Soon Chu Xun walked all the way into the valley.

He moved quite cautiously, using various bunkers to hide along the way.

Afraid of encountering the danger Xiaopang perceives.

And Xiaopang hid in his arms, biting his master's sleeve.

If Chu Xun walked in the wrong direction.

The gecko hurriedly struggled desperately.

If the walking direction is correct, lie down obediently.

Therefore, Chu Xun and Xiaopang were walking on the right path smoothly.

Soon, the destination was reached.

"Oh my God!"

But after seeing the target point of Xiaopang Xunjin.

Immediately, Chu Xun was extremely surprised and hurried back dozens of steps!

He had previously been hiding in similar low bushes.

But now, Chu Xun looked left and right, and found a larger rock—in fact, it was not much bigger than his body.

Chu Xun hurriedly hid behind the rock, curling up his body desperately, as if he was afraid of being discovered by someone.

He didn't heave a sigh of relief until all this was done.

The scene in front of him that he saw just now was nothing else.

It was a young man wearing the costume of an elite disciple of Toru Yuzong, who was holding a long sword and confronting a wolf-shaped monster.

Chu Xun reflexively wanted to hide himself.

In order not to be discovered by this Cheyuzong disciple.

He has his own considerations.

It is estimated that the current people in the Che Yuzong are not particularly malicious towards themselves, the former suzerain.

After all, he is just a cripple who cannot cultivate.

But if it happened, he might not mind killing Chu Xun!

The elders in the previous sect still had to show some face.

I feel that the Che Yuzong was created by Chu Xun's original parents after all, so he was spared.

However, as long as this guy is alive, there is always a potential threat to the power of the elders.

So, here we are now.

Finding that Chu Xun was still wandering in the Jade Mountain, it was reasonable to kill him.

Especially the elite disciples, who are basically equivalent to the core and confidantes of the elders, need the former suzerain to beware.

At this time... must not be discovered!

Chu Xun thought silently in his heart.

However, he had no intention of leaving at all.

After all, it has come.

And that disciple of the Cheyu Sect seems to be concentrating on dealing with the enemy...

No time to pay attention to the surrounding situation.

Chu Xun thought for a while, then sneaked his head out from behind the stone.

Carefully observe the front.

"This Cheyu Sect disciple seems to be on par with monsters!"

Chu Xun was very pleasantly surprised.

Looking at this scene, I was a little excited.

It's even better!

This shows that both sides are likely to lose out!

Then yourself, don't you just...

Did you come here for nothing?

Chu Xun quietly posted two pupils of true seeing.

In an instant, information appeared in front of my eyes.

【Name: Zhao Qingchen】

[Cultivation: first-rank realm]

[Battle Power: 188★]


【Name: Blood Wolf】

[Cultivation: first-rank realm]

[Battle Power: 179★]

"Sure enough! The fighting power is about the same!"

A smile appeared on the corner of Chu Xun's mouth.

This time he has a great chance!

Chu Xun carefully concealed his figure.

While observing the situation of this person and monster.

Soon he found out why the two guys were fighting.

Not far from the wolf-shaped monster's feet grew a vine with strange fruits.

It looks emerald like jade, and it is full of aura.

Every branch and leaf presents a sense of roundness and jade.

On the vine, there is a fruit that is gradually changing from blue to red bit by bit.

It's just... the process is clearly not complete yet.

According to Chu Xun's visual inspection, it will take more than ten minutes for the fruit to turn red completely.

"So this blood wolf is guarding the spiritual fruit that is about to mature?"

Chu Xun immediately had a guess. He has never been to another world, but has he not read fantasy novels?He is too familiar with this plot.

The spirit fruit was about to be ripe, and it happened that Zhao Qingchen, who was a true Jade Sect, was killed halfway.

The blood wolf didn't want to give up the spirit fruit.

He can only fight to the death with this elite disciple of Che Yuzong!

Soon, one person, one beast, fighting together!

"watch out!"

Zhao Qingchen shouted angrily!

The long sword waving in his hand also has the color of jasper!

Outlined a series of special light blades, and slashed towards the blood wolf!

On the contrary, Chu Xun looked at it at this time, with a strange expression on his face.

According to the memory of the original body.

