Chu Xun looked at the identity blind box, his complexion also changed.

This blind box is completely different from what he saw before!

The shell of the entire box is covered with bright jade, and there are hollow structures everywhere.

The image of dragon and phoenix cast in gold.

Visually, it gives people a feeling of great value!

In addition, there is a strange aura exuding outside the blind box.

Makes people feel refreshed!

Obviously, every part of this thing is outstanding!

Put your hand on the box, and a reminder came out.

[Alien Identity Blind Box: After opening, there is a 30% probability of obtaining the identity of a new star, a 50% probability of obtaining the identity of a hero, a 19% probability of obtaining the identity of a hero, and 1% a probability of obtaining the identity of a giant! 】

Good stuff!

Chu Xun's face was immediately filled with surprise!

Although at this time, he still doesn't know what Xinrui is.

Yingjie, what level is it?

What are Xiaojie and Giant?

However, Chu Xun also knew that listening to the name should be good!

Of course, it is estimated that only Chu Xun can be so relaxed.

Other players are probably very nervous about the blind box!

After all, it is the key point to determine the start of your own world!

However, Chu Xun is a man with a golden legend!

Guaranteed to be Yingjie's identity with a 70% probability!

Just take off that one!

Chu Xun is still very close to the numbers, and he doesn't expect the extremely rare 1% giants to appear.

It would be nice if I just want to open a rare Xiaojie status.

He knocked on the box and muttered silently in his heart.

"Golden Legend", give me some strength!

Then I chose to open the blind box!

Next second!The brilliance is gone!

In front of Chu Xun's eyes, a reminder was quickly displayed!

[Acquiring the identity of another world: Xiaojie—the master of the Cheyu Sect! 】


Chu Xun was stunned on the spot!

Heart pounding!

Master of one sect!

This... no, it's time to take off!

Before Chu Xun thought he was lucky.

It would be nice to open a position like a true disciple!

After being able to let those sects fully cultivate themselves in the foreign world, it will not be able to develop quickly!

But now the surprise is too big!

Directly became suzerain!

This still needs to be cultivated?

The entire sect is his own!

Chu Xun has thought it all over!

After entering the foreign world, immediately mobilize the power of the whole clan to help him collect the corpses.

I estimate that I can figure out the sky in a very short period of time!


He took advantage of the opportunity and brought his sect to grow bigger and stronger together!

Get to the top!

Chu Xun was very excited to plan, feeling that his luck was really awesome!

Other players have to fight hard after entering another world, but he is different!

The end point where other players have to fight hard after reincarnation!

Chu Xun had been sitting there since he was born!

What is top luck?

That must be me!

Then, the system beeped again!

[Congratulations to the player Chu Xun for opening the [Alien Identity Blind Box·Gold] and obtaining the status of Xiaojie: Suzerain of the Cheyu Sect! 】

[Congratulations to the player Chu Xun for opening the [Alien Identity Blind Box·Gold] and obtaining the status of Xiaojie: Suzerain of the Cheyu Sect! 】

【Congratulations to players...】


In an instant, under Chu Xun's unclear situation, he became famous again!

Players who came from all over the world were swiped again in their field of vision!

Countless people are amazed here!

"The position of suzerain?? Damn!"

"Isn't this taking off after entering another world??"

"Damn it! This identity is simply invincible!"

"This... what the hell! This Chu Xun is really lucky!"

"My God, this Chu Xun is not only the first to be promoted to level 10, but also so outrageously lucky!"

"I'm crying! What kind of concept is Xiaojie!"

Some people are extremely envious, jealous and jealous!

After all, the status of the suzerain is too good!It means that a lot of resources can be easily mobilized!

At the same time, more people expressed emotion, this Chu Xun's luck is also a bit amazing!

Simply, he is the chosen one!

However, no matter what the idea is, all players understand it.

This player named Chu Xun must take off!

Even among the billions of players who descended from all over the world, the top few have already reached level nine. At this time, I feel a little exaggerated in my heart!

"This Chu Xun...could it be someone with great luck?"

"It seems that after that, the trip to another world is destined not to be lonely."

"Having such a powerful opponent? Good! Good! Good! One of the great fortunes in life!"

These top players have already sketched a portrait of Chu Xun in their hearts at this time!

Extremely powerful!

The speed of brushing monsters to earn experience points is extremely fast!

With great luck, such a person must be the pride of a generation!

It is also the biggest opponent and competitor of these top players!


Chu Xun didn't know at this time, following the system's several broadcasts, he had come to the hearts of players all over the world, leaving such an impressive stroke!

Low key?


The proper world is focused on you!

After he finished opening the blind box at this time, his instinct was to sort out the proceeds from the previous invasion competition.


【hint!It is detected that the player Chu Xun has reached level 11 and is in a metamorphosis state, unable to open the equipment blind box!]

【hint!It is detected that the player Chu Xun has reached level 11 and is in a metamorphosis state, unable to assign free attribute points! 】

"Huh? Why is that!"

Chu Xun was stunned!

what's going on!

I've reached the eleventh level and still have this kind of cheating problem?

He looked a little upset!

Then the system prompts again.

【hint!After the player passes through the alien passage, unused attribute points and blind boxes will be converted into points]

"Good guy!"

Chu Xun instantly understood!

Just now, he almost forgot, the system reminded him once before.

After entering another world, only talent and identity can be preserved!

It's meaningless to open the blind box and add attributes now!


"It seems that the system is urging me to go to another world!"

Chu Xun is not stupid, yes, he will convert all attributes, equipment, and props into points in the future.

Now, adding one attribute and opening a piece of equipment can still improve the combat effectiveness!

But just don't open it for yourself!

Don't you understand?

When you reach level 11, hurry up and go to another world!

If you don’t give it, you will stay in Novice Village and dominate!

"Okay, since that's the case, let me go and see what the other world is like."

Chu Xun thought about it.

Then, he hesitated again.

Do you want to go back to Xinshou Village No. 2333?

Although, that wasn't his home or anything.

But when I went to another world, I would never see him again!

"And...Guan Qingbei."

Chu Xun somewhat missed this only friend.

This dream, becoming the man of Magneto, is really good for me!

Do you want to go back and visit him?

But, think about it.

Chu Xun was surprised to find that he hadn't even talked to Guan Qingbei in the past two days!

He was stunned for a long time, and suddenly realized.

"Perhaps . . . there is already a pathetically thick barrier between me and him."

Chu Xun shook his head, and he also realized that he had become the God Queen of Chu among the players in village 2333.

Just with this friend, we are drifting away!

Guan Qingbei was probably embarrassed to contact him because of the gap in strength.

As for Chu Xun himself, he was simply busy during the expedition!

How can I still think of chatting with others and communicating feelings!

By mistake, a pair of friends drifted apart.

"Hey... If that's the case, there's no need to go back."

Chu Xun felt a little melancholy, he was still alone after all!

Then go back to the village and go directly to another world.

Is there a difference?

He summoned the system panel!

Calmly pressed the button.

In the next second, countless players around the world shook again!

The information in front of them is refreshed!

[Congratulations to Chu Xun, player from village 2333, for being the first to invade another world!Reward Artifact—Stone of Creation]

[Congratulations to Chu Xun, player from village 2333, for being the first to invade another world!Reward Artifact—Stone of Creation]


The information frantically swipes the screen!

And the players were amazed!

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