In an instant, the soul is broken!

When the silver-white flame hit the Golden Guardian, it exploded with terrifying power!

Intense heat and strong light radiated out in all directions!

In just less than half a second, a huge pothole was burned out on the body of the Golden Guardian!

1/5 of the gold structure on the back was melted away!

"hold head high!!!!"

And the monster let out an extremely shrill howl in an instant.

Far harsher and weirder than any other time!

"Oh! Shet!!!!"

"I'm dying! No!!"

On the side, James is rolling with his head in his arms!All kinds of dirty words were spat out randomly from the mouth, it was really miserable.

However, Chu Xun couldn't care about the situation of this mercenary, so he hurriedly took Blast Pony back to Wonderful Manor.

At the same time, the power of friction to make a fire is activated again.

Silver-white flames condensed from the fingertips.

At this time, the golden giant is visible to the naked eye, fearful and restless!

He waved his limbs vigorously, rolling and crawling!

It wants to escape!

But the speed of Jin ZhiGuard is no match for Chu Xun who is blessed with Yufeng.

In an instant, the silver-white flame hit the giant's shoulder again, and another large piece of gold was burned and melted!

"hold head high!!"

Then came the screams that shook the sky!

And James rolled his head in his arms.

But Chu Xun was mechanized, repeating his previous actions again and again.

Rubbing to make a fire, creating a silvery white flame, stepping forward, stretching out a finger to point a hole in the body of the golden giant.

The giant howled, and James howled even worse!

And so on and on!

After Nirvana, the addition of the fire element was not long, Chu Xun knew that he had to solve it as soon as possible!

Otherwise, I have to scrape this golden giant!

However, Chu Xun also knew that this golden giant couldn't withstand a few blows from the silver-white flames!

Its life has long been like a candle in the wind!

It's just that when Chu Xun rubbed flames on his fingers for the seventh time, he didn't even attack.

The golden giant howled miserably!

Fall to the ground!

At this time, there were 6 shockingly huge cavities in the monster's body!

Then the golden guard's body slowly melted, turning into a pool of strange liquid metal!

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Chu Xun's ear.

[Kill the leader monster, Guardian of Gold, congratulations for getting 5000 experience points! 】

[As the first person to independently kill the leader monster, Guardian of Gold, you have additionally obtained the exclusive item Gold Seal]

——"Congratulations, Master, you have defeated a strong enemy again!"

The voice of little V sounded at the right time.

"Finally, this thing is done."

"It really took me a lot of effort."

When Chu Xun heard the prompt, he also confirmed the death of the boss with a joyful tone.

Although the guardian of gold is not difficult to fight.

But torture is real torture!

Afterwards, Chu Xun went straight to the pool of liquid metal.

Easily touch it with your fingers.

[Successful collection!Obtained a level 5 skill - Edge! 】

"This is a skill at the same level as Nirvana, so the effect shouldn't be bad, right?"

Chu Xun thought about it, and with some distaste, he bypassed the liquid metal left behind after the death of the Golden Guardian.

Then, with a thought, he opened the skill panel and inquired about his gains from groping the corpse.

[Level 5 Skill Sharpness - All metal weapons can be equipped with sharpness, and the attack ignores the defense. 】

"This... is a bit powerful!"

After a quick glance, Chu Xun understood the effect of this skill.

The introduction is not many words, but very strong!

With the help of this sharp effect, you can ignore the enemy's defense!

What is this concept?

It is equivalent to having this skill.

Chu Xun can easily kill any monster with extremely high hardness like the golden giant!

Don't have to suffer the pain of scraping anymore!

What is even more exaggerated is its launch effect, as long as it is a metal weapon, it can be used!

It's almost the same as having no threshold!

Undoubtedly, Chu Xun has another big killer and hole card in his hand!

And it's different from the previous side effect of Nirvana suffering from suspended animation for 3 minutes...

This sharp, simple and rough, suitable for any situation!

No need to pay extra price, it is simply a magic skill.

"That's right, that's right. According to the rules of this multi-layered mountain peak, there is likely to be a guardian of the earth behind!"

"It's probably the kind that's particularly hard! At that time, you can use this skill to teach the boss a good lesson."

Chu Xun happily closed the skill panel.

Now he is not what he used to be!

Edge effect at your fingertips!

Who dares to call Chu Xun scraping?

Then, he took out the items dropped by the Golden Guardian from his backpack.

A heavy emblem carved with countless sharp swords and blades, very beautiful, but useless.

Chu Xun took a glance with the pupil of true sight.

Sure enough, it was the same situation as before.

[Golden Seal:? ? ? ? 】

And Chu Xun was in a good mood, and didn't care about this prop, which was temporarily useless.

Casually, put the Golden Seal into the backpack.


After checking the harvest, Chu Xun looked around again.

The surrounding ground was trembling slightly.

Then there are countless exposed gold nuggets, showing signs of melting similar to the appearance of the guardian of gold before.

"Sure enough, it's the same as last time!"

"After the boss dies or feigns death, mobs will be refreshed!"

Chu Xun immediately guessed the truth.

As he expected, many smaller golden creatures condensed out, holding sharp blades.

"hold head high!!"

The group of monsters howled and rushed over.

Seeing this scene, Chu Xun was happy instead.

"It's good to come!"

There is still a full minute and a half of his Nirvana effect left!

You must know that the bosses of these golden creatures can't stop the burning of the silvery white flames.

If it were these mobs, they would probably die even worse!

Chu Xun immediately activated the friction to light the fire again, rubbing out two fireworks.

He randomly picked a lucky monster that was closer to him.

Push it up with one finger!

The violent flames exploded in an instant!

That lucky golden creature was devoured directly, and then burned to death!

Only a small puddle of metallic liquid remains.

[Kill the trial monster Golden Guard, congratulations on getting 140 experience points]

Stop talking, touch it!

[Successful collection!Gain 3 strength attributes! 】

It seems that it really is a mob belonging to the same series as those fire guards!

Three attributes are given.

Experience value is also good.

Chu Xun was in a good mood.

Because this time, relying on his temporary full fire element affinity, it is estimated that the efficiency of killing these golden guards is much higher!

What are you waiting for?

brush up!

He rushed directly into the center of the formation of nearly a hundred golden creatures in front of him alone.

Chu Xun first killed four more golden guards, touched the power attributes, and then started to kill more efficiently!

Friction to make a fire, just a finger, instant kill!

Friction to make a fire, just a finger, instant kill!


The monsters around him fell like harvesting wheat.

And Chu Xun's ears also kept sending melodious reminders.

[Kill the trial monster Golden Guard, congratulations on getting 140 experience points]

【Kill... 】


"It's done, let's get to work."

Following Chu Xun, he burned and killed the last golden guard with silver-white flames.

The time for his full fire elemental affinity has just ended.

Chu Xun clicked on the level panel and glanced at the experience value.

Plus the 5000 gold guardian, and the harvest of these mobs.

The experience value has already broken through the 19,000 mark, even approaching 2 points.

You know, before Chu Xun only had an experience value of just over a thousand!

In other words, the competition has just started less than two hours.

He has collected a full 18,000 experience points!

This is extremely terrifying data!

And with the blessing of cutting-edge skills, Chu Xun's efficiency in spawning monsters has been greatly improved.

After that, he will gain experience points even faster!

At this time, Ayina, who gathered the strength of the whole village, barely collected less than 3000 experience points.

As for Baba's simple leveling with his teammates, he only collected more than 1000 experience points!

The difference in efficiency with Chu Xun is almost ten times more!

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