Dominate the world

Chapter 154 It's them, do it!

Zhong Liang and the others followed Jiang Xiaobai out of the Martial Arts Club suspiciously, but Jiang Xiaobai did not tell them who their chosen opponent was.

As warriors of the Martial Arts Club, Zhong Liang and the others are extremely high-spirited, and they are never afraid of any challenges.

In their eyes, there is no warrior who can match them, unless it is a powerful monster!

Jiang Xiaobai took Zhong Liang and others directly to the school gate of Qilu Wuda University. The few people Qin Feng told him before had already been remembered in his mind, so after he came out, he quickly recognized Liu's family. Musha.

When the Liu family warriors saw Jiang Xiaobai, they were suddenly taken aback.

They were warriors sent by Liu Guangyu to follow them, so they would naturally recognize Jiang Xiaobai.

I thought it would take a long time to squat to reach Jiang Xiaobai, but I didn't expect the other party to come out directly.

This surprised them very much!

However, when they saw the martial artist beside Jiang Xiaobai, they showed shock again.

"Hello!" Jiang Xiaobai came to one of the Liu family warriors and asked with a smile.

"Ah?" The Liu family warrior was stunned, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in astonishment, "You, hello..."

"A martial artist from the Liu family?" Jiang Xiaobai asked casually.

"No, it's not!" The Liu family warrior naturally did not dare to admit his identity, "I was just passing by."

"Passing by?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "You pass by every day? Qiluwu University is opened by your family?"

The Liu Family Martial Artist was speechless immediately: "I, I just happened to be!"

Zhong Liang and the others watched quietly, not knowing what Jiang Xiaobai wanted to do?

The warriors in front of him are only at the fifth-rank realm, and any one of them can instantly kill the other.

However, it was learned from the conversation that the other party had been stalking here for a long time, which made them alert.

"Coincidentally!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the martial artist in front of him, "It just so happened to me!"

Liu Jiawu frowned: "What do you mean?"

"It's nothing interesting, it's just a coincidence." Jiang Xiaobai turned around and looked at Zhong Liang and the others, "Old Zhong, I found out that this person conspired against Qilu Wuda, should we, as Qilu Wuda's Martial Arts Club, punish him? "

"This..." Zhong Liang pulled his old face down, dare Jiang Xiaobai treat them as thugs?

"What? Didn't you take an oath when you entered the Martial Arts Club? Didn't you forget?" Jiang Xiaobai asked seriously.

"No!" Zhong Liang quickly replied upon hearing this.

"That's good!" Jiang Xiaobai pointed at the martial artist in front of him, "This man has been sneaking around Qilu Wuda University for several days, but you didn't find out, which makes me very disappointed!"

Zhong Liang and the others felt a burst of heat on their faces. If it was true as Jiang Xiaobai said, it was indeed their fault.

"Okay!" Zhong Liang nodded, then looked at the people around him, "I leave it to you!"

"You guys, what do you want to do?" The Liu family warriors immediately panicked. They were all fifth-rank warriors on the opposite side, and it was too much to deal with one of them, but now several people went together.

The warriors of the Martial Arts Club didn't talk nonsense, and pressed forward step by step.

Bang bang bang!

Four or five people shot together, knocking each other to the ground in an instant.

At this time, other warriors of the Liu family sensed something was wrong, and two more people rushed over.

When they saw the martial artist on the ground, the expressions of the two changed drastically.

"Your actions are so vicious?" One of them scolded, "If you offend our Liu family, do you know how serious the consequences are?"

"Liu Family Martial Artist?"

After Zhong Liang and the others heard this, they couldn't help curling their lips.

Sure enough, as Jiang Xiaobai said, these people are all warriors of the Liu family.

Zhong Liang is a warrior recommended by Qin Feng, so naturally he has nothing to do with the Liu family. Seriously speaking, almost none of the warriors around Jiang Xiaobai have any relationship with the families in Los Angeles.

The relationship between the Martial Dao Club is intricate, and some of them are descendants of the Luocheng family. Qin Feng is naturally very clear about these.

When he brought Jiang Xiaobai to the Martial Arts Club, Qin Feng did not shy away from those family disciples, but Qin Feng deliberately ordered Zhongliang.

Jiang Xiaobai naturally understood what Qin Feng meant, so he came out this time and took Zhong Liang with him.

"So what about the Liu family?" Jiang Xiaobai glared at the other party, "If you dare to offend me, Qilu Wuda, you will be punished even if you are far away!"

"Old Zhong, fuck them!"

When Zhong Liang heard this, he smiled wryly, but he didn't stay idle, and ran up directly.

The two Liu Family Martial Artists had no time to react, and were directly knocked to the ground by Zhong Liang.

The warriors of the sixth-rank realm have an absolute advantage in the face of these family warriors.

Even with a few more fifth-rank warriors, Zhong Liang could easily deal with them.

"Do you still dare to covet Qilu Wuda in the future?" Jiang Xiaobai asked solemnly. "In the entire city of Los Angeles, Qilu Wuda is sacred and inviolable!"

Jiang Xiaobai spoke righteously, and the Liu family warriors on the ground were terrified.

When such a thing happened in Qilu Wuda University, passers-by around stopped and watched, and when they learned the whole story, they started talking.

"What? The Liu family in Luocheng actually wants to deal with Qilu Wuda?"

"Is the Liu family crazy? How dare they deal with Los Angeles' key Wuhan University?"

"The highest member of the Liu family is only a ninth-rank warrior! How can he compete with Qilu Wuda?"

The warriors on the ground wanted to get into the soil, instead of keeping a good eye on Jiang Xiaobai, they shamed the Liu family instead.

"What the hell are you invading Qilu Wuda? We're here to watch you, okay?"

Of course they didn't dare to say such words, after all, it was Jiang Xiaobai who was not in front of them.

Jiang Xiaobai from Qilu Wuhan University!

If Qilu Wuda knew that the family in Luocheng wanted to deal with Wuda students and attract Wuda to show its power, it would be difficult for any family to deal with it, unless it was the aristocratic families who resisted behind them.

Liu Guangyu desperately wants to avenge his son, but he is not a brainless person, and he dare not gamble with the future of the Liu family.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Waiting to eat?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the warrior on the ground and said with a smile.

"Ah!" The warrior on the ground immediately got up and fled in despair.

"Go back and tell your master that if you want to find someone, you can go in directly, there is no need to be a thief here." Jiang Xiaobai's voice came from behind them.

Several people were startled, and immediately quickened their pace.

The warriors of the Liu family returned to the family with bruised noses and swollen faces. After Liu Guangyu saw it, he immediately became sullen.

"What happened!" Liu Guangyu asked.

"Master, we have been discovered!" said one of the elders.

"Did you find it? Even if you found out, you can get out of your body. How did this happen?" Liu Guangyu was puzzled, "What's going on here?"

Jiang Xiaobai is only a fourth-rank warrior, and the people he sent out are all fifth-rank warriors. Even if Jiang Xiaobai finds out, they don't have to worry about their own safety.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai is not their opponent!

But now, these people came back with a lot of money.

"It wasn't Jiang Xiaobai who made the move!" the man said with a sobbing face.

"It's not him? Who is that?" Liu Guangyu was even more puzzled, "Liu Dou'er is not so powerful, could it be that Lan Yingying made the move?"

"No, it's the Martial Arts Club!"

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