Dominate the world

Chapter 1144 Reaching Cooperation

"Okay, but before we cooperate, let's get to know each other and exchange information." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Yin Kang responded: "Of course, we already know who the three are, let me introduce them."

The eight transformed monsters are clearly Qinglong Yinkang, Tianfeng, Dapeng, Blood Ape, Scorpio, Bronze-footed Ant, White Tiger, Ice Crane, and Yinkang just mentioned the races of the last seven monsters, which cannot be concealed. , did not report their names, and Jiang Xiaobai and the others didn't bother to ask, it was just an identification name.

Everyone's cultivation base is about the same, they are all around the fourth level, but Jiang Xiaobai's realm is the worst, only at the second level of the universe level.Long Ying Wushuang was constantly improving his realm before, but Jiang Xiaobai had kept the universe level two and never moved.

But no one dared to underestimate Jiang Xiaobai. Everyone could see clearly his combat power during the daytime. It was like a god and demon. Some creatures from the outer universe saw Jiang Xiaobai frightened and backed away again and again, fearing that they would be harmed. arrive.

"Everyone, compared to our human race, your races have been here many times, so you naturally know some of the mysteries here, so tell me about it?" Jiang Xiaobai said, with a faint smile on his lips, "Of course not It’s okay, it’s up to the individual to choose.”

Yinkang snorted softly and said, "It's like this. Although we have come here more often than your human race, we still don't know much about the real opportunity of this space-time city."

Jiang Xiaobai sneered in his heart, and he was still hiding it at this time.Although he didn't know why these people from the outer universe would target them, Jiang Xiaobai could already feel the killing intent spreading.

That sense of targeting is not aimed at a certain person, but at all of them. It's just that I am the most shining light, so I have concentrated more resentment.

"Tianfeng, tell me." Jiang Xiaobai called directly by name.

Tianfeng was startled, she never thought that Jiang Xiaobai would ask him.She belongs to the fire and phoenix genus, and she has a quick temper, so she blurted out: "How do I know, it's probably because I covet our universe."

Yinkang's face was slightly ugly, but he also agreed: "Maybe? After all, we are the weakest in the universe. I want to say it, but I don't think it may be the reason."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't bother to pay attention to him, and continued to look at Tianfeng and said, "Why do you think our universe is weak? Aren't you very strong?"

Tianfeng sneered, she didn't know if it was self-blame, or if she laughed at Jiang Xiaobai's praise, she said indifferently: "We are very strong, but we are still far behind the real strong Tianjiao. Don't look We are real dragons and phoenixes with pure blood, but other universes are full of vitality and can generate more powerful species, so what are we!"

As soon as these words came out, the other transformed monsters cried out in displeasure.

"No, I met a rabbit before. A rabbit is faster than me. Am I Tianpeng or is it Tianpeng?"

"Have you ever seen a monster transformed from a vine? Once the body is revealed, it is a planet."

"I heard that in a universe, the human race in that place is very prosperous. What kind of sacred body and divine body are there? I heard that they are all innate blood. Hehe, how can we compare?"


Listening to the nagging of these monsters, Jiang Xiaobai finally understood something.

Being bullied by creatures from the outer universe is actually very easy to explain, if you lag behind, you will be beaten!

Since you are weak, you still have the opportunity to rob resources with other people. Everyone is innocent and guilty. Weakness itself is an original sin.

"But it doesn't seem so simple, right?" Longying Wushuang said.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, for this reason, although these monsters said a lot, they still didn't hit the point.Bullying the weak, this may be the actions of one or two small people, but it is definitely the cause of everyone's bullying.

Yinkang and other eight-headed monsters shook their heads again and again, they really didn't know this time.Before entering, the elders of the clan restrained them to be careful and calm, not to make enemies with others at will, and it was only after entering that they discovered the evil thoughts of other universes towards them.

"Forget it, it's useless to say more, let's withdraw first and see what those people think?" Qi Zhan suggested.

It is indeed a safe idea that a gentleman should not stand under a dangerous wall.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at Yinkang, who nodded, "We wanted to leave, but we stayed because of your safe appearance."

"Okay, then let's slip!"

This mountain range is continuous and rugged, full of monsters with distinct strengths and weaknesses.After the siege during the day, most of the monsters below the star-level strength have been beheaded, leaving only some cosmic-level masters.

Under the night, those monsters seem to have received the bonus of the moon, very powerful.

It stands to reason that now is not a good place to transfer, and it is more likely to trigger the attack of powerful monsters, but for Jiang Xiaobai and his group, the timing is just right.

The 11 people did not put out the fire, and let the latter burn, and they rushed to the depths quietly.

In the rear, in front of a bonfire.

"Brother, the people from Universe One have run away."


In another place, under the rock, a group of snake men were grilling the green dragon. At this moment, they also got the news that Jiang Xiaobai and his group had fled.


They put away the half-dead green dragon, squirmed its snake tail, followed quickly without slowing down at all.


In all directions, many creatures from the outer universe received the news and chased after them together.

In such a weird place, Jiang Xiaobai didn't dare to let go of his divine sense, but he could clearly feel the chilling atmosphere in the air and the surrounding conditions.

"Those creatures are so sensitive, they are catching up." Jiang Xiaobai said, "There are a lot of them, and they are powerful and purposeful."

Qi Zhan came over: "Could it be that they want to destroy our universe?"

Yin Kang instinctively vetoed: "How is it possible, we are us, the universe is the universe, even if I am a conceited genius, I dare not compare myself to the universe, and I can determine the future of a universe."

"That's not necessarily true, maybe it's just that your level is too low. You can't, and maybe others can't." Qi Zhan said a word, and just now, a picture suddenly flashed in his mind, as if it had been deleted The memory, just for a moment, left him in doubt.

It was an early morning, and he and Jiang Xiaobai came out of the post station and walked towards the morning sun that was slightly shining.Under the red sunlight, Qi Zhan saw that Jiang Xiaobai's body seemed to be emitting pure fluorescence, especially at the dantian, where a vibrant inner universe was constantly growing, full of shocking feelings.

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