Chu Xun was a little excited, rubbing his hands and walking towards Zhao Qingchen's body.

To be honest, he didn't actually kill a few people.

But in the last invasion game.

In the village of the Japanese player, because the opponent would be resurrected, he mercilessly completed the massacre!

As a result, he hardly had any psychological shadow about the murder.

Raise the knife and drop it with your hand, that's a neat move!

Now, Chu Xun just wants to see what good things this Cheyu Sect disciple can offer him!

He came to Zhao Qingcheng's body and stretched out his hand.

[Successful collection!Obtain the qualification - the eighth grade spiritual root! 】


Chu Xun was taken aback for a moment.

Then I saw the following text.

"Spirit root!!"

"I can really figure out this thing!"

Chu Xun was taken aback!

Then be overjoyed!

Click on the introduction now.

[Eight-Rank Spiritual Root: The low-level cultivation talent in the Mingcang Realm is congenitally deficient, and I hope that hard work can make up for it! 】

"Well, after entering the foreign world, the explanations of many things are not as accurate as those in Xinshou Village."

Chu Xun looked at the introduction, confused.

But it didn't affect him, he was extremely excited!

Because my current spiritual root level is still not as good as sundries!

Just relying on the magic effect of the Naling Jue and the artifact of the Fortune Stone, the combination of the two, barely has a reasonable speed of practice!

but now!Become an 8th grade spiritual root!

What a concept!

It's a good time to jump into the dragon's gate, okay?

Chu Xun is confident that after taking Zhu Guo, his aptitude has greatly increased, and it will not take long, at most a few days, to break through to the first-grade cultivation base!

At this moment, he was already grinning from ear to ear!

What made him even more gratified was that the eighth grade spirit root itself might not allow him to catch up with the real geniuses in the other world.

Even among the players, it is estimated that many people will draw even the spiritual roots of the first and second ranks. After all, the base is so large, and anything is possible.

Chu Xun's cultivation speed is still not fast!

But it can touch the spiritual root! '

It means that there are infinite possibilities!

Chu Xun didn't believe that any player could get any Holy Physique or Immortal Physique!

In the foreign world, there is almost no such genius, with such good aptitude!

But Chu Xun has a great chance!

Not only can he touch the existing characters, but he can also touch the corpses of countless amazing geniuses accumulated over countless years!

Touch them one by one!

Chu Xun didn't dare to say how good a physique he wanted.

A Eucharist, no problem!

That was also the first genius in the Ming Cang Realm for nearly a century or a thousand years!

And before that, as long as Chu Xun encountered a corpse with better aptitude, he could replace his spiritual root again!

After finding out the spiritual root, he felt that a broad road had been opened before his eyes!

He thought about it, those mortal protagonists in various cultivating novels were exhausted to improve their aptitude.

Thinking about it again, I am so relaxed and happy!

Touching the corpse casually, the qualifications will naturally grow!


The more Chu Xun thought about it, the more excited he became.

The smile on his face can no longer be hidden!

However, he did not forget business.

After all, this is still the sphere of influence of Yushi Mountain Che Yuzong.

It is impossible for me to stay nearby for a long time.

So he hurriedly searched Zhao Qingcheng's body again.

Find his storage bag.

That's right, this is a magic weapon for storage, which is not too valuable in Mingcang Realm.

It can be made with a rough refiner.

So basically there is one person with cultivation base.

Chu Xun grabbed the storage bag and probed into his aura.

Open easily.

It is impossible to have protective measures for such low-level storage bags.

However, what made Chu Xun a little disgusted was that there was almost nothing valuable in it.

A Cheat Book of Cultivating Jade Jue of the Jade Sect.

This thing is of good quality.

But the problem is that Chu Xun's original memory has a complete version of this exercise!

It also has more annotations and insights than Zhao Qingcheng's!

The book I got now is useless at all!

Chu Xun was a little depressed and left the exercise secret book on Zhao Qingchen's body.

Continue to rummage through storage bags.

There are dozens of pills used for bigu.


Three Qi Gathering Pills that can improve the speed of refining aura for first- and second-rank practitioners.

"This is not bad, good stuff!"

Chu Xun's eyes lit up and he put it into his arms.

Then there are some gold and silver things commonly used in the mortal world.

Chu Xun picked up a few larger pieces of gold and threw them into the Wonderful Manor in case of emergencies.

Then he threw the storage bag together with Zhao Qingchen's body.

I collected some dead branches and started friction to make a fire.

Soon, flames rose up.

Burn them both clean.

Chu Xun handled it this way, naturally for the sake of safety.

He can slowly become invincible!

According to the memory of the original body, there are still some methods in the Cheyu Sect to track down the enemy based on the dead body of the disciple.

But, the ashes are all for you!

How else can you operate?

Because the storage bag is also a unified refinement of the Che Yuzong, the refiners in the sect also have the ability to track the location.

For Chu Xun, the storage bag itself is useless.

He had Wonderful Manor anyway, so he burned it down without regret.

Of course, Chu Xun still threw the blood wolf's body into the manor.

This monster is full of treasures.

Keep it for yourself, maybe it will come in handy someday.

After sorting out the harvest, Chu Xun didn't stay too long, and turned around in a hurry to leave.

The longer you stay outside, the more dangerous it is!

Along the way, he tried his best to hide in the depths of the dense forest and moved towards the cave where he was temporarily staying.

But when he returned to the cave in the cliff a little tired, and sat down on the mossy boulder he used to sit on, he suddenly found a familiar head in his field of vision, beating quickly.

It seems to be Wang Liuxing, number 27 in the other world.

Chu Xun clicked on the profile picture with some doubts.

I found out that this is a new service provided by the intrusion system in another world, private chat.

Wang Liuxing posted a lot of content.

"Is Master Chu free?"

"Are you there?"

"Look at the chat box! Is Mr. Chu interested in joining our Yanhua League?"

"I checked that the system provides the function of forming a covenant. At that time, members of the covenant can communicate with each other through the chat channel no matter how far apart they are!"

"Boss Chu, we and I have recruited a lot of people with higher numbers from other worlds, and some strong people even let go. As long as you nod your head and agree to join, you will immediately join in!"

"Boss! How to say? How to say?"


After that, there are some meaningless repetitions and the like.

All in all, it seems that this Wang Liuxing created a force called Yanhua League, and strongly invited Chu Xun to join.

The attitude is also very sincere.

Chu Xun, on the other hand, was looking at the content of the private chat, thoughtful.

"Can people still come to harass me directly?"

"What rubbish system!"

He searched directly on the panel in his field of vision, found the private chat switch, and directly chose to reject all players' private chat messages.

"Is that plausible?"

Chu Xun nodded in satisfaction.

I am such a powerful person hiding behind the scenes, any cat or dog can chat with me privately?Outrageous.

But after that, he opened the regional chat box with great interest, wanting to see what kind of tricks this Wang Liuxing was playing.

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