"This ancient Eucharist is a bit cheating!"

Chu Xun sat cross-legged on a boulder covered with moss, and slowly opened his eyes.

He has some good news, that is, the effect of Na Ling Jue is quite domineering.

Even if it is the ancient sacred body, this kind of cheating physique can also be cultivated through this method.

But what he was speechless about was that due to the fact that he had no spiritual roots, the growth rate of his cultivation base was extremely slow!

He practiced for half a day.

I just slightly felt that there seemed to be some spiritual energy in the body.

Other than that...it's gone!

According to the standard of gathering a spiritual source to rise to the first rank, this trace of spiritual energy must gather about seven or eight hundred wisps!

In other words, it will take about two years!

This... is different from not being able to cultivate!

Chu Xun sighed and stood up helplessly.

The location where he is now is called Yushi Mountain.

It seems to say that it was called Haishi Mountain many years ago.

However, with the discovery of a special spirit stone vein here...

Powerful people from all over the world came to mine, and it was a convention to call this place Jade Mountain.

And Chu Xunyuan's parents were also at the time when the mineral veins on this mountain were almost exhausted.

Came here to create Cheyuzong.

That's right.

Che Yuzong's name sounds quite beautiful.

But in fact, a large part of the source of income is to pick and choose among the abandoned mine veins in this Yushi mountain, to see if there are still some soup and residue left by those big sects who left and ate meat.

In other words, this sect is a group of mining people!

Therefore, the more memory is absorbed,

The more Chu Xun felt that he was expelled from the sect.

The problem is not too big!

It's just an ordinary force that is not in the middle of nowhere.

There is not much help that can be brought to oneself!

But he can only comfort himself a little like this, in fact, he is still very annoyed!

Whoever got the identity with great difficulty is just an experience card, and it will not be fun to be kicked out like a dog!

To be honest, this is the first time Chu Xun has been so angry since he was a child!

At this time, he swore secretly in his heart.

"One day. I want to take back Cheyuzong!"

"Otherwise, it's hard to solve, the hatred in my heart!"

"By the way, it can be regarded as an explanation to the original body!"

Chu Xun was full of pride, and then formulated the first idea of ​​his development plan in another world.

Gou is done!

He said harsh words in his heart, but his mind was still clear.

In the other world, Chu Xun's thinking is still the same as in Xinshou Village, developing in a low-key manner.

Relying on his talent for touching corpses, he was basically invincible in the world.

Wouldn't it be beautiful to go out of the mountain again!

However, Chu Xun also realized a very painful point.

If you say that in Novice Village, you can fight monsters and level up, and touch corpses to develop at the same time.

In another world, I can only rely on the talent of touching corpses for the time being!

With the current cultivation speed hindered by the ancient Eucharist.Even if I want to cultivate to the first rank, I guess it can be counted in years!

It's not worth the investment of time.

Then the egg hurts.

Now in another world, Chu Xun has no way to get a lot of corpses quickly!

He became depressed again.

He could only wander in the jungle while thinking about the way out, where to get some corpses.

The crisp birdsong and the fragrance of grass and trees around him eased Chu Xun's mood slightly.

After a while, Chu Xun's eyes suddenly brightened.

I have an idea.

"By the way, the contracted space is my talent, so Xiaopang should still be there now, so let's use his ability to find a treasure first?"

Chu Xun knew about it, in a world where practice like this is the mainstream.

The easiest place to find treasures, generally speaking... isn't it the cemetery of some seniors?

The cemetery...don't there be corpses?

Of course he wasn't so optimistic either.

I just thought that even if I couldn't find the cemetery, just looking for some treasures would help me improve my combat power now.

So Chu Xun no longer hesitated, and directly summoned Xiaopang out of the contract space.

This shougong is heartless, completely unaware that its master was kicked out of the sect in embarrassment not long ago.

He just rubbed against Chu Xun affectionately.

However, the latter is not in the mood to communicate with the pet now, and just gave orders very coldly and ruthlessly.

"Go and find some treasures for me, preferably the ones buried deep in the ground!"

Chu Xun was also a little lucky at this time.

After coming to another world, he found that the cooling time of all his natural skills had been reset.

Therefore, Xiaopang's treasure hunting ability can also be used again.

Otherwise, after finding the ancient tomb in the tomb of the spirit god.

One month of cooling, when will he have to wait?

After Xiaopang heard the order, he nodded in a daze.

Sniff east, sniff west, and soon there will be a goal!

Suddenly rushed in the direction of the northwest.

And Chu Xun was also overjoyed.

"Found it so quickly!"

He quickly followed Xiaopang's pace.


Along the way, Chu Xun pushed aside all kinds of weeds and thorns in the dense forest.

Gradually climb towards the peak of Yushi Mountain.

Originally, he was very firm in his steps.

But then Chu Xun stopped in his footsteps, Xiaopang stood on the edge of the cliff, and shouted excitedly for him to come over.

But Chu Xun took a few steps forward.

Depend on!Bottomless!

Is there a way to survive this fall?

——"Master, you have no skills and attributes now! Be careful!"

——"If you fall down, it will be a disaster!"

Little V's pleasant voice sounded, but no matter how Chu Xun felt it, the taste was a bit wrong!

What does it mean to fall? ?

I will have such a low-level mistake? ?

Chu Xun responded helplessly.

"Thank you for your concern, little V."

Afterwards, Xiaopang stood on the edge of the cliff and chattered for a while.

Keep pointing down.

Chu Xun was stunned for a while before he understood the meaning of the palace guard.

It should be that there are hidden treasures on the cliffs, and you need to climb down by yourself?

Not to mention what kind of treasure it is.

Chu Xun looked at the cliff, and his face darkened.

He no longer has the two skills of Yufeng and Floating, so he can only climb down the cliff physically!

Moreover, it might not be difficult to climb down with his physical fitness.

But it may not be so easy to come up!

After thinking about it, Chu Xun still felt that it is better not to worry too much, but to be safe.

He returned to the dense forest again, tossed and tossed for a long time, tore off a few sections of vines from several unidentifiable trees, stacked the vines together, and tied them tightly.

After weaving a rope, he tied it around his waist.

The other side of the rattan is tied to a boulder on the edge of the cliff.

All preparations are done.

Only then did Chu Xun take a deep breath, and slowly climbed down from the cliff.

Chubby just jumped on his shoulders and grabbed the collar firmly.

Chu Xun's movements were extremely careful, and the speed was quite slow.

——"Master, come on, you can do it!"

——"Persistence is victory!"

Fortunately, the little v in his mind kept encouraging him, which greatly reduced his pressure.

After all, he doesn't have the ability to fly now, and every step is terrified!

During the climbing process, the falling stones from time to time and the rattling noise made Chu Xun a little uneasy.

Fortunately, this torture didn't last long, about ten minutes later.

Chu Xun felt relieved!

He saw it!

Not far from his feet, there is a hole obviously opened by manpower.

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