Not to mention the tension and uneasiness in Village 2333, and the arrogance of Village 997!

At this time, one person was very depressed.

That is Chu Xun.

He is in a hurry!



Why can't those participating in the duel watch the live broadcast! ! !

Do you know what kind of life I spent in this tomb of the spirit god!

Everywhere, there is yellow smoke and a dead and empty world!

I'm almost...

——"Master, what a pity, you can't watch the live broadcast anymore."

—— "But it's okay! I will always be with you."

Xiao V's voice resounded in his mind, but Chu Xun's mood improved a bit.

The chubby next to him also gently rubbed against him, as if he was acting coquettishly to please him.

With the company of these two little guys, Chu Xun relieved a lot of his irritability in being in a strange world.

As for the live showdown, he didn't really care too much about it.

It's just pecking at each other!

If you don't read it, don't read it!

At this time, Chu Xun was following Xiaopang towards the direction where the yellow smoke was the thickest.

It's not this gecko lizard, but a new discovery has been made.

It was only this time that Chu Xun knew that this little scammer would have an expiration date for his abilities based on the level of the treasures he found.

To put it simply, the better the thing you find, the longer it will take Xiaopang to cool down his treasure hunting ability!

This time, it seems to be resting for more than a month!

Fortunately, Chu Xun woke up in the morning, and when he was observing, he found that the location of the ancient tomb was denser than the location where he first appeared.

Therefore, he now has a goal, walk towards the place where the fog is thicker, and it's over!

While walking, Chu Xun was also watching the content in the competition channel and chat box.

Not long after, a system message was sent out.

[The first duel, the victor Village No. 2333]

After that, many players from village 2333 spoke on the competition channel.

"The village chief is awesome! He beat that Andre by leapfrogging!"

"Great! It's a good start! What's the use of having a high level! The strength is too weak!"

"Next, just win three more games! God Chu will definitely win the opponent!"

Obviously, Feng Qingjiang's victory gave people hope again!

As for Village No. 997, they were in a state of desperation!

"Fuck! Andre! You bastard, you made us lose a game first!"

"Go to hell! You shit!"

"Don't be proud of Huaxia's waste, you will look good in the future!"

However, in the case of losing a game, their clamor is meaningless at all!

But Chu Xun looked at the content of the competition channel, but became a little worried.

He didn't even look at the strength of the people who participated in the duel competition in village 997 given by the system.

Anyway, definitely not as strong as myself.

Therefore, at this time Chu Xun suddenly felt something was wrong!

Your own game is the last one!

As for Village No. 2333, Feng Qingjiang directly won a duel?

Then it shouldn't be, 2333 village will easily win the next few games!

In the most unlucky situation, the game is over even before he has played!

That's embarrassing!

The first reward for your own competition contribution, so fly away!

Thinking, thinking, Chu Xun felt that his mood was not very good!

But, fortunately, the next moment, he found that there seemed to be a shadow of a building in the corner of his eye.

In an instant, Chu Xun's unhappiness was dispelled a lot!

My thinking is indeed correct, just walk towards a place where the fog is thicker and you'll be done!

He rushed forward excitedly.


After Chu Xun walked in, he found that the building was a structure similar to a Taoist temple.

But it's pretty dilapidated.

There are large gaps in the roof.

And the interior can be described as a bare house.

Nothing but a few broken tables and chairs.

It wasn't until Chu Xun searched all the way to the bedroom that he barely found anything.

A few skeletons that had been dead for an unknown number of years.

He touched them with his fingers one by one, but he gained something.

[Successful collection!Gain 3 points of spirit]

[Successful collection!Gain 5 points of spirit]


Chu Xun diligently turned over the entire gymnasium, Ling Ling always got another 20 spiritual attributes, which is a good harvest.

What makes him even happier is.

After adding agility last time, the spirit attribute was hardly used, so it was hardly added.

But it has also become the lowest item in one's own attributes.

Now the three attributes break through [-] at the same time!

You know, other players, even the strongest group, who can break through 100 in a single attribute are considered pretty good!

Of course, this matter has only one meaning to Chu Xun.

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, great satisfaction!

After touching the corpse, Chu Xun didn't give up.

Continue to rummage in the Taoist temple, trying to find some usable props.

However, it is a pity that after all, this gymnasium has gone through too many years, even if Chu Xun searched for it very seriously, it was just a waste of time for himself.

Until then, about two or three hours later, Chu Xun could only helplessly kick the wall of the dilapidated gymnasium.

"Almost all props that seem to be usable are turned into fly ash when touched!"

After being overwhelmed with emotion, he could only leave in embarrassment.

There is no point in staying in the Taoist temple.

Chu Xun soon walked into the empty world of the Tomb of the Spirit God again.

Proceed to the place where the fog is thick.

"By the way, let's see where the village competition is now."

Along the way, in order to avoid boredom, Chu Xun opened the competition channel and chat box.

Coincidentally, at this moment.

The system prompt just refreshed.

[The eighth match, the winner of the match, Village No. 997! 】


Chu Xun obviously didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at this time.

Next, is the improvement of the system that appears directly in the ear and in the field of vision.

[No. 997 village won five rounds in the duel competition and won the match point! 】

[Village No. 2333 can choose to fight to the death or admit defeat directly]


Chu Xun was stunned. He opened the competition channel earlier and still won!

This is cool?

Even, he hasn't played yet, so it seems to be over? ?

What the hell is this?

He quickly flipped through the history of the competition channel.

As a result, his face was speechless.

Only Feng Qingjiang, Ayina and Luo Ying won!

The others were wiped out directly!

However, Chu Xun's expression brightened afterwards.

He looked at the previous explanation about the deathmatch mode, and enjoyed it!

It's not difficult to pick nine out of one!

"Isn't this, giving me the first contribution for nothing?"


He is happy.


However, Chu Xun was having fun here.

In 2333 village, countless people's mentality exploded!

"How did this happen? Lost again?"

"It's over! The god who turned the tide hasn't played yet, it's over!"

"It really exploded this time! God Chu can't save us either!"

"Damn! A bunch of cheaters! It would be nice to win one more game! Now there is absolutely no chance!"

"It's over! This competition, I lost!"

Players are desperate!

This scene, the competition is over!

Everyone tacitly did not mention the deathmatch mode.

That is simply not something humans can do!

There is only one Chu God left, no matter how strong he is, there is a limit!

The god who tried his best to turn the tide can't go against the sky! !

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