It wasn't that Chu Xun was frightened.

But there is nothing around!

Didn't you say it was called the Tomb of the Spirit God?

If nothing else, it's time to brush a few zombies, ghosts and other monsters!

Without monsters, there should be several graves, right?

As a result, all that Chu Xun could see was the boundless pale yellow weapons and the empty ground that didn't look like a human being.


"This... seems like I can't leave."

What made Chu Xun even dumbfounded was that he couldn't go anymore!

That giant gate, kill or bury it!

I was directly transported to the center of this empty scene!

There is no way back!

Forget it.

Explore first, explore first.

As Chu Xun thought about it, he looked around again, feeling even more speechless.

Same view everywhere.

Where to go?

After hesitating for a while, he simply chose not to be entangled, and just followed the direction of his left hand and ran straight forward.

I want to see if I can come across something.

The mentality at the beginning was, there's always something good in this particular map, right?

Let me add some attributes!

Then, it's a cemetery anyway, you can give me two graves and let me dance, okay?

Finally, Chu Xun shouted even more in his heart.

No, you spawn a boss and fight me!

It's always empty, it's so boring!

Chu Xun also had a lot of ruthlessness, and walked for an hour or two before stopping.

His physical strength is not exhausted, but his mood is broken.

The surrounding scene, for example, he just stepped into this strange tomb of the spirit god, with yellow mist floating around, and extremely flat and empty land on all sides, with nothing in it.

Chu Xun was also speechless.

Judging from the current situation.

Just by chance.

He felt that he might not be able to find anything even if he was exhausted!

——"Master, it's okay, I'll be with you!"

——"Let's chat."

Fortunately, Xiao V's melodious voice kept echoing, which made Chu Xun feel much better.

But he still responded with some headaches.

"Strolling here all the time is not a problem!"

Chu Xun squatted down depressed, thinking, trying to find a way to break the situation.

Not to mention that after racking his brains, he really had an inspiration.

"Why don't you let Xiaopang try?"

"The Tomb of the Spirit God sounds like the name of the cemetery. There should always be some funerary objects!"

"Little Fatty may be able to lead me to find some good things."

Chu Xun's idea of ​​treating a dead horse as a living horse doctor aroused the contract space.

Summon the Gold Seeking Shougong Xiaopang who has been upgraded to level five.

This little guy was very excited when he came out, and he grabbed Chu Xun's trousers directly, looking very enthusiastic.

And the latter gently stroked the tumor-like structure on the gecko's body, and said.

"Go and find! Is there anything good around here?"

"Take me there!"

To Chu Xun's surprise, it really worked.

Xiaopang moved around in a circle, sniffed with his nose, and suddenly stood up straight, as if he was very pleasantly surprised.

Then he suddenly ran in one direction.

"found it?"

Chu Xun was also overjoyed, and quickly followed Xiaopang's movements.

One for one.

One after another.

After a while, Chu Xun was led by Xiaopang, in front of a very simple looking tomb.

"You really found it!"

Chu Xun stepped forward, picked up Xiaopang and put him on his shoulders, and praised him with a smile.

This gecko also rubbed its owner's neck affectionately, seeming very happy.

Chu Xun took a few glances, and chose to walk into the ancient tomb without much hesitation.

The scene inside made him feel quite strange.

This is a cemetery with a bit of the ancient style of the Cathay Kingdom.

There are various spell-like objects scattered all over the walls.

It seems to be suppressing something.

However, most of the charms are made of paper, and they are on the verge of breaking and crumbling with the passage of time.

Chu Xun looked at it curiously.

At the same time, along the structure of the ancient tomb, move forward to the depths.

There is no light source in this building.

Therefore, the further forward, the less and less visibility.

Fortunately, Chu Xun has friction to make a fire, and he can manually create light, but it doesn't affect it.

Along the way, he saw some strange words seemed to be carved in the interior of the ancient tomb.

It is very different from the writing method of any language in the original real world.

Chu Xun took a quick look and found that he couldn't tell the difference at all, so he gave up his plan to investigate further.

Along the way, take a quick look at the flowers.

Soon, he came to the deepest part of the cemetery.

The first thing Chu Xun saw was a coffin made of golden nanmu.

It looks quite luxurious.

"Is there anything good in there?"

He was thinking about it, but suddenly his expression changed.

Immediately rolled sideways.

In the next second, Chu Xun was standing in the original position.

A huge figure rushed out!It hit a wall directly!

Gravel splash!

As soon as Chu Xun turned his head, his stomach suddenly surged.

Reason, nothing else.

The monster that appeared looked really disgusting!

