Chu Xun fell to the ground and hurriedly got up from the ground. He felt the viscera in his body vibrate violently as if he had been hit hard.

However, Chu Xun didn't care about the situation in his body, and immediately jumped up from the ground, and went to kill the white tiger again.

Seeing that Chu Xun was attacking again, Baihu opened his mouth again, spit out a ball of white flames, and shot towards Chu Xun.

"call out!"

This flame was so powerful that Chu Xun didn't dare to catch it, so he had to retreat quickly.

Seeing that Chu Xun avoided his own attack, the white tiger couldn't help being startled, but then it immediately spit out a second fireball, which went straight to Chu Xun's body.

The white fireball grew bigger and bigger, and in the blink of an eye it became the size of a carriage.

Seeing this, Chu Xun hurriedly stretched out his hand to pat the Qiankun bag on his waist, and a black disc flew out of the Qiankun bag immediately. This disc was about half a meter in diameter, and it was slowly rotating in mid-air.

The white disc immediately emitted a dazzling light, and a golden light shot up into the sky, then condensed into a golden ball of light in the midair, and then viciously hit the fireball spit out by the white tiger.

The two met and immediately exploded.


There was a loud noise, and both Chu Xun and Baihu were blown away more than ten feet away.

But Chu Xun was hit by the white fireball from the white tiger, and his body froze immediately, blood flowed from his mouth, and his body couldn't help but flew upside down, hitting the ground heavily.


Seeing that Chu Xun was hit by his own fireball, the white tiger roared again, and its body quickly rushed towards Chu Xun.

Chu Xun looked at the white tiger that was getting closer and closer, and couldn't help feeling a little scared in his heart, but he didn't want to admit defeat, he wanted to rush up to fight the white tiger again.

So, Chu Xun gritted his teeth and rushed towards the white tiger again.

Just when the white tiger was about to kill Chu Xun in one fell swoop, a golden light appeared again, covering the white tiger directly.

Feeling the powerful aura, Bai Hu immediately ran away in fright, and then hid in the shadow beside him.

At this time, Chu Xun finally came back to his senses. He looked at the white tiger in the distance, and said with a look of surprise: "I didn't expect you to use supernatural powers?"

Hearing Chu Xun's words, Bai Hu couldn't help being taken aback.

Afterwards, it raised its head and stared at Chu Xun with fierce eyes, as if warning Chu Xun not to provoke it again, otherwise, it would make Chu Xun feel like life would be worse than death.

Seeing this, Chu Xun sneered immediately, then moved his body, flew up again, and rushed towards the white tiger.

Chu Xun's speed was very fast. In less than three seconds, Chu Xun came to the top of the white tiger's head, and then punched the white tiger.

Chu Xun punched the white tiger on the head, the white tiger screamed, and then flew away again.

At this time, Chu Xun flew up again and rushed towards the white tiger. This time, instead of hitting it with his fist, Chu Xun inserted the dagger in his hand into its chest.

Chu Xun's method was too ruthless, piercing Baihu's heart with a single dagger.

When the white tiger saw Chu Xun piercing his heart, it immediately widened its eyes and looked at Chu Xun in horror.

It didn't expect that Chu Xun would be so vicious that he would plunge the dagger into his heart, killing him instantly.

However, it has now lost all its strength and can no longer get up.

And at this time, the last blue dragon also slowly approached.

Chu Xun was startled, and looked at the extremely mighty green dragon vigilantly.

I saw it staying not far from Chu Xun, looking down at Chu Xun proudly, and said: "Human, you are very good, congratulations on passing the trial of the Tower of Eternity."

"What?" Hearing Qinglong's words, Chu Xun was slightly taken aback.

However, the Qinglong didn't talk nonsense at all, opened his mouth wide, and spit out a blue bead.

The bead floated in mid-air, and then slowly floated in front of Chu Xun.

"This dragon ball is your reward." Qinglong said, and then disappeared.

Chu Xun hesitated, and got the dragon ball.

As soon as his palm touched the dragon ball, Chu Xun felt a powerful wave of spiritual power coming from the dragon ball.

