Dominate the world

Chapter 188 Falling into crisis.

"Death is imminent!" Liu Guangyu shouted sharply.

In his opinion, Jiang Xiaobai's Jiang Xiaobai had Cihong in his hands, which was not as high as his own black-scaled sword.

It will not pose any threat to yourself at all.

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled lightly, and Jinghong's movement began to work.

The figure disappeared in front of Liu Guangyu, but the other party did not panic.

"Jinghong's body skills? I've heard that your body skills are powerful, so I want to see how powerful you are." Liu Guangyu insisted that he was already a sixth-rank martial artist, so he didn't take Jiang Xiaobai seriously.

"This kind of body technique may look subtle to others, but in front of me, it's nothing more than a trivial skill." Liu Guangyu suddenly felt strong winds coming from the left, and a smile appeared on his face again, "Low-level body skills, And dare to take it out to shame people."

The black scales cut towards the left, and the waves of air were separated, but they didn't hit Jiang Xiaobai, instead they fell into space.

"What's going on?" Liu Guangyu was taken aback for a moment, he clearly felt Jiang Xiaobai's aura appearing here, but why didn't he hit it?


Just when Liu Guangyu was wondering, there was a sudden explosion behind him.

The stabbed tore through the air and stabbed straight at his back.

"This is impossible! How could he be so fast?" Liu Guangyu's face turned cold, and his body dodged subconsciously.

Even so, Cihong still left shallow scars on his body, and bright red blood flowed out slowly.

"You actually hurt me!" Liu Guangyu was furious when he saw that he was injured.

An imposing sixth-rank warrior was actually injured by a fifth-rank warrior!

This is a great shame to him.

"Glass heart?" Seeing Liu Guangyu's expression, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly said something like this.

glass heart!

The warriors watching were engrossed in the battle in front of them, but they were amused by Jiang Xiaobai's words.

At this time, is there still time to talk about these things?

"666, President Jiang's sarcasm skills are good!"

"I'm sorry, this is a battle with a sixth-rank warrior! Could you please be more serious?"

"Gkd, we want to watch the passionate battle!"

Zhao Chong's live broadcast room was frantically swiped again. Seeing the rising popularity, Zhao Chong's face blossomed with joy.

Through the live broadcast, he has attracted a lot of fans, and there are already hundreds of diehard fans who squat in his live broadcast room every day.

And what about Zhao Chong?It can be said that it will be broadcast live at other times except for going to the toilet.

"You..." Liu Guangyu's face in the arena was extremely ugly.

He was accidentally injured just now, but Jiang Xiaobai was still mocking him non-stop.

This made him even more restless.

"Jiang Xiaobai!" Liu Guangyu yelled angrily, and swung the black-scaled long knife in his hand continuously, with black lights flickering in the air.

At this moment, the power of the Platinum-ranked soldier was suddenly displayed, and Jiang Xiaobai was tightly suppressed by the huge aura.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai, who is only in the fifth-rank realm, naturally does not feel very comfortable facing the full-scale explosion of the sixth-rank warriors.

However, Jiang Xiaobai dodged all the fatal attacks because of the existence of Jinghong's movement skills.

"The strength of the sixth-rank warrior is really extraordinary." Jiang Xiaobai said secretly in his heart, "The only way to deal with it is to use the fourth level of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber, but it really only takes less than a minute."

"I only have this one chance! If I seize this chance, I will be able to kill him."

After thinking about countermeasures, Jiang Xiaobai gradually calmed down.

The strong pressure forced him to think calmly and face it.


The black scale long knife hit the back of the stab hard, and soon, Jiang Xiaobai's body was forced to retreat.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai took seven or eight steps back before he stabilized his figure, and looked at Liu Guangyu with cold eyes.

"Hehe, you're just a fifth-rank martial artist. Today I'll teach you how to be a human being." Liu Guangyu dropped these words and rushed forward again.

Seeing the game where Jiang Xiaobai was suppressed, everyone in Qilu Wuda suddenly became nervous, and their hearts were raised in their throats.

"President Jiang, what should we do?"

"The other party is too powerful. He has already entered the realm of a sixth-rank warrior, and he has just been promoted to a fifth-rank warrior. This..."

"The gap in strength is huge! How can I get out?"

The members of the Martial Arts Club couldn't help but worry. They recognized Jiang Xiaobai's strength very much, but the enemy in front of him was too powerful, and Jiang Xiaobai could not handle it at all.

"Lan Yingying, what do you think Jiang Xiaobai's chances are?" Tang Songting stared at Jiang Xiaobai in the arena, ready to make a move at any time.

Jiang Xiaobai, as the arrogance of Wuhan University, naturally cannot fall in the hands of the Luocheng family.

Although he failed this time, don't forget that the other party has practiced decades more than Jiang Xiaobai, and he is already over 40 years old.

Jiang Xiaobai's defeat at his hands is not necessarily embarrassing.

"[-]-[-]!" Lan Yingying gritted her teeth and said after a long time.

"Fifty-five?" Tang Songting looked over in confusion.

Now it is obvious that Jiang Xiaobai is at a disadvantage, how can there be a [-]-[-] split?

"Instructor Lan, you think highly of your students too." Hearing Lan Yingying's words, Wang Deyi immediately countered, "There is still a [-]-[-] split in this state? No matter what, it's a nine-to-one split, and that point is for Jiang Xiaobai courage."

"Brother Wang is right. In this situation, Jiang Xiaobai must die." Zhou Wenzhao stood in front of Tang Songting, "I know what you are thinking, but this battle can only be a battle between the two of them. , outsiders cannot intervene."

"Huh?" Tang Songting frowned tightly.

"The families of Qilu Wuda University and Luocheng City are half-fifty in strength, and they don't want to tear their faces. If you go back on your word today, have you thought about the result?" Zhou Wenzhao half threatened.

"Remember what you said." Lan Yingying responded indifferently.

"Hehe!" Zhou Wenzhao laughed lightly, not taking it to heart at all.

The current situation is very clear, Jiang Xiaobai is completely in a passive defensive posture, while Liu Guangyu has been occupying an overwhelming advantage.


Can a Tianjiao who has not grown up be considered a Tianjiao?

Liu Guangyu's attack hit like a violent storm, Jiang Xiaobai's Jinghong movement speed became faster and faster, and the proficiency on the Tai Chi disc increased at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Whether it is Jinghong Movement or Nine Prisons Thunder Saber, only when Jiang Xiaobai is facing huge pressure can he get a great improvement.


The black scaled long knife fell down, hitting Jiang Xiaobai's neck directly.

If this knife hits, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely die.

Like a black lightning strike, everyone held their breath and stared ahead.

This time, can Jiang Xiaobai escape?

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