
The two golden dragons kept hitting the big man's body, and the big man was not to be outdone, he swung the big hammer in his hand and smashed towards the golden dragon fiercely.


The golden dragon was smashed by the big man one after another, turning into a cloud of golden mist and scattered.

"Hahahaha, brat, you don't have to worry about it anymore, I can easily defeat these rubbish!" the big man shouted triumphantly.

When Chu Xun heard this, his face became extremely ugly, but the fighting spirit in his heart was getting higher and higher.

"Come again!" Chu Xun roared, mobilizing all the strength in his body again, unleashed his sword move, and a golden sword light flew out, attacking the opponent with terrifying coercion.

"Hey, you still have some strength! But so what, under Lao Tzu's hands, you have no power to fight back!" The big man sneered while avoiding the golden sword light.

Chu Xun's face was gloomy for a while, he knew that he couldn't go on like this, otherwise, when his vitality was completely exhausted, he would really be a dead end.

"Since you want to die so much, I'll make it happen for you!" Chu Xun shouted angrily, his eyes were red, and the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand instantly transformed into a dozen sword lights, and flew towards the big man.

The big man couldn't help but be surprised when he saw these sword lights flying towards him. This kind of sword lights cannot be controlled by ordinary monks at all, unless they are strong men above the ninth rank realm.

This made him dare not be careless. When these sword lights were about to stab him, he turned around suddenly, and while avoiding those sword lights, he threw the sledgehammer viciously at Chu Xun.

"go to hell!"

Chu Xun hurriedly dodged the sledgehammer, but unexpectedly, the sledgehammer suddenly changed direction halfway and attacked Chu Xun from the side.

"Damn it!" Chu Xun cursed in a low voice, dodging again.


The sledgehammer hit the ground continuously, and the ground suddenly cracked into big pits, and thick smoke was still coming out of the big pits.

"Little brat, have you seen that, even if you have great abilities, you still have to kneel and kowtow to admit defeat under Lao Tzu's hammer!"

The big man laughed arrogantly.

"Hmph, that's not necessarily the case, maybe it is!" Chu Xun sneered, clenched his palm suddenly, a ball of golden light wrapped the Golden Dragon Sword, and then slashed towards the sledgehammer again.

"Hmph, even if you come back three hundred times, your sword won't be able to hurt me!" The big man sneered disdainfully, and waved his sledgehammer to meet him.

Chu Xun and the sledgehammer collided fiercely, and for a moment, golden sparks flew everywhere.

Both Chu Xun and the big man were in the ninth-rank realm, and the big man had more combat experience, so after a fierce fight, the big man gradually gained the upper hand.

Because every time he attacks, he will always break Chu Xun's swordsmanship, and then take the opportunity to attack him, making Chu Xun's arms numb and weak.

Chu Xun's face was extremely ugly, but he refused to give in. He still gritted his teeth and fought the opponent again.

Seeing that Chu Xun refused to give in, the big man suddenly felt angry.

"Since you are not willing to surrender, then don't blame me for being cruel!" The big man laughed grinningly, swung the golden sledgehammer in his hand again, and threw it at Chu Xun viciously.

Chu Xun's face sank, he swung the Golden Dragon Sword again, and slashed towards the sledgehammer.


The golden sledgehammer was directly shattered and scattered all over the ground, and only a broken golden hammer was left in the big man's hand.

The big man turned pale with shock, he did not expect that the golden dragon sword in Chu Xun's hand would be so sharp, and his precious weapon would be easily chopped into pieces.

"This is impossible, this is impossible!" The big man exclaimed, unwilling to believe what happened before his eyes.

"Nothing is impossible, my strength is so strong!" Chu Xun smiled coldly, swung the Golden Dragon Sword again, and slashed at the opponent.

The big man was shocked, and quickly swung his broken sledgehammer to block.


With a crisp sound, the Golden Dragon Sword struck the sledgehammer, and the sledgehammer broke in response, while the big man was shaken back several steps, his chest heaving violently.

