Feeling the consummation of the soul, Jiang Xiaobai felt relieved for a while. He strode through many obstacles and walked forward. He had already found Wutian's position.

After crossing mountains and rivers, Jiang Xiaobai came to an ancient tomb.

The ancient tomb is magnificent, but it is a bit decayed. A black aura permeates in front of the ancient tomb. If it was someone else, they would have the urge to turn around and run away just by looking at it.

"Senior Brother, Junior Brother is here to worship the mountain!" Jiang Xiaobai said.

The gate of the ancient tomb gradually receded, revealing a path, and the black long-haired wind flew out of it, stabbing Jiang Xiaobai's body like cold knives.

With a wave of Jiang Xiaobai's hand, a barrier appeared in front of him, blocking the cold wind outside.

He strode in, and the ancient tomb door behind him was quickly closed.

The ancient tomb was empty, and some strange life forms flew up from time to time, trying to attack Jiang Xiaobai, but Jiang Xiaobai easily killed them.

He moved forward all the way until he came to a large hall, pushed open the door of the hall, and Jiang Xiaobai walked in.

Two figures sat in front of a stone table and played chess impressively. One of them was Longying Wushuang, and the other's body was section by section. It was almost the same as a normal person, except that he was short of a right hand.

"Wait a minute, I've finished playing this game of chess." Wu Tian said.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't speak, he came to Longying Wushuang and sat down side by side.

Longying Wushuang glanced at Jiang Xiaobai, smiled, and continued to play chess, without any appearance of being imprisoned.

The two played inextricably, Jiang Xiaobai knew for the first time that Long Ying Wushuang's attainments in Go were so powerful.

Wutian on the opposite side is already very powerful, but Longying Wushuang is not at all inferior.

After a long time, the abandoned son of Wutian admits defeat!

"This is the destiny, let me lose to you, and then to her!" Wutian sighed softly.

"Thank you, brother, for not embarrassing Wushuang." Jiang Xiaobai said.

Wutian turned around, looked at Jiang Xiaobai and said, "I don't think you are worried that I will have sex with her at all, why?"

Jiang Xiaobai said: "When the senior brother prevented me from revealing that treasure, I was a little suspicious. Then I saw Mia. With Mia's supernatural power and strength, she was destined to be coveted, but in such a bad place Given the environment, Mia has been alive, and she still lives innocently. She has the most sensitive perception of good and evil, and can become friends with senior brother. Senior brother will definitely not be a bad person. I understand, maybe senior brother is not rumored outside like that."

Wutian chuckled, and casually issued a restriction: "You are wrong, I am indeed as said outside, but I failed, so it's just a matter of fact, and if I succeed, naturally everything is mine Bear the humiliation."

"For example, if you fail my test, then I will kill you and take back the Tai Chi disc. Even if you become a demon, you will become immortal. Fortunately, you succeeded, and I don't have to take that step."

There was a trace of rejoicing in Wutian's voice, but also a trace of doubt. Obviously, he himself didn't know whether his actions were the right choice or not.

"Brother, trust me and yourself, you did nothing wrong." Jiang Xiaobai said in a deep voice.

Wutian chuckled lightly: "I hope."

"Okay, you can rest assured, I have set up a restriction, those projections cannot be seen, you can take out the Tai Chi disc, I haven't seen him for a long time. I had the heart to throw it out, but Let's hope it finds someone stronger than me, and it looks like he's done his job right now."

Jiang Xiaobai summoned in his heart, and the Tai Chi Disc flew out automatically.The latter flew around Jiang Xiaobai, and then around Wutian, and even let out a soft sigh.

"After I got the treasure back then, I rose up immediately and started an earth-shattering life. In the end, I was careless and too self-righteous. At a critical moment, I was betrayed by my companions. The Taoist School became a victim, so I included the Taoism , discarded everywhere, hoping to be found by later generations.”

"The first few volumes are still lost. I didn't expect to meet you after all. With the help of the Taiji disc, you finally practiced the Taoist scriptures. It can be regarded as my compensation for the Taoist school."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded, that's why.

Long Ying Wushuang was also listening, and only now was he deeply serious about Jiang Xiaobai's past.

"Brother, who is our enemy?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

A trace of resentment flashed in Wutian's eyes, and his voice fluctuated rarely, and he said: "His name is Yun, and there is only one word cloud in his name. At the beginning, she seriously injured me, and I also retaliated against her. Now she is here It’s just that I can’t get through the depths of the ancient tomb, because there are projections from the outer universe guarding her.”

"Her?" Longying Wushuang had a very sensitive sense, and keenly found her who seemed to be a woman.

Wutian roared, as if he had let go of all love, only deep hatred remained: "Yes, she is a woman, and also my wife, she came to our universe a long time ago, and has been lurking in our universe for a long time. In the universe, I met her, and we started a bad relationship, and finally turned against each other."

Jiang Xiaobai and Long Ying Wushuang looked at each other, and couldn't help sighing. One can imagine how miserable it was when being betrayed by the one they loved back then.

"So, I kidnapped Longying Wushuang just to check whether there are projections from other universes on her body. Don't be careless, otherwise you will definitely follow in my footsteps."

Longying Wushuang's cheeks flushed, secretly a little embarrassed, but he couldn't blame Wutian.

After all, after coming here, except for the initial inspection, Wutian has always been very polite to her, and even solved a lot of doubts, helping her practice, which made her very confused.

"Put away the Tai Chi disc. This is the key to unlock the Immortal Realm of Universe No. [-] after you achieve immortality. Don't let other people know about it, especially those projections. They know the meaning of the Tai Chi disc." Wutian said.

Jiang Xiaobai nodded repeatedly.

"Your skills are not good enough. I'm missing an arm, so I can't get out of this stone house with my real body. I just gave you all my skills, and I don't know how much of them I have left."

After Wutian finished speaking, he shot two shots of true energy with both hands, shooting towards Jiang Xiaobai and Longying Wushuang.

Jiang Xiaobai didn't stop him, and signaled that Longying Wushuang didn't need to be polite, and the two let the pure essence enter, continuously integrating into the inner universe.

Jiang Xiaobai's realm is already very good, but he is only strengthening the inner universe, while Longying Wushuang's realm is rising rapidly.

After a long time, the two opened their eyes, and the sky was gone, and there was only a pool of black ash left on the ground.

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