He knew that this was the effect of the kung fu forging jade formula.

And this technique is exactly the secret exercise of the unknown senior that Yuanyuan's parents discovered in a certain cave.

It is also the basis for the two parents of the original body to establish the Cheyuzong.

As a result, after Chu Xun invaded the other world...

Basically, the only ones who use this technique are his enemies.

Che Yuzong drove Chu Xun out of the sect, he must be very dissatisfied, and he is always ready to take revenge.

But what made him a little embarrassed was that the people who could use this exercise were all disciples above the elites of the Cherish Jade Sect!

Also, Chu Xun's original parents, a team trained by himself!

Thinking of this, Chu Xun...has no special feeling.

After all, the intrusion system is quite powerful, allowing oneself to perfectly inherit the original memory without being affected by its so-called soul.

He is different from those time travelers in ordinary novels, he doesn't need to fulfill the last wish of the original owner of the body at all.

Che Yuzong took away the identity he had so hard to get out.

Sooner or later, Chu Xun will kill him back!Come back with vengeance!

Chu Xun was thinking wildly in his mind.

On the other side, the battle between the monster and Zhao Qingchen was coming to an end.

Since the blood wolf has not used any spells.

Just relying on physical strength to fight recklessly.

As a result, there were cut wounds all over the body.

And now this monster finally couldn't hold back, and was ready to attack with all its strength!

Its body suddenly exudes bursts of scarlet blood!

Soar in speed and power!

This wolf-shaped monster suddenly met face to face, bursting out at double speed!

With one grab, it slapped Zhao Qingchen's chest hard!


This elite disciple of the Toru Jade Sect didn't realize it for a while, and was hit directly!

He took dozens of steps back, and his chest was severely injured!Dented a large piece!There is a strange blood surging on it!

Zhao Qingchen's face was in pain, obviously several ribs were broken!

Then he spit out a few mouthfuls of blood again!His complexion is as paper!

"Damn! Sinister!"

Immediately, Zhao Qingchen roared angrily, and despite his injuries, he also burst out with all his strength!

In an instant, he swung a tyrannical sword energy that seemed to be real!

It directly cut off most of the wolf beast from the waist!


In an instant, the blood wolf howled.

The blood splashed out for several meters like a water column!

Already, I can't live anymore!

But... After all, this is a monster!

Fierce and abnormal!

After realizing that he must die.

The blood wolf didn't flinch in the slightest, but a trace of cruelty flashed in his eyes.

Abandoning all defenses directly, the blood in his body was stimulated again, and he rushed towards Zhao Qingchen!

I want to risk my life!

Don't say anything else.

Chu Xun in the back was about to applaud!

These two have given themselves too much face!

It's no longer a mutual loss, it's the extent of making him a fisherman.

Instead, they simply want to fight each other to the death!

That feeling is good!

After Chu Xun was overjoyed.

Afterwards, it is estimated that the spirit fruit belonged to him, the corpses of one person and one beast...

You can also touch it!

Find gold this time by yourself and earn an explosion!

However, Chu Xun was not so lucky.

Things didn't go so well.

The blood wolf's dying counterattack was obviously within Zhao Qingcheng's expectation.

He just sneered.

"Beasts are really beasts!"

Then take a step back.

Then, the jade pendant on the chest directly emitted a dazzling light.

Zhao Qingchen activated the function of the magic weapon, and a flicker flashed nearly ten meters away!

Using this magic weapon also consumes a lot.

He was panting with a pale face, and even fell to his knees on the ground.

This elite disciple couldn't even stand still!

But the monsters on the other side were even worse.

The blood wolf's desperate blow could only hit the empty space!

Then the monster fell down with a howl!

Its waist was cut off, and after one blow, it no longer has any strength to stand up!

He can only be slaughtered by the monk in front of him!

And Chu Xun, start now!

Originally, he could have waited until Zhao Qingchen ended up with the blood wolf, and then made a sneak attack.

But he suddenly thought of something, and quickly tiptoed out from behind the boulder.

If Chu Xun remembered correctly.

According to the results of the experiments of those sand sculpture players in the regional chat box.

There are points for killing monsters and human monks.

the current situation.

Accepting both heads is the right way!

Waste is bad!

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