"Wow..." The big man opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was as pale as paper, and he looked like he was on the verge of falling.

When Chu Xun saw this, a look of excitement appeared on his face, and he urged the Golden Dragon Sword to run over again.

"Damn it, brat, I'm going to kill you, kill you!" The big man roared angrily.

Afterwards, he picked up a huge ax next to him and swung it towards Chu Xun.

Chu Xun's face changed slightly, and he quickly swung the Golden Dragon Sword to resist.


A series of explosions sounded, and the two kept attacking, their speed was astonishingly fast.

"Ah! You bastard, I'm going to tear you apart!" the big man roared angrily, charging towards Chu Xun while attacking.

Chu Xun kept dodging to avoid the opponent's attack, and at the same time he kept waving the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand.

For a moment, the Golden Dragon Sword and the huge ax in the big man's hand collided crazily.

Every time they fight, there will be a deafening roar, which makes people feel that their ears are buzzing, and their heads are about to explode.

Chu Xun's face was pale, and beads of sweat the size of beans were covered on his forehead. He had already used secret techniques to improve his cultivation, but compared with that big man, there was still a gap.

The strength of that big man far exceeds that of Chu Xun, and it is basically impossible for Chu Xun to win.

However, at this time, he didn't have any fear. He only had one thought in his mind, and that was to kill this big man.

Therefore, Chu Xun would never allow failure, and decided to do his best, even if it cost his life.

"Ah... brat, you are courting death!"

The big man roared again, suddenly raised his big axe, and slammed it fiercely at Chu Xun. For a moment, the golden giant ax carried a billowing air wave, directly shaking the surrounding space to pieces.

Seeing the opponent attack again, Chu Xun quickly swung the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand, and slashed at the huge golden axe.


A deafening sound came, and Chu Xun felt the tiger's mouth go numb, and the right hand holding the sword trembled uncontrollably, and he almost lost his grip on the Golden Dragon Sword.

However, Chu Xun still gritted his teeth and persisted, swung the Golden Dragon Sword again, and slashed towards the big axe.

The weight of the big ax was too great for Chu Xun to fully bear. The strength of his arm was greatly reduced, and the golden dragon sword was bent and almost fell out of his hand.

However, Chu Xun did not give up. He urged the Golden Dragon Sword again, and slashed fiercely at the big axe. His face became ferocious, his eyes were fierce, and he seemed to be ready to risk his life to kill the opponent.

Although the power of Chu Xun's Golden Dragon Sword was reduced, it was not something that the big man could resist.

The big man felt the terrifying aura coming from the Golden Dragon Sword, his expression changed drastically, and he hurriedly fled to the rear, trying to avoid this attack.

When Chu Xun saw this, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and the Golden Dragon Sword swung several swords again, one after another sword lights flew out, attacking the big man's body.

The big man quickly waved the big ax in his hand to resist those sharp sword lights.

However, although the big man's reaction was fast, he was still a beat slower. The big ax in his hand was cut by Chu Xun's series of sword lights, and dense holes appeared immediately.

Seeing this, the big man became anxious and couldn't care about anything else. He swung the big ax in his hand and threw it at Chu Xun again.

Chu Xun's face changed, and he quickly swung the Golden Dragon Sword to block the opponent's axe.


Chu Xun was punched by the big man at the right time, and he flew upside down, spit out a mouthful of blood, and his face turned pale for a while.

Seeing that he had repelled Chu Xun, the big man couldn't help showing a look of complacency on his face.

However, before he could maintain his complacent look for a long time, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his stomach, which made him let out a scream.

"Little bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

He was hit by Chu Xun's kick, and the veins on his forehead jumped violently. It was obvious that he was injured a lot, and the breath on his body was also much weaker.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xun was overjoyed, and rushed forward waving the Golden Dragon Sword in his hand.

He knew in his heart that the current self had gained the upper hand, and he must seize this opportunity to kill the opponent in one go.

Otherwise, it is very likely that I will never have such a good opportunity today.

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