Dominate the world

Chapter 116: Assassination Strikes

Qilu University

After Zhang Yu learned that Jiang Xiaobai was going to Pingyin District, he came to Liu Qingyu's practice room again.

"You mean that Jiang Xiaobai has gone to Pingyin District?" Liu Qingyu sat on a stool, drinking tea, and asked casually.

"Yes! Senior Liu, after I released the news, Jiang Xiaobai really couldn't bear it and left for Pingyin District directly." Zhang Yu said excitedly.

"Well, let our people keep an eye on Jiang Xiaobai, and leave the rest to the killers of the dark net!" Liu Qingyu put the teacup on the table, "Don't show up, come with me into Pingyin District in two days .”

Two days later, enter Pingyin District?

Zhang Yu was overjoyed when he heard it.

Is it a treasure land in Pingyin District?

That is the existence of heaven and earth. It is said that practicing in it can speed up the absorption of vitality and greatly improve the body's strength.

"Can I really do it?" Zhang Yu was so excited that he couldn't help himself.

"Yes, you have put in a lot of effort this time, and you deserve it." Liu Qingyu got up and said, "Go and prepare! We will leave in two days."

"Okay, thank you Senior Liu!" Zhang Yun bowed his head.

It is a great opportunity for him to follow Liu Qingyu to practice in the treasured land of Pingyin District.

Perhaps, he can use this opportunity to soar into the sky.


Jiang Xiaobai has already arrived in Pingyin District. Unlike Shanghe District, the terrain in Pingyin District is more complicated. It is not an ordinary plain, but mainly hilly.

And the location Zhao Chong mentioned is in the northern hilly area of ​​Pingyin District.

"Since there's news that it's a treasure land, it's time to go and have a look." Jiang Xiaobai made up his mind instantly.

He can also visit the so-called treasure land in Pingyin District.

Since entering Pingyin District, Jiang Xiaobai has become more cautious and nervous.

In the Pingyin wilderness area, unlike Qiluwu University, the killer of the dark net is very likely to attack here, because this place is the best opportunity for assassination.

"I don't know what kind of killer the dark net will send out." Jiang Xiaobai looked around and walked for more than an hour, but he still didn't find any trace of the killer.

Even so, Jiang Xiaobai was still not careless.

As a dark web killer, he will definitely not let go of such an opportunity.

So, Jiang Xiaobai walked directly towards the marked point on the map.

There are ruins, cracked ground, lush weeds and trees everywhere.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't feel any emotion, and walked over directly, seemingly casually, but he was always on guard.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai passed through Pingjiang Town and continued to walk forward.

Before he had gone far, Jiang Xiaobai felt waves of power fluctuations. ,

"Are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered slightly at the corner of his mouth.

It should be the breath of a fourth-rank warrior.

Jiang Xiaobai quickly judged the other party's cultivation.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai had guessed, it was indeed the task of a fourth-rank warrior.

The price of [-] million is enough to make fourth-rank warriors flock to it.

"But the fourth-rank martial artist is still a bit short!" Jiang Xiaobai glanced around lightly, and walked forward.

At this time, the fourth-rank martial artist hiding in the dark was stunned when he saw Jiang Xiaobai's movements.

"Discovered?" The killer was startled.

The opponent is only a third-rank martial artist, how could he find himself?

Afterwards, the killer felt relieved and quietly followed Jiang Xiaobai, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

To him, Jiang Xiaobai was just a third-rank warrior, and he was a fourth-rank warrior, so he couldn't pose any threat to him at all.

As long as he wanted to kill Jiang Xiaobai, it would be a breeze, and he would not be given any chance to resist.

Jiang Xiaobai has already come to the urban area of ​​Pingyin District, and he can see dilapidated high-rise buildings, some are split from the middle, and some are directly cut in half.

However, it can still be seen that this place was once a bustling city before the drastic change.

"The monsters have completely messed up the entire human race!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at these dilapidated tall buildings and couldn't help but sigh, "If there were no monsters, I guess this would still be a bustling city."

Since the upheaval, human beings have always been in a weak position in the face of the berserk attacks of monsters.

However, this situation has improved a lot after the martial artist appeared.

However, most of the places are still occupied by monsters.

In Qilu Province, the famous Mount Tai was occupied by a demon king.

For this reason, Qi Lusheng's master-level powerhouses attacked Mount Tai several times, trying to take back this famous mountain, but all of them ended in failure.

Not only that, even the Thousand Buddha Mountain in Luocheng was occupied by a level nine monster, leaving the strong in Luocheng helpless.

There are very few famous mountains and great rivers in Huaguo in the hands of humans, and almost all of them are occupied by monsters.

And the monsters cultivated in the famous mountains, and their strength improved so quickly.

"I don't know when humans will be able to regain all of this." Jiang Xiaobai looked at everything in front of him and said softly.

Walking on the streets of Pingyin District, you can vaguely see the words xx supermarket and xx restaurant.

But it has been abandoned for a long time and has become dilapidated.

"After following for so long, it's almost the same!" Jiang Xiaobai walked to an open space, turned around and said.

"Eh..." The killer hiding in the dark was obviously taken aback when he heard it, "You actually found me?"

A tall and thin figure walked out of the abandoned building, with a cold light in his eyes and a killing intent all over his body.

"A killer from the dark web?" Jiang Xiaobai asked softly, looking at the person coming.

"You know a lot!" The killer smiled grimly, "You are the first one who can remain so calm in the face of darknet killers."

"Are you sure it's not because you have too little knowledge?" Jiang Xiaobai responded coldly.

"You're not very young, but you have a sharp tongue." The killer still smiled lightly, "It's just a third-rank warrior. Who gave you such confidence?"

"Strength dictates it!" Jiang Xiaobai responded.

"Interesting!" The killer heard a gloomy look on his face.

The next moment, the killer turned into a gust of wind and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai.

"Hmph!" Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly, his body moved accordingly,

After holding the stab in his hand, he even unleashed the Nine Prison Thunder Knife.

The power increased several times in an instant, and there was an explosion in the air.


Jiang Xiaobai collided with the killer, and a strong gust of wind erupted immediately.

"This..." After the killer separated from Jiang Xiaobai, he couldn't help feeling puzzled.

Through the collision just now, he clearly felt that Jiang Xiaobai's strength was very strong, not as weak as they thought.

"Shocked?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled after parting.

"The killers of the dark web are nothing more than that!"

The killer of a fourth-rank martial artist is about the same as his own strength when he uses the first level of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber.

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