
Chu Xun sat upright on the mossy stone slab and slowly opened his eyes.

Breathe out a suffocating breath.

He sensed the aura in his body, showing a somewhat satisfied expression.

According to the memory of the original body, the energy in his body now has about one tenth of the level of the spiritual source.

And this is the result of Chu Xun's hard work for about six days.

"That is to say, if you simply condense the spiritual source and break through the first-grade cultivation base..."

"Will it take two months..."

According to the memory of the original body, this time is not short.

Those who are truly proud of heaven, whose aptitude is at the third, fourth, or even higher spiritual roots, often only need a few days to complete the first hurdle of this practice.

However, two months is not too exaggerated.

Even, it is a little faster than the efficiency of some elite disciples in Che Yuzong.

But Chu Xun himself didn't quite accept it.

After all, he is not a real native of Ming Cangjie!

Breaking through to the first rank cultivation base, the general combat strength is around a hundred stars.

But the problem is that when Chu Xun came to Xinshou Village, he raised his combat power to a hundred stars in just 4 days.

This compares...

Two months!

It's a bit outrageous!

"Sure enough, we still have to hunt for treasure by groping corpses!"

Chu Xun learned from the pain.

He ended his cultivation at this time, but he was particular about it.

The seven-day period has arrived!

Respectfully, Xunjin Shougong comes out of the mountain!

Chu Xun quickly summoned Fatty from the contract space.

The latter squatted on the spot dumbfoundedly, a little dazed.

But Chu Xun urged immediately.

"Go, go find gold!"

And the latter, after accepting the instructions, is like waking up from a dream.

Quickly turned two circles in place.

Although, he suddenly crawled in one direction.

"Oh! Wait a minute!"

Chu Xun was happy to see Xiaopang find the target so quickly.

But immediately he realized something.

It's still in the cave on the cliff at the moment!

He quickly dashed out and pulled Xiaopang back.

Unexpectedly, this gecko fell from a high cliff.

After some small twists and turns and episodes.

Chu Xun dragged Xiaopang who was lying on his shoulders, and returned to the mountain peak using a ladder woven of rattan.

Then Xiaopang saw that he had reached a safe place, and quickly climbed off his master.

It looked around with some excitement, and then suddenly rushed in one direction at a high speed.

And Chu Xun is also familiar with the way.

He has used Xiaopang's ability several times.

Know that the ability to find gold is in effect.

Immediately followed.

But this time, to Chu Xun's surprise, the goal of finding gold seems to be quite far away from him.

He pushed aside all kinds of thorns and branches in the dense forest along the way, and ran for a long time, but he didn't reach his destination.

Good thing...

Chu Xun was not in a hurry.

Now, he has a way to pass the time!

Straightforward, dual purpose.

While running with Xiaopang.

One side opens the area chat box directly.

Chu Xun intends to see which sand sculpture players will be around in the few days of his retreat.

And... what are these people talking about?

At this time, the situation in the regional chat box is much better than before.

From time to time, a statement pops up.

[Other world number 8714112 Zhao Ke] "It's so boring! My identity is a beggar, begging for food every day!"

[Other world number 96231422 Luo Qing] "A beggar is not bad, I was invaded by a soul, and I was directly attached to a dying old man! I couldn't even move a few times!"

[Different world number...]


Looking at the topics discussed by these people, Chu Xun couldn't help but laugh.

After all, people need to compare!

Although the situation of being expelled from the sect is a bit miserable.

But compared to these beggars, or even those who are about to die suddenly at the beginning, I am lucky enough!

But then, he was taken aback again.

"Why is this number as long as the Penguin in reality?"

Chu Xun immediately reacted.

"That's right! Counting the time spent training in another world and exploring at the beginning, almost seven days have passed!"

"As the intrusion system said at the beginning, the selection on the 10th has come to an end!"

He figured it out.

Apparently, there are still people alive all over the world.

Those who reach level 11 will physically invade Mingcang Realm.

If it is not reached, the soul invades.

People from all over the world have descended into another world!

Let alone one, an 8-digit 9-digit alien number.

Should be 10 digits no problem.

But that also means...

The speeches of these players have almost no meaning and gold content.

After all, the numbered people lined up so far.

Not to mention the question of whether he was miserable in another world, he was probably at the bottom of Novice Village.

Chu Xun rummaged through the area chat box for a while, opened the history, and directly chose to jump to the front.

The results were directly displayed to more than 3 pages!

"These people...they don't have much strength, but they really talk a lot."

Chu Xun sighed with emotion.

He is not just looking at the chat box now to relieve boredom.

More importantly, he needs to understand the situation of those players who first entered within a thousand miles. These players are often the strongest in a village.

I and they are likely to have some intersections in the future.

Only by understanding more can it be easier for Chu Xun to live and develop better.

However, after seeing the content of the chat, his face immediately turned dark.

Before Chu Xun retreated, he finally saw Wang Liuxing and Mu Zhicheng arguing about whether he, the first person to enter another world, was a boss or a rookie, and they started arguing.

And the two didn't talk for long, they were busy with other things in the other world and stopped talking.

But after that, a group of more players who poured in started discussing enthusiastically again.

"Fuck! Chu Xun!"

"My God, is it really Chu Xun! I saw a real person!"

"The first person in another world is our Huaxia player. He has such a long face!"

"Is Boss Chu here? Say something!"

"Wait a minute! Isn't it, the No.1 identity of this alien world is lost directly, is it so funny?"

"Don't tell me it's true! I read that Chu Xun's information! What the hell is the former suzerain?"

"No.1 in another world...somewhat misnamed!"

"Laughing! Chinese players are the first to enter the other world? It seems that it is pure luck!"

"This Chu Xun looks pretty good, can he lose his identity?"

Some people were very excited that they could see Chu Xun, No. 1 in another world.

have left messages.

There are even Chinese players who are honored after seeing Chu Xun.

But these praises are not many.

There are also many people, especially non-Huaxia players, who taunted Chu Xun with ill intentions when they saw Chu Xun's lost suzerain status.

These players are generally numbered in the top [-], and they can be regarded as experts in each village!

For Chu Xun's No. 1 status in the other world, he is not convinced.

There are so many!

After finding a point that can be attacked, it is natural to make a big statement.

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