Immediately afterwards, endless spiritual power began to instill in Chu Xun's body.

Chu Xun endured that kind of coercion, and resisted not to shout out.

Soon, Chu Xun felt that his cultivation was soaring all the way, and soon he broke through to the ninth-rank realm!

"This dragon ball is so powerful?" Chu Xun murmured.

But at this time, he felt the ground shaking, and the Tower of Eternity disappeared quickly. The next moment, Chu Xun came to the outside world.

"It seems that I have really passed the trial of the Tower of Eternity."

Thinking of this, Chu Xun didn't stay any longer, and returned directly to Xinliang City.


As soon as he entered the city, Chu Xun heard Tai Lang talk about the Yan Cang family's attack on Xinliang City. Of course, he also knew the news of Li Hu's death.

However, what Chu Xun didn't understand was why the Yan Cang family was willing to provide him with a place for trials, but came to attack his own city from behind?

There is only one explanation for this matter, that is, the members of the Yan Cang family are very sure that they will not come out of the Tower of Eternity alive.

That's why they will attack their own city unscrupulously.

"Hmph, sooner or later I will destroy them and avenge Li Hu." Chu Xun said viciously.

He has now been promoted to the ninth-rank realm, which can be said to be a world of difference from his previous self.

At this time, a subordinate suddenly came to report that it was a messenger from the Yan Kingdom who wanted to see Chu Xun.

Chu Xun immediately asked someone to bring the messenger in.

"My lord Chu, Hu Kai, the envoy of the Lower Yan Kingdom." The envoy said to Chu Xun respectfully as soon as he entered.

Chu Xun said coldly, "What are you here for?"

Hu Kai hurriedly said: "Master Chu, the purpose of my visit this time is to tell you that His Majesty Yan wants to change cities with you."

"Change city?" Chu Xun was slightly taken aback, not understanding what he meant.

Hu Kai continued: "It's like this, my country of Yan wants to exchange the seventeen cities in the north for a new city."

"Seventeen cities for one city? Are you people from the Yan Kingdom flooded with water?" Chu Xun sneered, thinking that this guy was making fun of him.

"That's how it is." Hu Kai hurriedly explained, "Xinliang City is really important to my country Yan, so we don't want to lose it."

"And the seventeen cities in the north are very useful to you."

Chu Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, and said, "What's the use to me?"

Hu Kai smiled, and continued: "I know, Master Chu will definitely attack the Yan Cang family next, and the seventeen cities in the north of my country of Yan have a very advantageous geographical location for attacking the Yan Cang family. "

Hearing this, Chu Xun smiled, thinking that the news about Yan Kingdom is quite well-informed.

So, he nodded and said, "Okay, I'll make this deal with you!"

After all, what Chu Xun really wanted in his heart was to start a war with Yan Cang's family.

As long as Yan Cang's family is cleaned up, he will basically rule the world.

Anyway, Yan Guo no longer has any deterrent power for him now, just let them be there, don't worry about it.

Afterwards, Chu Xun asked Tai Lang to hand over to Hu Kai to handle matters related to the replacement.

And now he has another important thing to do, which is to go to Yan Cang's family in person.

Before the whole people launched an attack, Chu Xun decided to go to Yan Cang's family by himself to avenge Li Hu.

So, after Chu Xun finished his explanation, he set off.


Soon, Chu Xun arrived at the Yan family. The Yan family was the core family of Yan Cang's family, so Chu Xun planned to use them.

Tonight's moon is very round, Chu Xun took heavy steps, pushed open the door of Yan's house, and walked in.

Those guards wanted to stop Chu Xun, but they were blown away by Chu Xun's palm and killed on the spot.

At this time, Yan Qingtian heard the movement outside, and walked out with his son Yan Tianyu.

After seeing Chu Xun, Yan Qingtian said angrily: "Chu Xun, what are you doing, you dare to violently break into my Yan's house?!"

"Hmph, not only do I want to break in, but I also want to kill your entire family!" Chu Xun roared angrily, his figure flashed, and he punched Yan Tianyu directly.

Yan Tianyu was startled, and hurriedly used his kung fu to resist.

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