Dominate the world

Chapter 180 Pressure from the Los Angeles Family

After being promoted to rank five martial artist, Jiang Xiaobai calmed down even more, absorbing vitality to stabilize his cultivation.

Having just been promoted, it is inevitable that there will be some qi and blood instability. Although the physical strength has been improved, Jiang Xiaobai is still out of control, and it takes time to get familiar with the already powerful physical strength.

For two days in a row, Jiang Xiaobai was meditating in the Martial Arts Field.

It made him gradually familiar with the power in his body, and his body gradually calmed down.

A Beast Blood Pill allowed him to be promoted to the realm of a fifth-rank warrior, and Jiang Xiaobai did not continue to take the remaining Beast Blood Pill, but was put away by him.

The promotion to rank five martial artist was not just due to the Beast Blood Pill, but more the result of Jiang Xiaobai's hard work.

Without Jiang Xiaobai's hard work during this period, a Beast Blood Pill alone would not be enough to promote him to the realm of a fifth-rank warrior, at most it would allow him to increase part of his strength.

Therefore, although the Beast Blood Pill is useful, it does not play a fundamental role.

"Fifth-rank warrior, now I have more confidence to deal with the Luocheng family." Jiang Xiaobai got up, stretched his waist and said.

Then he practiced the Nine Prison Thunder Saber and Jinghong body skills in the Martial Arts Field.

After performing the two sets of tactics, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help frowning.

"What's going on here? Why can't the third level of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber allow me to maintain the bonus of doubling my strength?"

When he used the Nine Prison Thunder Knife just now, his instantaneous explosive power reached [-] jin, but it was only for a moment.

That kind of power disappeared quickly, and it didn't last as long as a fourth-rank martial artist.

If he wields the Nine Prison Thunder Saber with a strength of [-] jin, his strength is comparable to that of a sixth-rank warrior.

But the problem now is that he can only maintain it for an instant, which is not enough to kill the enemy.

"Could it be that the power of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber is not constant?" Jiang Xiaobai seemed to have grasped the point.

It's not that no one has practiced the Nine Hell Thunder Saber before, and some people have cultivated to the third level, but why is he the only one who shines brightly, while everyone else is oblivious to everyone?

The most likely result is that the blessing of twice the strength of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber is not constant, but as the strength increases, this blessing is constantly weakening.

If it is really a double blessing, isn't the sixth-rank warrior comparable to the ninth-rank warrior?

Obviously, this is impossible.

"No wonder, the Nine Prison Thunder Knife has been criticized a lot, so the problem lies here." After figuring it out, Jiang Xiaobai became relieved.

After all, there has never been a practice that can be invincible for a long time, which itself is a paradox.

"Nine Prison Thunder Knife is the third level. It seems that I need to continue to improve the proficiency of Nine Prison Thunder Knife." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the Tai Chi disc, which was not more than half of the proficiency, and suddenly felt a headache.

There are only two ways to improve proficiency. The first is to fight against powerful monks, and the second is to enter the wilderness trial.

The current Jiang Xiaobai is not suitable to enter the wilderness area for trials at all. The family in Luo City is eyeing him. Once he enters the wilderness, he will definitely attract the family's pursuit.

And the only way left now is to fight against powerful monks.

A powerful monk?

A faint smile appeared on the corner of Jiang Xiaobai's mouth, and he had an idea in his heart.

Aren't there many fifth-rank martial artists in the martial arts club of Qilu Wuda?

Wouldn't it kill two birds with one stone to use them to improve the proficiency of the Nine Hell Thunder Knife?

Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai went directly to the Martial Arts Club.

"What? President Jiang has been promoted to the realm of a fifth-rank warrior? Do you still want to compete with us?"

"How can we be opponents? When he was in the fourth-rank realm, he was already able to deal with fifth-rank warriors. Now that he has been promoted to fifth-rank warriors, wouldn't he crush us?"

"Not with us alone, but challenge us together!"

"Are we a dozen fifth-rank warriors? What is he trying to do?"

After hearing Zhong Liang's announcement, the members of the Martial Arts Club immediately became overwhelmed.

What exactly does Jiang Xiaobai want to do?How dare you challenge them all?

The warriors of the Martial Arts Club have a stronger and stronger sense of identification with Jiang Xiaobai, especially a few days ago, the gold-ranked soldiers that Jiang Xiaobai asked Zhong Liang to send over have won over the warriors' minds.

"President Jiang, it's not good! What if I hurt you?" Zhong Liang said worriedly.

Jiang Xiaobai's strength is well known, and there is no need to prove anything. When he was in the fourth-rank realm, he was strong against fifth-rank warriors.

Now that he has been promoted to the fifth-rank realm, he is naturally a warrior who crushes the fifth-rank realm.

But if he is faced with teammates who are several times his size, can Jiang Xiaobai still deal with it calmly?

This is impossible.

Even any Tianjiao warrior cannot fight against so many warriors of the same level by himself.

"Injuries are inevitable. Who won't get hurt when they compete?" Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently, "Don't ink."

"Okay!" Someone from the Martial Arts Club stood up.

"In that case, five people will come first." Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while before saying.

Five fifth-rank warriors, this should be his limit.

After all, the warriors in front of him are not ordinary fifth-rank warriors, each one is an elite of Qilu Wuda.

If it is pulled out, it will be a unique existence.

Zhong Liang had no choice but to wave his hands, and selected five warriors to fight.

As soon as the five warriors stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai, they suddenly burst into a huge momentum, and the five tyrannical forces pushed all the way across, oppressing Jiang Xiaobai.

Jiang Xiaobai's battle this time attracted the attention of all members of the Martial Arts Club.

There was only one person who was not attracted, and that was Lu Bufan.

Since coming to the Martial Arts Club, Lu Bufan has been sharpening his sword.

Day and night, I seldom rest. I only sleep for three hours at most every day, and I spend the rest of the time sharpening my knife.

"Senior Zhong Liang, how did our president's strength improve so quickly?" The martial artist standing beside Zhong Liang asked puzzledly, "The last time I saw him as a fourth-rank martial artist, it was only two weeks and he has already been promoted to fifth rank." A martial artist."

"Ask me!" Zhong Liang turned his head to look at the man, and then said, "How do I know? This is really a freak."

When Zhong Liang first saw Jiang Xiaobai just now, he was stunned.

Jiang Xiaobai, a rank five warrior, caught Zhong Liang off guard by this news.

As an old man of the martial arts club, Zhong Liang is only at the peak of the fifth rank, and how long has Jiang Xiaobai been enrolled?He has actually reached the realm of a fifth-rank martial artist.

Even Qin Feng can't compare to it!

Only now did he understand why Qin Feng chose Jiang Xiaobai in the first place.

Even with the opposition of so many warriors, Qin Feng still insisted on his own opinion.

Qin Feng has always been a very talkative person, but he did not compromise on Jiang Xiaobai's matter.

"President Qin Feng's vision is really vicious." Zhong Liang couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Yes! But I don't know how senior Qin Feng is doing now." The warrior said sadly.

"May the auspicious people have their own appearance!" Zhong Liang said silently.

Ever since he learned the news that Qin Feng was seriously injured and entered Qianfo Mountain, Zhong Liang once thought about taking revenge, but finally held back rationally.

Now the strength is not enough, and it is impossible to fight against the family in Luocheng.

The rise of Jiang Xiaobai gave him hope.

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