After thinking about it wildly, Chu Xun couldn't help opening the regional chat box.

no other meaning.

Don't care how you cultivated to the first rank.

Talk about speed!

Tell me, hurry up!

Therefore, Chu Xun just wanted to see how the other players were progressing in their cultivation.

He flipped through a few pages of messages.

I also learned a lot of information.

[Alien number 27 Wang Liuxing] "Thank you everyone for looking up to me, Mr. Wang. Afterwards, I need to retreat for a day. Tomorrow is when I will be promoted to the first rank!"

This is Wang Liuxing's speech.

In the back, many players who presumably joined the Yanhua League responded eagerly.

"As expected of the leader, the cultivation speed is really fast!"

"Brother Wang is too strong, your efficiency is really second to none!"

"I've only saved less than half of the spiritual energy in Lingyuan!"

"I'm sore, is this the speed of a sixth-grade spiritual root?"

"The leader is awesome!"

A group of players expressed emotion either sincerely or falsely.

In their view, how long has it been since the invasion of other worlds began!

To be able to break through the first-rank cultivation base so quickly.

Wang Liuxing is indeed worthy of praise, and he is also worthy of his status as the leader of the Yanhua League

And after Chu Xun read these remarks...


He is really happy!

All of you are discussing here, what is Wang Liuxing's rapid progress!

Doesn't that make me more powerful!

And my aptitude is much worse than that of the sixth-rank spiritual root who got the Yasi status!

All in all, Chu Xun looked at other players' praise of Wang Liuxing, but felt that in such a comparison, he was simply too strong!

Of course, Chu Xun only looked at it for a while.

Soon, he closed the chat box again, feeling rather excited.

Although in another world, the natives had to be considered, but among the players, I was No.1 right from the start!

At least, don't worry about these compatriots, they have the ability to trick themselves!

It feels like all of a sudden, the self-protection ability has improved a lot!

A sense of security, full!

Afterwards, he even opened his own attribute interface, and took a good look at it.

【Name】: Chu Xun

[race]: human

【Cultivation】: First-rank monk

[Talent]: Relic Collector [ur], Ancient Holy Body [ss], Contract Space [s], Emotional Intelligence [s], Clone Scroll [a], Body of Sword Cultivator [a], Wonderful Manor [a], Super-speed self-healing [a], disaster prediction [b], pupil of true sight [b]——[+Expand to see more+]

[Cultivation method]: Jue Ling Jue, Na Ling Jue

[Fa Jue]: blood gas control

[Qualification]: Eighth Grade Spiritual Root

【Strength】: 111★

[Identity: Former Suzerain of the Cheyu Sect]

Combat power has skyrocketed!It's almost the same as the peak period!

Originally, Chu Xun still complained that all his accumulation in Xinshou Village had been washed away.

Now, he understands, what kind of strength is upgraded by fighting monsters, it's nothing!

Immortal cultivation is the right way!

And the combat power of this hundred stars is at the level without the blessing of almost any equipment and skills!

The gold content is so much higher than in Xinshou Village that I don't know where it went!

At the same time, looking at the eighth-grade spiritual root in the column of his aptitude, Chu Xun was even more excited!

This is myself, the result of persistence and hard work!

Of course, the last column, the identity of the former suzerain, still blinded him.

Chu Xun "..."

This stubble, it's hard to get through, right?


After reading the area chat box, Chu Xun was not idle.

He immediately climbed out of the cave and came to the cliff.

He still held Zhao Qingchen's long sword in his hand.

[Sapphire sword [lower-grade magic weapon]: Forged from gold and jade, open up mountains and open up stones]

The introduction was also quite brief, but Chu Xun got used to it.

After all, the alien world is not a digitalized world like Xinshou Village.

However, the effect of this low-grade magic weapon is really good, and its sharpness is far better than my own wolf knife.

Chu Xun could only sigh with emotion, as expected, the difference between fairy items and ordinary gadgets is huge!

However, since he has broken through to the first rank cultivation level.

Then Chu Xun's first thought was to quickly use the Little Beast Control Art to catch some monsters.

