However, in the line of defense, there are still more sober people.

They directly yelled at those who accused Chu Xun!

"God Chu, is that your father? Are you going to save the village?"

"That's right! He's not from the village! Can you manage him?"

"Speechless! I have saved you three times, and changed my face once I didn't show up?"

"Are you stupid? Moral kidnapping? Is this useful?"

"Even if God Chu originally wanted to make a move, he wouldn't do it after seeing you!"

"Fuck! A bunch of trash, not worth God Chu to save!"

On the one side is the idiot who scolds and accuses Chu Xun and kidnaps Chu Xun morally.

Very angry!

At the same time, each of them hastily separated the relationship and spoke for Chu Xun!

You know, the reason why God Chu didn't make a move is still uncertain!

Definitely have to say something nice about that guy!

Accusing others of being traitors, and still counting on God Chu to save you?

It's too stupid!

Only by licking Chu God as much as possible, can there be hope!

The complicated thoughts of the players in 2333 village.

The Japanese players who invaded Village 1122 don't understand!

However, it does not prevent them from watching a show.

"Haha! It's really an inferior person, it's already at this time! There's still internal strife!"

"I'm laughing to death! Immediately lose the competition and civil strife?"

"This group of people is really the most rubbish village I have ever seen!"

"Do they still think there is hope? What kind of god do they rely on?"

"Trash is like this! That Chu God is here, so what?"

"They're all doomed! Return to God Chu? It's useless if the true god comes!"

The players in village 1122 looked like they were enjoying the show.

Obviously, I feel extremely disdain and contempt for the performance of the two players in village 2333 against each other!

As for God Chu, who was hotly discussed by Chinese players.

Japanese players don't care at all!

It's nothing more than a lone ranger who went on an adventure and didn't come back to participate in the competition!

Do you care about using it?

Even if, the so-called Chu God really appeared!It can't go against the sky!

Just a player, how strong can he be?

The game is settled!

Looking at the proud gestures of the players of the Wa Kingdom, the people of Xinshou Village No. 2333, gnashing their teeth!

But there is nothing you can do!

It is difficult for them to even hold the village, so how can they even think to refute it!

"Fuck! I don't believe it today, and I can't keep it anymore!!"

And several stronger players in the 2333 village roared even more!

However, right now!

Suddenly, several village managers in the rear shouted in a desperate voice!

"Quick retreat! The back of the village has been breached!"

"Everyone retreat to the stronghold where the crystals are generated!"

In an instant, all the defending players turned on the competition channel reflexively, and took a look at the live broadcast page of the invasion game!

At this time, it seems to be replaying wonderfully.

In the next second, the players in Village No. 2333 fell into an ice cave!

In the screen, beside the two players who were still in a stalemate, several shadows with extremely strange speeds suddenly appeared from the shadows.

Then the hand raised the knife and fell, and several Huaxia players were killed in an instant!

Immediately, under the inferior number of people, the originally precarious line of defense was broken through!

Then, the player who was originally guarding was wiped out in a very short period of time!

No one is spared!

Then, players from the Wa country filed in!

"It's impossible!"

"How can it be so fast!"

"It must be fake! I don't believe it!"

Many players from Village 2333 with poorer psychological qualities shouted in dismay!

They really can't accept this reality!

However, in the next second, everyone's faces turned pale!

The system's prompt resounded through the sky!

[Congratulations on the successful invasion of Village 1122!Break through the wall of Village No. 2333! 】

What the hell!

it is true!

Everyone in Village No. 2333 is devastated!Silly!

The wall is broken!

what does this mean?

The only advantage that the players in Village No. 2333 have over the Japanese invaders in Village No. 1122 is the geographical advantage!

Be aware of the situation in which the wall behind the village is breached.

The fortifications ahead also lost their meaning.

Once you continue to forcibly defend, you will only be attacked by Japanese players who poured into the village.

Moreover, if Japanese players do not seek to kill more than 90% of the defenders, if they open double rewards.

It is completely possible to bypass the guards in other directions of the village and go straight to the crystals distributed by the system in this invasion match.

Players in village 2333, if you don't want to just admit defeat at this time.

The only way is to get out of the fence all together.

Come to the open space in the center of the village and defend to the death, invading your own crystal in the game!

But the place where the crystal is located is just an open space!

Players in village 2333 can only use their own lives to delay the attack of the invaders!

Even... it can't be delayed for long!

There is a gap in strength!

However, at this time, no one is willing to give up!

The loss of the competition was too tragic!

So even though morale is almost zero!

One by one, the players still withdrew from the various positions guarded by the village.

Desperately rushed to the crystal in the center of the village.

And the players in village 1122 were ecstatic!

from their perspective.

Victory is set!

After losing the location of the wall.

The remaining players in Novice Village No. 2333 are just toys for them to kill or even entertain!

There is not even a [-]% chance of a comeback!


"It's not that easy?"

On the frontal defensive front, the short Japanese youth from before issued the order again!

"Chasing and killing them!"

He led a group of Japanese players in a frenzied pursuit of the evacuated Chinese from Village 2333!

The train of thought of the short stature youth is very clear!

In Novice Village No. 2333, the original defense line retreated to the distance in front of the crystal, causing as much damage as possible!

The lion fights the rabbit, and does his best!

To ensure that Village 1122 has the highest winning rate!

However, many players in Village No. 2333 have seen Wa Kingdom's plan.

But they have nothing to do!

Panic is inevitable during the retreat, and we can only watch one after another of our compatriots die tragically under the enemy's butcher's knife!Finally, when the various defensive teams from all directions of the village converged in front of the crystal, the number of them was less than 300!

The number of invaders was basically the same as the number of Japanese invaders.

But the problem is, the gap in strength between the two sides has killed all suspense and possibility!

Before the crystal, the players in village 2333 were already full of despair!

He just instinctively picked up his weapon and faced those Japanese players.

They still don't want to give up!

Then, the only consequence of this is——

A scene like a meat grinder!

Huaxia players and Japanese players are fighting together!

But the people in village 2333 were clearly at a disadvantage!

Players were constantly hacked to death by several Japanese people!Dismember!

On the contrary, the battle damage of the invaders in Village No. 1122 is very beautiful!Not much to lose!

However, there was another small turmoil in the situation!

"Fuck, I won't let you pass even if I die!"

A player from Village 2333 whose legs had been cut off directly went ruthless!

Hugging desperately, the Japanese from Village 1122 who had hit him hard just now!

Then there was a village manager from No. 2333 village in the rear, who released a powerful sword energy!

Kill the invaders!

And on the back, the players in village 2333 seemed to realize something.

"Damn! Don't be cowardly! Change with them!"

"Let's go!"

One by one also followed suit, although they were said to be weak in strength.

But relying on one's own flesh and blood can still play a little blocking role!

They simply hugged the Japanese invaders without dodging or evading!

Even if there is a disadvantage in level, this can at least control the players in village 1112 for a second or two, which is enough for the remaining strong players in the village to clean up these Japanese people!

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