Dominate the world

Chapter 145 Mysterious Invitation

When the third level Nine Prison Thunder Knife was delivered to Jiang Xiaobai, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't wait to open it and practice.

After Jiang Xiaobai had memorized the details of the Nine Hells Thunder Knife, the Taiji disc once again showed the third layer of the Nine Hells Thunder Knife.

The third level of the Nine Hell Thunder Knife (Proficiency 0%)

"It's really amazing!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the third level of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife with zero proficiency, and the corners of his mouth rose, revealing a mysterious smile.

It's just memorizing the third level of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife, and the information of the third level immediately appeared on the Tai Chi disc.

It's just seamless!

Before that, Jiang Xiaobai was worried that Tai Chi Yuanpan would not be able to read the content of the third layer of Nine Hell Thunder Knife, but it turned out that he was overthinking it.

There is no difficulty at all in reading the third level of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife from the Taiji Disc.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation level: Rank [-] warrior

Skills: none

Tactics: Jinghong second level (1% proficiency), Nine Hell Thunder Knife third level (0% proficiency)

The information on the Tai Chi disc appeared before Jiang Xiaobai's eyes again, and everything was normal.

However, there has never been any exercises, which made Jiang Xiaobai a little puzzled.

Logically speaking, basic cultivation methods can also be regarded as exercises, but the Tai Chi disc is not displayed.

This is a strange thing.

Could it be that the basic cultivation method is not high enough?

The basic cultivation method is only for freshmen. If Jiang Xiaobai practiced step by step, he only needs to practice the basic cultivation method this year, which is enough.

However, Jiang Xiaobai's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and he has been promoted to the realm of a fourth-rank warrior in just three months.

Obviously, basic cultivation methods are no longer enough.

But Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any ideas to continue choosing exercises.

The shopping mall of Qiluwu University has a lot of exercises, and Jiang Xiaobai doesn't even want to consider silver-level exercises.

He is already a third-rank martial artist, and most people will choose gold-ranked martial artists, such as some warriors with huge family backgrounds, they will even choose platinum-ranked exercises.

After all, Platinum-level skills can allow warriors to break through to the realm of the upper third-rank warriors faster.

"I thought I was strong enough, but now it seems that I am still a scum!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly, looking at his more than 3000 credits, with a sad face.

Three thousand credits seems like a lot. If you choose a platinum-level exercise, you need at least [-] credits. A better exercise may require more than [-] credits.

This kind of credit consumption speed is completely out of reach!

Jiang Xiaobai's heart is still that of a petty citizen, he wants to save more credits, and only when he sees credits in his pocket will he feel at ease.

Without credits, there is no sense of security.

This is related to Jiang Xiaobai's childhood experience. Since he was a child, his family was poor and he had to count every penny carefully.

After becoming a warrior, there is no shortage of money, but the credits...

"It seems that this life is really poor!" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help sighing.

Until this time, he seemed to understand why Zhao Chong wanted to build a business empire so much.

After thinking for a long time, Jiang Xiaobai still didn't buy the cultivation method.

"It's really not possible, I can only sell the century-old herbs!" Jiang Xiaobai suddenly had a bold idea.

In the past few days, he checked some materials from the library and learned that the plant essence he got was a century-old plant essence.

Centuries-old herbal essences are worth a lot, if sold on the black market, they could be worth over [-] million.

Last time, when the grass and wood essence was auctioned, it was sold for a sky-high price of more than [-] million.

If it works a little bit, this century-old plant essence can be sold for at least [-] million.

Even if it is sold to Wuhan University, thousands of credits can be obtained.

Jiang Xiaobai has his own plan, if it is not a last resort, he will not sell the century-old plants and trees.

After all, this thing is also of great use to him.

As for the credits, you can earn them by waiting for a while and going into the wilderness to hunt monsters again.

Although it was slower, it was of great benefit to himself.

Not only can you earn credits, but you can increase your proficiency.

The third stage of the Nine Prisons Thunder Saber has already been obtained. If he can cultivate the third stage of the Nine Prisons Thunder Saber to a perfect state, it will be enough to double his strength.

For example, Jiang Xiaobai is now a fourth-rank martial artist, with a strength exceeding [-] jin. After completing the third stage of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber, his explosive strength can completely exceed [-] jin.

If the strength he can exert is [-] jin, with the blessing of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife, he can completely explode with a force of [-] jin.

Forty thousand catties, this is almost the strength that only fifth-rank warriors can possess.

This is the power of the third level Nine Prison Thunder Saber.

That's why it's not unreasonable that the Nine Prison Thunder Knife is called a master-level combat method.

However, it is extremely difficult to practice the Nine Hell Thunder Saber.

Except for Jiang Xiaobai, almost no one would choose the Nine Hells Thunder Saber as their method of battle.

It is also fortunate that Jiang Xiaobai has the help of Taiji Yuanpan, otherwise, he can only feel helpless.

"What would it look like if I practiced the Nine Layers Nine Prison Thunder Knife to perfection?" Jiang Xiaobai put away the Tai Chi Disc, sat on the table and drank a sip of water.

The Nine Layers Nine Prison Thunder Knife must be an existence at the level of defying the sky.

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was thinking about it, there was a beeping sound from the communicator.

"Stranger?" Jiang Xiaobai found out that it was a message from a stranger, and opened it with doubts.

"At eight o'clock tonight, Qilu No. [-] Martial Arts Field, please come to the appointment."

After seeing this news, Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback for a moment, and then began to guess.

At this time, please come to the appointment by yourself?

What does it mean?

Whether it is Liu Qingyu or Zhang Yu, they have already died in their own hands.

It can be said that in the current Qilu Wuda, there are no obvious enemies.

As for friends?

It is also unlikely!

Except for Liu Douer, Zhao Chong and others, Jiang Xiaobai had almost no contact with anyone, and he had no friends at all.

Who else will invite me?

Is the opponent friend or foe?

For a while, Jiang Xiaobai himself couldn't figure it out.

This news was an anonymous letter, and Jiang Xiaobai couldn't find it if he wanted to.

Moreover, the other party will choose Qilu No. [-] Martial Arts Field as the meeting place, which is a bit interesting.

Qilu No. [-] Martial Arts Field is the most luxurious martial arts field of Qilu Wuda University, and ordinary people are not qualified to enter it.

From this, it can be seen that the other party's status in Qilu Wuda may not be low.

But if you want to ask who it is, if you have to wait until you meet, you will not know.

After thinking for a while, Jiang Xiaobai decided to go to the appointment according to the agreed time.

Lan Yingying and the others were not notified. Since the other party dared to choose to meet at the Martial Arts Field of Qilu Wuda University, they probably would not attack him.

After making a decision, Jiang Xiaobai immersed himself in cultivation again.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Jiang Xiaobai walked out of the dormitory and walked directly towards the No. [-] Martial Dojo.

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