don't blame me?"

Tai Lang sneered: "You don't know the relationship between me and Li Hu. His life is more important to me than my own."

"But today, these people killed Li Hu under my nose! I want to kill them with my own hands and avenge Li Hu!"

After all, Tai Lang slapped out again.


There was another explosion, and another senior martial artist of the Yan Cang family fell into a pool of blood.

And Tai Lang's subordinates were also shocked when they saw Tai Lang's mad appearance.

However, with Tai Lang's leadership, they all boosted their morale, and rushed into the Yan Cang family's camp together with Tai Lang, fighting desperately.

While fighting, Tai Lang kept saying: "Kill! Kill me hard!"

At this moment, the Yan Cang family also found that they were in trouble, and the opponent's strength was far beyond their imagination. Although they were numerous in number, they did not have an advantage.

"Who ordered you to do it this time?" Tai Lang shouted.

"I...I don't know!" said the senior martial artist caught by Tai Lang, but his expression told Tai Lang one thing, he really didn't know.

Tai Lang frowned. He knew that if he didn't find out who was behind the scenes, the battle would be difficult to fight.

"I'll give you one last chance. If you dare to lie, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Tai Lang narrowed his eyes slightly, revealing his killing intent.

"I, I really don't know!" said the senior martial artist, "Please forgive me, my lord!"

Tai Lang's face became even more gloomy.

At this time, a figure jumped out from the crowd, it was an elder of the Yan Cang family.

He shouted: "Kill, kill these bastards for me, and take Xinliang City!"

After the words fell, everyone in Yan Cang's family rushed towards Tai Lang and the others.

When Tai Lang saw this elder, a cold light flashed in his eyes, he snorted coldly, and said, "I don't know how to live or die!"

He roared, put his palms together, then spread his arms out, and pushed suddenly, a huge force came out from Tai Lang's palms.

Immediately, four or five martial artists from the Yan Cang family were directly blown away.

And Tai Lang took advantage of this counter-shock force, soared into the air, rolled three times in mid-air, and then fell steadily.

This force is like a mountain, powerful and domineering.

When the elder saw Tai Lang's move, his face turned pale. He knew that he had completely underestimated Tai Lang's strength.

"You, you are not the opponents of our Yan Cang family, you should surrender quickly!" The elder said tremblingly, although he was afraid in his heart, he tried his best not to show it.

"Hmph!" Tai Lang snorted coldly, and said, "My patience is limited, if you still refuse to speak, I don't mind sending you to hell!"

Hearing the word hell, all the martial artists of the Yan Cang family turned pale. They knew that Tai Lang could do what he said, and if he didn't say it, Tai Lang would really kill them.

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