Immediately afterwards, without further delay, Chu Xun immediately led an army of one hundred thousand and headed for Iron Eagle City.

The mighty Chu army came, and Gongsun Dan, the lord of Iron Eagle City, was a little panicked, and hurriedly asked his subordinates to lead the army to resist.

But this time, Chu Xun came with the certainty of winning, so he was very aggressive in attacking.

However, he still underestimated the strength of the Chu army.

The Chu army was not only large in number and well-equipped, but most importantly they had excellent cooperation and unified command, so the siege battle quickly fell into a disadvantage.

Gongsun Dan, the lord of Iron Eagle City, saw that his city gate could no longer be guarded, so he hurriedly sent someone to notify the people in the city to retreat, while he himself stayed on the city wall to defend.

Gongsun Dan is a smart person, and he also knows that Iron Eagle City has no way to continue to hold on, and the only way to do it is to evacuate as soon as possible.

Otherwise, he will lose his life, and it is also possible that the entire Iron Eagle City will be plunged into war.

The Chu army quickly rushed across the city and headed south.

The Chu army pursued all the way until they captured the entire city before stopping the pursuit.

The people in the city ran out one after another and looked out of the city, only to see the dark Chu army chasing them in the distance, and they were all trembling with fright.

Many people even fell to their knees and kowtowed their heads, hoping to save their lives. They knew this was their last chance to survive.

If you miss it, then you are really finished, so now they cherish this life very much.

Looking at the people kneeling before them, the soldiers of the Chu army couldn't help showing sympathy, but they didn't stop, and immediately ordered to shrink their formation and continue chasing and killing the enemy.

Seeing that the Chu army had stopped their pursuit, Gongsun Dan heaved a sigh of relief, but he did not escape, and still stood on the tower, looking at everything in front of him, with a look of determination on his face.

Looking at these people, Chu Xun couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and ordered to the soldiers beside him, "Take these people back and resettle them."

The soldier agreed and immediately went down to carry out the order.

Seeing this, Gongsun Dan finally breathed a sigh of relief, and he also knew that he was doomed this time.

But he is not afraid, he still has a long time, he believes that he can wait, as long as he lives for a day, he has a chance to make a comeback.

After all, the foundation of Yan Cang's family is still very deep, and he believes that his Gongsun family will not die just like that.

So Gongsun Dan fled outside the city with his people.

Seeing this, Chu Xun prepared to chase after him.

"Chu Xun, I'll kill you!" At this moment, there was an angry roar from behind, and then a group of people riding tall horses and wearing armor galloped towards him.

The leader is tall and tall, with sharp-edged faces, and a pair of tiger eyes revealing a strong killing intent. It can be seen how angry he is at the moment.

After Chu Xun heard it, he was taken aback for a moment, then turned his head to look, only to see a familiar figure in his eyes.

"Song Zan?!" Chu Xun said in surprise.

When Song Zan saw Chu Xun, he also had a ferocious expression on his face, and snorted coldly: "Chu Xun, I've been looking for you, I didn't expect to meet you today, hahaha!"

"Do you really think that if you run to the ends of the earth, I will have nothing to do with you? Tell you, today I will personally kill you and avenge my son Song He!"

Hearing this, Chu Xun also showed a dignified expression, although Song Zan is a reckless man with no culture, only know how to act recklessly.

But he is the Patriarch of the Song family after all, Chu Xun still has some fears, and he also knows Song Zan's strength.

However, although Song Zan's strength is strong, Chu Xun also has his own cards, so he is not worried.

Song Zan saw that Chu Xun hadn't spoken, and the anger on his face became more vigorous. He held a big knife and rushed towards Chu Xun.

Seeing Song Zan rushing forward, Chu Xun did not show any weakness and raised his sword to fight.

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The weapons of the two collided with each other, making a crisp sound. After the two long swords collided with each other, they immediately separated, and Chu Xun also stepped back.

This shocked Song Zan a little.

He knew Chu Xun's strength and knew that he was not Chu Xun's opponent, but he also knew that he couldn't just give up.

