Chu Xun's complexion suddenly became quite exciting.

He also vaguely sensed some taste coming.

My position as suzerain seems not so secure...

In an instant, his mind moved, and his memory surged.

It seems that I remembered something...

His original body Chu Xun in another world is really a useless person!

He has the very tyrannical, ancient holy body in ancient times!

Able to strengthen oneself with a very special way of cultivation!

It's just that the speed of practice is slower, but within the same level, it is invincible!

It's definitely the protagonist's exclusive physique!

However, the bad news is that times have changed!

The ancient holy body has long been a cheating physique!

Chu Xun's original body suffered greatly from it!

Some of the resources needed for this special physique cultivation are quite special.

What absolute spirit grass, dragon tomb stone, ancient crystallization...

You listen!

Is this like a general resource! !

And through the memory of the original owner, Chu Xun discovered even more.

These resources are not a question of precious or not at all!

But most of them are in Mingcang Realm, extinct!

That's the problem?

Without these resources.

Can the ancient Eucharist still practice?

The answer is, dream it!

The more Chu Xun looked at the memory, the more he felt speechless!

The original body has tried countless times to induce the power of the ancient holy body, but still can't get the slightest cultivation base!

It is not an exaggeration to say that he is useless!

Chu Xun was also dumbfounded at this time!

You must know that he thought his ancient holy body was a great benefit!

Co-author of pure cheating.

At this time, he had already faintly noticed something, it seemed that he had the identity he had drawn this time.

I can't say it's bad, I can only say it's kind of rubbish.

At this time, more memories flowed into Chu Xun's mind, and he suddenly realized.

The original body was even more unlucky!

He still can't use the most common way to practice in the world today.

According to query memory.

Chu Xun probably understands the mainstream practice method of Mingcang Realm.

Probably it is to use the basic introductory skills first to transform and transcend!

That is, his current state, even if he has entered the door of practice.

Afterwards, use the exercises that can breathe in and absorb the aura of heaven and earth, and continue to accumulate until a large amount of aura is condensed into a concentrated spiritual source, even if it has reached the level of a first-rank cultivator!

And above the first rank, there are second and third ranks.

It is called the lower three realms.

These three realms are mainly to temper the spiritual source and strengthen the body.

First-grade cultivation base, open up a spiritual source, and condense all the energy into one body!Double your lifespan!The strength reaches a thousand catties!

Second-grade cultivation base, spiritual power tempers fascia, strengthens flesh and blood, ordinary swords, spears, swords and halberds are hard to hurt the body!

The third-grade cultivation base, the power of the spiritual source, pours into the whole body, cleanses the bone marrow, and dissipates all the aura of the world!Otherworldly!

The next third grade, it sounds average.

But in fact, there are quite a few people who have reached the first rank.

The second grade is a bit more difficult!At least some talent is required to achieve it.

Generally, they are the elite children of the writing school.

Rank three... is enough to hold the position of elder in some small sects.

As for the elders who acted aggressively towards Chu Xun just now, most of them are only around the third rank.

Even Chu Xun's original parents were both at the top of the third rank.

As for the middle third rank and upper third rank, that is to say about the strength of the fourth to ninth rank.

Chu Xun rummaged through his memory, but also looked confused.

Because, the original body is not very clear!

However, Chu Xun does not need to understand the strength of a higher level of cultivation.

Because, with his current physique, it is estimated that there is no hope in this life!

The elders of Che Yuzong said that he is a useless person, it is really not nonsense!

Chu Xun found in his memory that his original parents in the other world were still alive, when he was the principal and deputy suzerain.

I don't know how many resources have been invested in this useless son, but the end result is meaningless.

Those heavenly materials and earthly treasures that exhausted the entire sect's efforts to search for them were completely wasted!

It also didn't let Chu Xun's original body reach the first rank!

the reason is simple!

Apart from the unusable ancient holy body, the original body's aptitude was extremely poor!

In practice, it is naturally impossible for everyone to have the same efficiency.

The same skills, the same practice time.

Someone can make rapid progress, a thousand miles a day.

And some people, such as Chu Xun's original body, made no progress even though they worked hard!

Needless to say, the reason is a question of qualifications.

According to the query memory, the division of the basic qualifications of Ming Cangjie is not complicated.

The current practice method of absorbing the aura of heaven and earth mainly tests the aptitude that everyone is born with called spiritual root.

This spiritual root is even more important than the same name in various immortal novels that Chu Xun saw in his previous life.

It not only determines the speed of cultivation.

Even comprehension and potential are affected by the spirit root.

At the same time, the spiritual root is divided into twelve grades: Miscellaneous, Ninth Grade, Eighth Grade, Seventh Grade, Sixth Grade, Fifth Grade, Fourth Grade, Third Grade, Second Grade, First Grade, Saint Body, Immortal Body.

Generally speaking, such a small sect like Che Yuzong.

Disciples who can reach the ninth-rank qualification can be included in the gate wall.

Possessing an eighth-grade spiritual root, you can promise to cultivate it carefully as a true disciple.

Higher-level spiritual roots are often controlled by those big forces and various countries.

Their cultivation speed and potential are often several times that of the disciples of small sects, or even the elders of the sect masters of small sects.

This is also one of the reasons why the rule of the Eastern Dragon Imperial Court is so unstoppable.

The top talents always gather at the top.

Therefore, the strongest will always belong to the imperial court!

So much so that the lower level has almost no means and room for resistance!

Of course, Chu Xun also learned from the original body's memory.

Even the first-grade spiritual root in the Eastern Dragon Imperial Court is the limit.

The holy body and fairy body of a higher level are almost unheard of!

It's just a legend!

So here comes the question, what qualifications does Chu Xun have now?

Theoretically speaking, the ancient holy body should almost be a holy body level spiritual root qualification.

Therefore, Chu Xun has no other talents.

That's right, he isn't even a miscellaneous spirit root!

That is to say, the original parents are extremely doting, so they are willing to spend a lot of money to improve the cultivation level of the original body, who is almost born with defects.

But it's just piled up to the Mortal Transformation Realm, and it's just a dream to break through the first rank cultivation base!

Miscellaneous spiritual roots can be cultivated at an extremely slow speed.

Chu Xun's body doesn't even have spiritual roots!

It is impossible to cultivate at all, and can only take a lot of genius treasures to barely absorb a trace of aura from it!

And most of it will be spilled.

It is not an exaggeration to say that in my current situation, the amount of resources consumed to advance to the first rank may be enough for other practitioners to advance to the fourth rank!

Even if you sell the entire Che Yuzong, you won't be able to get it all together!

Immediately, even Chu Xun felt emotional.

If I don't study it carefully, I don't even know that I am such a rubbish!

Connected like this.

Chu Xun seemed to have gradually realized that it was not unreasonable for these elders to push him down.

My original body itself consumed a lot of resources of the sect, and many people had long been resentful, but they were suppressed by the original body's parents.

Now it is another person with no cultivation to inherit the position of suzerain, who will be convinced?

After all, it was said earlier that the entire Mingcang Realm should be respected by strength!


The logic is like this, but after thinking about it, Chu Xun realized that it seemed that these elders, especially the first elder, tried their best to elect him to the position of suzerain.

Change face again now?

Chu Xun suddenly had a guess in his mind.

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