After all, even if the current cultivation speed has been greatly improved, and even obtained an eighth-rank spiritual root.

However, Chu Xun also has to admit that the strength of the first rank can only be regarded as an ant in this alien world!

And now, the best way to improve one's combat power is to capture a group of monsters!

Previously, once his conception of beast sea tactics was successfully turned into reality.

He can definitely let him crush his peers, and even defeat his opponents by leapfrogging!

Chu Xun quickly followed the trails of Yushi Mountain, and cautiously touched the vicinity of the Jade Lake where he wanted to catch the monster last time.

When you get to the place, you can see things and think about things.

He gritted his teeth with hatred.

Originally, I have already set my sights on a good Golden Feather Eagle with flying ability!

In the end, the cooked duck flew away because of lack of aura!

He is still brooding in his heart——


At this moment, a somewhat familiar eagle cry came from Chu Xun's ear!

Then, he turned his head to look.


Isn't this the flying monster that I wanted to refine but failed to refine last time? ?

Met again? ?

However, the next development made Chu Xun even more confused!

The Golden Feather Eagle's enemy was extremely jealous when they met!

With two claws that can destroy gold and jade, they attacked him fiercely!

Chu Xun jumped easily, dodging the attack.

I lost a pupil of true sight.

【Name】: Golden Feather Eagle

【Cultivation】: Transformation Realm

【Strength】: 73★

"It turns out that this guy had a fortuitous encounter? His strength has soared!"

"So come to me for revenge!"

Chu Xun was a little speechless, amused and surprised at the same time.

The best solution for him to use the Little Beast Control Art is to refine monsters that are only a line weaker than himself.

Only in this way can the tyrannical beast army be formed faster.

But Chu Xun still lacks flying monsters.

After all, every time he came out of the cave where he was staying, he had to climb the rattan ladder.

Although after reaching the first rank of cultivation, Chu Xun has already completed this action with ease.

But he hopes to have a mount and fly directly up with himself!

This golden-feathered eagle, originally Chu Xun thought it was weak, so there was no need to forcefully capture it.

Unexpectedly, this monster found an adventure by itself, raised its combat power to more than 70 stars, and came to give away its head on its own initiative!

Chu Xun felt that he might as well refine it.

I'm a little sorry for the fate between this monster and him!

As for the Golden Feather Eagle, he was also a little confused at this time.

He remembered the last time he saw this hateful human monk.

The other party has just stepped into the threshold of cultivation.

Therefore, when it saw Chu Xun reappearing, it immediately went to take revenge with full confidence.

But a sneak attack with all my strength!

To be dodged so easily?

Suddenly, this flying monster felt a little uneasy.

Golden Feather Eagle hesitated for a moment, wondering if he should just leave.

However, it was such a slight hesitation that made it lose its last chance to escape.

Seeing that the flying monster did not launch a second attack immediately, Chu Xun immediately sensed its intention to retreat.

At this time, can I still let you run away? ?

Chu Xun, go all out!

Blood gas control!

A large amount of blood in the body turned into strength and attached to the whole body!

Bloodthirsty battle, start!

Another wave of violent energy is transmitted in Chuxiong's bone meridians!

In an instant, his speed and strength were strengthened to a terrifying level!

Chu Xun stepped on the ground directly.


He stepped out of a huge ground depression!

Then, under the reaction force, Chu Xun jumped up!

Swing the sword!

Golden Feather Eagle didn't even notice what happened.

All I saw was a streak of blood flashing across the sky!

He was directly cut off with a single knife.

There is a deep visible bone injury on the left wing!

Instantly lost the ability to fly and fell downwards!

Fell to the ground!

At this time, Golden Feather Eagle felt a sharp pain belatedly!

It looked at Chu Xun's gradually approaching figure, his face was full of bewilderment and doubt!

What the hell! !

Didn't this human monk just step into the realm of practice?

It's only been a few days, and it's actually strengthened to this level.

This flying monster felt that its originally stable world view had suffered a great shock! !

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