Dominate the world

Chapter 177 Re-refining Assassin

As Jiang Xiaobai said, he didn't know how long Lu Bufan would stay here.

Unless it is the destruction of the three major families in Los Angeles?

However, the family in Los Angeles is not easy to deal with. Although the other party does not have a master-level powerhouse, there is naturally a reason for them to be able to stand in Los Angeles for so many years.

If not, Qi Luwu would have put it down a long time ago.

But it has been a long time since I did it, and this is intriguing.

Not only that, the Los Angeles Martial Arts Academy didn't intend to do anything.

Just relying on Jiang Xiaobai himself is not enough to last for a long time.

Perhaps, one day in the future, Lu Bufan will be snatched away by the three major families. If that time really comes, Jiang Xiaobai will be helpless.

"Let's do our best to protect him!" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at Lu Bufan, this boy who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, although he was only two years younger than him, had experienced things that others could not match.

"If there is trouble, I will go out by myself, and I will never implicate you." Lu Bufan said tenaciously.

"What's the use of you going out?" Zhao Chong said with a smile, "Stay here well!"

When Zhong Liang went to arrange for Lu Bufan, Zhao Chong's expression also regained his dignity.

"Xiaobai, this time you are going to be on the cusp." Zhao Chong said worriedly.

"I know!" Jiang Xiaobai nodded.

"But you can stay out of it, why do you have to get involved?" Zhao Chong was puzzled by Jiang Xiaobai's actions.

Entering the game in this way is not Jiang Xiaobai's approach at all.

Such a high-profile act will definitely attract attacks from all sides.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai is only a fourth-rank martial artist.

Even Qin Feng, a rank-[-] warrior, can't handle it. How will Jiang Xiaobai, a rank-[-] fighter, deal with the coming crisis?

"I can't hide from this matter. Just because I killed Liu Qingyu, the Liu family will not let me go." Jiang Xiaobai patiently explained, "Your three great families in Los Angeles are united. , if I deal with one of them, the other two will naturally help."

"Instead of sitting still and waiting to die, it is better to stand up and fight back."

Jiang Xiaobai's words made Zhao Chong completely understand.

He is not a person who is afraid of things, and he will not shrink back when encountering things, but he feels that Jiang Xiaobai is facing the family in Luocheng, and he feels quite like a mayfly shaking a tree.


"Okay, the soldiers are here to cover the water and the soil, and I will accompany me to Mr. Ning Zecheng's house later." Jiang Xiaobai patted Zhao Chong on the shoulder and said. "Don't think about these things."

"Looking for Mr. Ning?" Zhao Chong looked at Jiang Xiaobai suspiciously, "Do you want to refine weapons again?"

"Well, temper the assassin again." Jiang Xiaobai replied lightly.

"Refinement again?" Zhao Chong wondered, "How long has it been!"

However, Zhao Chong didn't say much, and directly brought Jiang Xiaobai to Ning Zecheng's residence.

When Ning Zecheng heard that Jiang Xiaobai was coming, he took the initiative to greet him.

"Old Ning, I'm here to trouble you this time." Jiang Xiaobai greeted with a smile.

"Is it refining again?" Ning Zecheng seemed to know Jiang Xiaobai's purpose, and said in greeting, "Come, come, sit inside."

The disciples of Ning Zecheng next to him were dumbfounded. Ning Zecheng is such a cold and arrogant person on weekdays. He never pretended to anyone, but now he is so enthusiastic about a young man.

"Who is this person?" After seeing Ning Zecheng lead Jiang Xiaobai into the living room, the disciple standing outside asked in confusion.

"You don't know this? This is Jiang Xiaobai, the arrogance of the Martial Academy." The person next to him replied.

"Jiang Xiaobai? Who is that?"

"You are really out of date. You don't care about the affairs of Qilu Wuda University at all. Jiang Xiaobai, a freshman, was promoted to the realm of a fourth-rank warrior in three months. Now he is the vice president of the Martial Arts Club and has become our Qilu Wuda University. iconic icon."

"Hold the grass! So powerful?" The man looked at Jiang Xiaobai's back with lingering fear, full of awe.

Such a fierce freshman is really rare, but he is just a freshman, but he has become the pride of Qiluwu University.

The freshman is the fourth-rank realm?

Isn't the senior year going to be promoted to grandmaster?

Not only the disciple who asked the question just now, even the other disciples felt a burst of envy when they looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

After Ning Zecheng brought Jiang Xiaobai and Zhao Chong to the inner hall, he motioned for them to sit down, while he walked to the side room beside him.

"Xiaobai, I have been imitating and refining since I saw your stabbing, but unfortunately, I have never succeeded." Ning Zecheng took out a few short daggers and put them in front of Jiang Xiaobai, "These are all The weapons I refined, although they are all gold-level fighters, are much worse than your Assassins!"

"Really?" Jiang Xiaobai picked up a dagger, and felt a heavy murderous aura as soon as he started, "The quality is so high!"

This dagger gave Jiang Xiaobai an amazing feeling, and it had already surpassed the dagger given to him by the headmaster.

But compared with his own thorn, it still lacks a little charm.

Jiang Xiaobai is not very clear about the specific charm.

After all, he is not a master craftsman.

"So many gold rank soldiers?" Zhao Chong's eyes turned red when he saw the weapons in front of him.

As the arrogance of the weapon academy, he wholeheartedly pursued the way of refining weapons, but now he can only refine weapons of the bronze level.

Compared with these weapons in front of them, it is more than one level worse.

In Ning Zecheng's eyes, these are just gadgets.

"Xiaobai, is there any news about the master?" Ning Zecheng looked at Jiang Xiaobai eagerly, "Why can't I refine a weapon like the master no matter what?"

"No..." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head decisively.

This guy is too obsessed!

Just glanced at the back of the stab, and began to want to copy it.

This is simply not possible!

If it can really be copied, what is the use of the Tai Chi Disc?

"You take all these magic weapons with you. If you see that senior, ask him to correct me." Ning Zecheng put the dozen or so daggers in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

"This is not good!" Jiang Xiaobai was a little embarrassed, there were more than a dozen gold-rank soldiers in front of him, each of which was priceless, and he gave it to himself...

"I also know it's a bit abrupt." Ning Zecheng patted his head, "If that senior is willing to give advice, I'm willing to pay any price."

Jiang Xiaobai was taken aback by Ning Zecheng's words, and quickly wanted to say that's not what I meant.

But when he saw Ning Zecheng's eyes, he closed his mouth.

"Okay! I put away these weapons." Jiang Xiaobai put away the soldiers in front of him, "If there is a chance to meet that senior, I will definitely let him rebuild a magic weapon for you to observe."

"Thank you very much!" Ning Zecheng thanked earnestly.

"Old Ning, I'm here this time to ask you to help me re-sharpen my spine."

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