Dominate the world

Chapter 11 Strength?

The next day, the students of the martial arts class gathered on the playground to prepare for the next mock assessment.

"Look, isn't that Zhang Hao?"

Someone in the crowd saw Zhang Hao's figure and exclaimed.

At this moment, Zhang Hao has recovered, and there is not even a scar on his body.

But now Zhang Hao, compared to before, is a bit more sinister, his eyes are full of cruelty.

Hearing people's comments, Zhang Hao glanced casually, and a cold breath made everyone couldn't help but take a few steps back.

"Xiaobai, Zhang Hao is here." Zhao Chong reminded softly.

"Well, I saw it." Jiang Xiaobai responded lightly, "This is what I admire about him, he has been defeated and fought repeatedly, unyielding, he doesn't know how to advance or retreat, and he doesn't know how to live or die..."

Zhao Chong: "..."

"You wait!" Zhang Hao came to Jiang Xiaobai and said in a dark voice.

In the past few days, Zhang Hao devoted himself to training, especially after he recovered from his injuries, he frantically used the body quenching liquid to increase his strength.

Now, he has reached the strength of a thousand catties, and his self-confidence is almost the same as that of Jiang Xiaobai.

The mock assessment is divided into three sessions, including physical test, field trial and written test.

For the students of the martial arts class, the physical test and field trials are the most important, and the written test is relatively simple. After all, they are students of the martial arts class, so the requirements for the written test are not high, as long as they pass the test.

Relatively speaking, what is more important is the physical test and the field trial, among which the field trial is the most dangerous link.

The field trial requires the students of the martial arts class to enter the wild and fight with monsters. Everyone can only pass if they can kill one monster. It is considered excellent, and above five monsters is an achievement against the sky.

In Lei Ze No. [-], Jiang Xiaobai is the record holder for field trials. In his sophomore year of high school, Jiang Xiaobai once hunted and killed three monsters, setting the highest record for field trials among students below the third year of high school.In the field trial in the third year of high school, Jiang Xiaobai once again set a record of four monsters, which has been unmatched by Lei Ze San so far.

The only one who can break Jiang Xiaobai's record is Zhang Hao who rose up later. Before he fought Jiang Xiaobai, he thought so himself.

"Today is the last mock assessment for all the students in the martial arts class of the third year of high school." On the high platform of the playground, a majestic middle-aged man said coldly.

Although the sound is not loud, it is clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

This person is Lei Li, the chief instructor of Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School, and the only second-rank martial artist in Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School. He specializes in teaching martial arts geniuses on weekdays, like a martial arts instructor. There are five in Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School. One is the strength of a warrior.

"Although this assessment is not included in the results of the college entrance examination, for you, it is the last chance to practice." Lei Li continued, "So, I hope that each of you will show the strongest strength to deal with it."

This is the last rehearsal before the college entrance examination, and almost everyone is extremely excited.

Generally speaking, the results this time will basically be similar to the results of the college entrance examination. After all, one month after the end of the third mock assessment, the college entrance examination will be held, and there is not much time left for them.

"Now the first item is the physical test." Lei Li looked around and said in a cold voice.

As soon as Lei Li's words fell, hundreds of students lined up and entered the martial arts arena one by one.

The physical test mainly includes the physical strength test and the speed test. The students in the martial arts class walked towards the machine for the test of strength, and walked up one by one.






Whenever a student walks up, a series of numbers will appear on the display screen of the machine, and these numbers are the power they represent.

"Zhang Hao!" The martial arts instructor standing next to the machine called out his name.

Zhang Hao walked out from the crowd and slowly came to the strength testing machine.

"Didi, 1000!"

Suddenly, bursts of beeps erupted from the machine, and dazzling numbers appeared on the display.

"The strength of a thousand catties? Zhang Hao has also reached the strength of a thousand catties?"

"My God! A few days ago, Zhang Hao only had a strength of [-] catties, but now he has reached a strength of [-] catties! This is too fast!"

"It seems that the situation is about to change again!"

"It's nice to have money!"

Seeing Zhang Hao's extraordinary strength, the other people around immediately exclaimed.

In just a few short days, Zhang Hao has been promoted to the level of a thousand catties. This kind of improvement speed is really unmatched.

However, it is reasonable for this kind of thing to happen to Zhang Hao.After all, with a strong family background, if it were an ordinary person, it would probably take several months or even a year to do this.

"Zhang Hao, not bad." After seeing Zhang Hao's results, the martial arts instructor nodded in satisfaction, "It seems that the key martial arts university has hope this time."

Zhang Hao just nodded lightly, then looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a provocative look.

A few days ago, he was seriously injured by Jiang Xiaobai, and now he has not only recovered from his injury, but also improved his strength further.

"Jiang Xiaobai, you'll be next." The instructor said with a soft smile.

He had also heard about the contest between Zhang Hao and Jiang Xiaobai, and he couldn't help being surprised when he learned the result.

Jiang Xiaobai left a good impression on all the martial arts instructors. When they learned that Jiang Xiaobai's power disappeared, everyone sighed, but only a few months later, he rose again, which had to make everyone They were all shocked.

I don't know how much physical strength he has reached this time!

After the instructor finished shouting, he began to mutter in his heart, deep down, he hoped that Jiang Xiaobai could bring surprises.

Zhang Hao has already reached the strength of a thousand catties, Jiang Xiaobai can at most have this data!

While the instructor was thinking about it, Jiang Xiaobai had already walked up to the machine for testing his strength.

Drop drop!

With a crisp beep, the numbers on the display began to soar.

The students around were all staring at the numbers on the display screen, subconsciously holding their breath.





The result of the strength test finally stayed at [-] jin, no more, no less, exactly [-] jin of strength.

"Hold the grass! One thousand two hundred catties?"

"The power to break a thousand catties? Is this Jiang Xiaobai?"

"I must have read it wrong, why is this guy so fierce!"

When they saw the strength of [-] jin, everyone couldn't help but became dumbfounded.

Zhang Hao's strength is already a shocking number.

But Jiang Xiaobai's strength to break a thousand catties, the data of [-] catties, is completely surprising.

The instructor who was just taking notes couldn't help but twitched, and the pen in his hand fell to the ground at some point.

One thousand two hundred catties!

This is already the highest record in the simulation assessment!

The strength test record of Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School's college entrance examination is [-] catties, but it has been more than ten years. The person who created that record has also become the pride of the entire Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School. Now he is a powerful six-year-old. Good warrior.

Now, in the mock assessment, Jiang Xiaobai has reached a strength of [-] jin.

There is still one month left, can he equal the record of Lei Ze No. [-] High School?

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