At this time, in the village of 2333.

With the slow closing of the competition channel.

Most of the players also stopped spraying people with unsatisfactory intentions!

However, their emotions were still extremely excited, and they all started to cheer!

The messages in the chat box are also skyrocketing!

"God Chu, awesome! Once again turning the tide!"

"Long live God Chu! Saved the whole village!"

"Thanks to God Chu this time! Reverse the game again!"

"6666! God of Chu is invincible!"

"I really kneel down to the boss! God Chu's original experience value is lower than that of the village chief! He can turn defeat into victory!"

"God Chu is really scary! It's awesome!"

Countless players seem crazy!

They touted Chu Xun's last reversal operation!

My heart is full of admiration and awe!

But at this time, it wasn't just these ordinary players.

All the village managers are also very excited!

"Again, God Chu!"

"Great! God Chu made a move here!"

"Our village really depends on this mysterious strong man!"

Even if they have a sense of presence in the village, they are considered strong.

At this moment, there is nothing but admiration and admiration for this great god who reversed the result of the competition!

Chu Xun is the biggest hole card in 2333 village!

This time I can win the competition, thanks to this one!

And for the subsequent competitions, it may still depend on this great god!

Then, why not try your best to build a good relationship with the other party!

This is the most important thing for the whole village!

And the players also cheered in the chat box.

"God Chu, this victory depends entirely on you alone!"

"God Chu, say something! We are all waiting!"

"God Chu..."

They even swiped the screen one by one.

Obviously looking forward to Chu Xun's speech!

However, the people in Village 2333 waited and waited, but there was still no response.

They're used to it, did God Chu not say a word last time?

However, there was still discussion in the chat box.

"God Chu is too cold, isn't he even willing to say a word about such a big matter?"

"Could it be that for God Chu, such a small matter is not worth talking about? To him, it seems that the victory of the reversal contest is insignificant at all!"

"That's right, this is the God of Chu! The state of mind is perfect! Honor or shame!"

In the end, the players also came to a conclusion.

For God Chu.

Reversal race?

Beat Ah San?

Not worth mentioning at all!

Not only is he powerful, but his heart is far beyond ordinary people!


At this time, Chu Xun nodded frequently while heading towards the sixth floor, and Xiao V's pleasant voice was next to his ears, reading the contents of the chat box one by one.

Already exuberant!

Yes, talk more!Talk more!

I love to hear it!

However, Chu Xun's expression was still very calm.

His thinking is very clear, the people in 2333 village are right!

I am indeed honored!Perfect heart!

look at me now!How calm!

A little bit, are you happy?


Joyfully, Chu Xun suddenly remembered something.

Previously, I was attracted by the tips from the trading house.

Actually forgot to claim the reward for winning the contest.

Then he chuckled.

"This is the biggest gain in recent days!"

Chu Xun was in a great mood as he checked the contribution rewards after winning the competition!

Why did he hurry up and kill several bosses quickly?

Isn't it, this contribution reward?

Chu Xun first took out two equipment blind boxes.

Same as the last competition, silver level, but there are two of them.

"I don't ask too much! I don't want to gamble with 1%, just use the golden legend to open two practical Tier 4 items."


Choose to turn on!

Chu Xun operated twice quickly, and the light suddenly became brighter!

Then, something like a scroll appeared in his left hand.

[Pyroblast [Level 100]: One-time magic, with the power to burn everything!100% instant kill for units below [-] stars! ——Your next fireball, why is it a fireball? 】

One-shot magic?

This... is not bad.

Chu Xun thought in distaste, although he could instantly kill enemies with combat power below 100 stars, but he wanted equipment that could be used all the time rather than a consumable.

Forget it, let's barely add a hole card.

However, then he realized something belatedly.

"Isn't this fire magic!"

Afterwards, Chu Xun looked unhappy again!

Co-authoring, I won't be able to learn fire magic!Even if you get the Pyroblast, it's still a one-time scroll! ! !

Helpless, he could only look at one of the props that were issued.

It is a piece of equipment similar to a bracelet, and the shell is also decorated with fang-like patterns.

[Death Resistance [Level 200]: Whenever you take damage, your strength and agility will be increased according to the severity of the injury, up to 20 points, and down to [-] points]


Chu Xun suddenly became more energetic!

This equipment is pretty good!

The improvement of strength and agility is also very suitable for my own fighting route!

What's even better is that the minimum bonus strength and agility are 20 points, wouldn't it be such a high bonus if you just scratch the skin!

Divine outfit!

40 attributes, equal to the effect of two or three pieces of equipment on his body!

Not to mention there is a serious injury, 200 points of horror bonus!

When the time comes, there will really be those who are blind and Chu Xun desperately injured both sides!

Great fun then!

With the help of the special effects of [Death Resistance], Chu Xun's combat power doubled directly!

This equipment... good!

After happily receiving the equipment, Chu Xun felt even better!

There are still 45 attributes!

Adding five points to all attributes for a level-up gives fifteen attributes.

In addition to adding 10 to all attributes after the competition, Chu Xun is equal to being promoted to five levels in a row!

He first looked at his current attributes.

Strength 222 points, Agility 148 points, Spirit 170 points.

Chu Xun took a look...

222?This number is too two.

Almost, he had an obsessive-compulsive disorder attack, and wanted to use a little strength first to make up a round number.

However, in the end Chu Xun still held back abruptly!

Because, he found that his agility data was only 148 points!

It is still its own shortcoming.

The lowest item!

What's even more outrageous is that the gap between agility and strength is even bigger than when I added points last time!

Chu Xun was a little speechless, he was obviously an elegant and handsome swordsman with high attack and high agility.

Killing a person in ten steps is the kind that never stays behind for thousands of miles!

How could he be like a barbarian who smashed the enemy to death purely by strength!


Chu Xun thought about it for a while, and it turned out to be a matter of luck!

Monsters touching corpses along the way!

Always give yourself strength!

But so what? ?

Chu Xun smiled freely.

I, Chu, have walked in a different world so far, which part of my strength is not forcibly created by myself?

Even if the will of God wants me to be a big fool with a lot of power, I can still walk out of an elegant, handsome, high-speed and high-attack chivalrous way!

Today, I, Chu Xun——

Just want it, son-in-law Shengtian!

System, give me points!

All plus agility!

After allocating, Chu Xun naturally opened his character panel, and sure enough, his combat power has skyrocketed!

【Name】: Chu Xun

[race]: human

[Level]: Novice level 7 (3176/70000)

【Strength】: 222

[Agility]: 193

【Spirit】: 170

[Talent]: Relic Collector [ur], Contract Space [s], Emotional Intelligence [s], Clone Scroll [a], Wonderful Manor [a], Speeding Self-Healing [a], Disaster Forecast [b], True Sight [b], Weapon Refining [b], Extra-sensory Hearing [c]——[+Expand to see more+]


【Strength】: 101★

This time, the combat power directly broke through a hundred!

However, Chu Xun did not feel excited, after all, this star rating is meaningless.

Now I hold four fifth-level skills, and I have obtained the perfect equipment of [Death Resistance].

The actual combat power far exceeds the 101 on paper.

Immediately, Chu Xun felt that his sense of security had improved a lot!

After all, this is a different world!If you don't get stronger, you won't be able to sleep well!

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