Dominate the world

Chapter 138 Coupling

Beast Blood Pill!

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this name at first, he was extremely shocked.

Among all the elixirs, this is a relatively powerful existence, especially for warriors of the third rank, it is simply a magic medicine.

The two Beast Blood Pills are more precious than the Yuan Lingguo that Jiang Xiaobai got before.

At the same time, Jiang Xiaobai also had doubts about the other party's identity.

Who is it that can make such a generous move, and it is directly given to him by the Beast Blood Pill.

Ordinary people can't come up with such a high-grade pill.

"Who are you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked again.

"My name is Lu Ping!" The middle-aged man replied lightly.

"Lu Ping?" Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, then said, "I don't know."

Jiang Xiaobai's words completely angered the warriors around him. If Lu Ping hadn't stopped him, they would all have rushed to beat Jiang Xiaobai violently.

"Why are you so anxious?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't understand at all, he just didn't know the other party, and he would be so resisted.

Could it be the big shot of which family?

And because this is the only way to make other people surrender like this!

"Hehe!" A faint smile appeared on Lu Ping's face.

"Thanks, uncle, give me your address, and I will pay you back the double." Jiang Xiaobai put away the pill in his hand and said seriously.

"I don't need it anymore, just kill a few more monsters!" Lu Ping said, "You pay attention to safety, we are in a hurry."

"Okay!" Jiang Xiaobai told someone, and walked directly in the direction of Luocheng.

"Lord Lu, we don't have many pills, and there may be lord-level monsters in front of us, why did you give the pills to that kid?" The warriors around Lu Ping were puzzled.

"It's a fourth-rank martial artist, and this can be regarded as the pride of heaven." Lu Ping looked at Jiang Xiaobai's back and said softly. "Luocheng, Qilu Province, and even the entire country of Hua, the entire world, will belong to young people."

"These two pills are not just for that boy, but for this city and this world."

After Lu Ping finished speaking, he walked forward again.

The warriors around him were thoughtful one by one, and walked forward silently along the way.

After receiving the Beast Blood Pill presented by Lu Ping, Jiang Xiaobai's confidence also strengthened.

After calculating the time, Jiang Xiaobai started his frantic journey.

When monsters appeared, Jiang Xiaobai picked them out, but not all of them were dealt with.

Like some monsters below the fourth level, Jiang Xiaobai directly passed by them. If there were fourth-level monsters, Jiang Xiaobai shot and killed them.

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai's backpack was full.

Jiang Xiaobai began to put all the materials on the Tai Chi disc, and countless monster materials were suspended above the Tai Chi disc.

Half an hour later, Jiang Xiaobai looked at the densely packed materials, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Most of the materials inside are fourth-level monsters, each of which is extremely precious.

In just half an hour, Jiang Xiaobai gained more than the sum of the previous few times.

Of course, it wasn't just the monsters that Jiang Xiaobai killed, but also the corpses of some monsters, and the monster materials were picked up.

These monster materials are enough for him to redeem many credits.

After Jiang Xiaobai beheaded a fourth-grade monster again, before he had time to process the materials, he found a familiar figure.

"Liu Douer? How could it be him?"

After seeing Liu Douer's figure, Jiang Xiaobai didn't even deal with the monster materials, and walked over directly.

"How did you come?"

"I'm here to find you!" Liu Dou'er's tense face showed a relieved smile, "Sister Lan asked us to come out to find you immediately after learning the news of the monster riot."

"Where are they?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Because we didn't know where you were going, so we separated." Liu Dou'er turned on the communicator and looked at it. "Sister Lan and Zhang Chulan are not far from us."

"By the way, why don't you turn on the communicator?"

"I..." Jiang Xiaobai realized that his communicator was turned off this time.

Since entering No. [-] Middle School, Jiang Xiaobai has turned off the communicator in order to allow himself to concentrate on his opponent, Liu Qingyu.

Sure enough, just after Jiang Xiaobai turned on the communicator, a series of messages rang out.

"Okay, don't worry about it so much, let's go first!" Jiang Xiaobai retreated after reading the news in general.

Liu Douer and the others were able to go out to find him, which moved him greatly.

Especially Zhang Chulan, who was silent, would follow, which surprised Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai and Liu Douer, according to the marks displayed on the communicator, soon joined Lan Yingying and the others.

"You're going to die!" Lan Yingying scolded angrily after seeing Jiang Xiaobai, "Didn't you see the news of the evacuation? You also turned off the communicator. This time it's a monster riot. Can you resist it? "

"Sister Lan, am I okay?" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile.

Facing Lan Yingying's scolding, Jiang Xiaobai didn't feel disgusted at all, because he knew that the other party was caring about him.

"Is it okay? When you have something to do, wait for me to collect your body!" Lan Yingying said expressionlessly.

"It's impossible to collect the corpse. It might be eaten by monsters." Zhang Chulan said quietly.

"Old Zhang, I don't like to hear you say that." Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward, hooked his shoulders and said, "Don't always act cold."

Zhang Chulan frowned, and took Jiang Xiaobai's hand away from his shoulder.

"I just want to meet the monster, not because of you."

"Okay! You are right in everything you say." Jiang Xiaobai pouted, "Where's Zhao Chong? He didn't come?"

"He wanted to come, but he insisted on it, crying." Lan Yingying said angrily. "I was knocked out in the end, and then it stopped."

Knocked out?

Jiang Xiaobai's heart tightened, and he could not help but shudder as he imagined the scene at that time.

"How did you persist until now?" Lan Yingying stared at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

After the monster riot, both the number and strength have far exceeded before.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't resist it at all!

However, Jiang Xiaobai still came out intact.

The scars on her body looked shocking. After Lan Yingying's observation, it was just some skin trauma.

"Didn't you notice any changes in me?" Jiang Xiaobai blinked and asked with a chuckle.

"Huh?" Lan Yingying stared at Jiang Xiaobai again and observed, "You have been promoted to a fourth-rank warrior?"

Rank four martial artist?

Zhang Chulan and Lan Yingying couldn't help but look sideways.

The hearts of both of them were extremely shocked. Jiang Xiaobai is already a fourth-rank martial artist?


In just over two months, Jiang Xiaobai was actually promoted to the realm of a fourth-rank martial artist!

It's unbelievable!

"What's going on?" Lan Yingying, a sixth-rank martial artist, didn't know how to explain it, so she had to ask.

"I'll talk about this later, let's go back first." Jiang Xiaobai looked around, "I just heard from an uncle that Los Angeles City is about to be closed, and once closed, we won't be able to go back."

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