"Chu Xun, I, Song Zan, will fight you to the death today. Even if I risk my life, I will kill you by the horse!" Song Zan said while stepping back, gnashing his teeth.

After Chu Xun heard this, he shook his head: "Song Zan, Song Zan, you look down on me too much! With your strength, you dare to fight me, you are simply overwhelmed!"

When Song Zan heard this, he became even more angry from embarrassment, and shouted angrily, "Then let you taste my strength!"

As soon as the words fell, Song Zan suddenly raised his sword and slashed at Chu Xun fiercely.

Song Zan's broadsword contained enormous power, and Chu Xun felt a sense of heaviness when he slashed it down, making his heart feel breathless.

Such power was indeed beyond his expectations.

Seeing this, Chu Xun didn't dare to be negligent in the slightest. He also lifted the long sword in his hand and moved towards Song Zan's sword.

With a crisp sound, the two long swords collided fiercely.

A huge explosive force instantly spread from between the two weapons, and then a huge counter-shock force instantly swept across the entire battlefield.

Seeing this, Song Zan also had a painful expression on his face, but he didn't hesitate at all, and took another step forward, and kicked Chu Xun hard in the abdomen.

Chu Xun was caught off guard, and suddenly felt a strong impact. He couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of blood, and took several steps back.


Seeing that Chu Xun was injured, Song Zan also had an excited expression on his face, and once again charged towards Chu Xun with a sword in his hand. This time, Song Zan's speed became much faster again.

Seeing this, Chu Xun was not to be outdone, and raised his sword to meet him, and the two fought fiercely in the air.

For a while, the battle between the two was inseparable.

Song Zan's broadsword swings are more intensive than Chu Xun's, but he is still slightly inferior to Chu Xun.

But he didn't admit defeat, instead he fought more and more courageously, the big knife in his hand became faster and faster, and he fought more and more fiercely.

Chu Xun frowned a little when he saw Song Zan getting more and more courageous in the battle. He knew that although Song Zan was a reckless man, he was also a mighty fighter.

If I continue to fight with him, I am afraid that I will be the one who suffers. If this continues, I am afraid there is no way out, and I have to end the fight quickly.

Thinking of this, Chu Xun immediately cast a warning look at Song Zan.

With a thought in his mind, Chu Xun immediately displayed his martial soul.

When he advanced to the ninth-rank realm, he awakened his martial soul.


A golden ray of light immediately appeared above Chu Xun's head, and when the light dissipated, a little golden lion appeared behind Chu Xun.

There is a faint halo around it, which is the characteristic of Chu Xun's martial soul.

"Golden dragon roaring at the moon and lion! Break it!" Chu Xun yelled angrily, and the sword in his hand suddenly slashed forward.

A dragon chant was accompanied by a blinding white light, piercing the sky directly and bombarding Song Zan's body.

"Ah!" Song Zan screamed, and the whole person flew upside down and fell heavily on the ground, and Chu Xun's sword directly injured Song Zan.


A mouthful of hot blood spewed out, and Song Zan's body trembled violently. Obviously, Chu Xun's move caused him serious damage.

Seeing this scene, the corner of Chu Xun's mouth also raised a smug smile. He knew that Song Zan was no longer his opponent, and he would win this battle.

"Chu Xun, do you really want to fight against me?" Song Zan struggled to stand up and looked at Chu Xun with resentment on his face, staring at Chu Xun viciously.

Chu Xun heard the words, but also showed a playful look, looked at Song Zan with a sneer and said:

"Song Zan, you are too confident, and you underestimate me, Chu Xun, do you think you can stop me by relying on you? What an idiot talking in sleep!"

"Hmph, today either you die or I die!"

When Song Zan heard this, an angry look immediately appeared on his face, he gritted his teeth and said, after speaking, Song Zan raised the big knife in his hand again, and attacked Chu Xun frantically.

"In that case, let me show you my true strength!" Chu Xun also shouted angrily, raised his long sword, and charged towards Song Zan, and the two of them fought again.

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