The whole body looks like a lizard, and at the same time, it has a human face, and fleshy membranes are attached to the two arms.

That alone is nothing but a grotesque appearance.

But what is even more frightening is that there is not a single piece of good meat on this monster!

Everything is rotting, growing countless maggots, flowing acid water, giving people a disgusting smell!

Chu Xun quickly threw a pupil of true seeing up.

【Name】: Ancient Corpse

[Level]: Demon·Level 9

【Strength】: 93★

——Wicked Beast·Spiritual Resentment (extremely weak, recovering)

"The boss of 93★?"

"Wait, what kind of accident is this monster level??"

"Is it above the mortal level?"

"Also, what is a monster?"

Chu Xun was a little surprised.

This is the strongest monster he has ever seen so far!

The level of demon level is obviously higher than that of mortal level.

What's more, the prefix of "monster beast" also made him quite concerned!

Obviously this monster is not simple!

Just from the momentum.

He felt that this corpse monster was more dangerous than ordinary leader-level monsters!

And the extreme weakness and recovery in the introduction made Chu Xun even more vigilant!

It is very likely that this monster, which can already sense danger to itself, is in a period when its strength is ten to none!

Once recovered, it is very likely that Chu Xun will not be able to deal with it at all!

Of course, Chu Xun didn't panic, but took out the wolf knife, wanting to fight this ancient corpse.

After all, this monster is still in a weak state, so what are you afraid of?

Then, when he was about to make a move.

It was discovered that the densely packed spells in the ancient tomb were dissipating one after another!

At the same time, in the pupil of true sight, the strength of the ancient corpse is constantly changing!

【Strength】: 94★

[Battle Power]: 95...


【Strength】: 97★

Just a few seconds.

The strength of the ancient corpse has increased a lot!In other words, it has recovered a lot!

Afterwards, the speed at which the spell collapsed became even faster!

The growth of the weird boss breath in this tomb is even faster!

"No, I can't fight with it any longer!"

Chu Xun immediately realized this.

Now, relying on multiple fifth-level skills, he is confident in beheading this weird creature!

But once all the spells in the ancient tomb collapse...

No one knows to what extent the strength of the ancient corpse will expand!

Besides... this is a boss template creature!

It can't be evaluated by the combat star rating on paper at all.

Chu Xun immediately reacted.

Let the ancient corpse ascend, once it is no longer weak...

It is very likely that I will overturn the car!

Without hesitation, he took out the props he got from opening the blind box from the Magic Manor without hesitation.


Chu Xun tore open the scroll of Pyroblast!

Although this powerful fire magic can only be used once.

I'm sorry for the value of the silver blind box.

But at this time, it is indeed the most suitable prop for the current situation!

Units with less than [-] stars combat power will be killed in seconds!

Instantly violent flames poured out!

Directly swallowed by the ancient corpse!

At this time, in the Pupils of True Sight, the combat power of this boss just reached 99★!

However, the ancient corpse had no chance and continued to grow!


After a burst of explosions, the previously tyrannical monster was wiped out in the flames!

The shell turned into fly ash!

Skeleton turned into powder!

In the end, only a pile of dry ash is left!

But even so, the effect of Pyroblast still maintained like a maggot attached to the bone!

It left a pool of flames on the ground that didn't seem to go out in a short time!

[Kill the monster and ancient corpse, congratulations for getting 8000 experience points! 】

A reminder flashed before Chu Xun's eyes, and at the same time, he had already touched the remaining ashes of the ancient corpse with the help of Huo Mian's ability.

[Successful collection!Get 10 points for all attributes]

"This harvest is so-so!"

He was a little bit pained, it was too dangerous not to use Pyroblast in the situation just now, but the benefit of defeating the ancient corpse monster, all attributes +10, can only be said to be okay.

However, it doesn't make much money.

However, in the next second, a reminder sounded in Chu Xun's ear again.

[Player Chu Xun, killed a monster for the first time!Lay an important cornerstone for the invasion of other worlds!Here is a reward: the experience value gain is permanently increased by 50%]

For a moment, Chu Xun was stunned!

Afterwards, he fell into a surprise, permanently increasing the income of experience value by 50%!

This reward is an explosion!

It is equal to a permanent improvement in the efficiency of spawning monsters compared to others!

This is the reward any player would dream of!

Afterwards, Chu Xun was even more puzzled. It seemed that being able to kill monsters was a very important ability for invading other worlds?

So I was specially commended?

Monster, is there anything special?

It doesn't look very good!

Chu Xun was thinking, with a blank expression on his face.

However, he is not a person who likes to be entangled, and he quickly put this issue behind him.

Because, at this moment, Chu Xun has one more important matter.

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