Dominate the world

Chapter 24 1 Farce

They are out!

Zhou Ming's words made everyone look over immediately.

It happened that Zhao Wenyu and his group were coming out of Qingshan Town, everyone looked extremely lonely.

Jiang Xiaobai was like everyone else, when he saw the expressions of Zhao Wenyu and others, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

It seems that after these people found the Golden Knife Mantis, they found out that they had been caught first.

"Student Zhao, how is it? Everything is going well!" Zhou Ming greeted him enthusiastically.

This time, Zhao Wenyu worked hard to kill the first-level monster, and he also got the support and consent of the school.

Zhao Wenyu is an excellent member of the Martial Arts Genius Class. To have such an idea is naturally what all the teachers hope to see.

"It's okay!" Zhao Wenyu's eyes flickered, as if he didn't want to talk about this topic, "The Golden Knife Mantis is dead."

"Dead? You succeeded!" Zhou Ming's eyebrows danced brightly, as if he had won the jackpot. If it wasn't for the public occasion, he would have jumped up a long time ago.

"Old Lei, how is it? When will your students deal with a first-level monster!" Zhou Ming seemed to have regained his vitality, and asked with a playful smile.

"We..." Lei Li's eyes dimmed.

"You sure don't dare!" Zhou Ming interrupted Lei Li, "How can you deal with a first-level monster with the skills of those three-legged cats in your third class?"

"When it's critical, it still depends on the students of our No. [-] Middle School. What's the use of having more Black Gold Iron Rat Killers?"

Zhou Ming's demeanor made the other instructors around him frown.

No one denies that the students in No. [-] Middle School are powerful, but it's a bit too much for you to mock other students.

"The high-achieving students in No. [-] Middle School are really strong." Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "However, can we open our eyes and see the achievements of the top students in No. [-] Middle School?"

Just as Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, a cold gaze fell on him.

It was Zhao Wenyu!

Zhao Wenyu's answer was vague. They did defeat a golden knife mantis, which was something worth celebrating.

But when they were chasing, they were caught first, leaving them with some useless rubbish materials.

"Yes, yes, yes, Zhao Wenyu, show them and open their eyes." Zhou Ming also urged.

As the teachers of Lei Ze High School, what they are most proud of is that the students have achieved excellent results. This is not only something that students should be proud of, but also a great honor to be a teacher.


Zhao Wenyu was in a dilemma for a while.

"What are you dawdling for?" Zhou Ming thought that Zhao Wenyu was afraid of something unexpected, so he comforted him, "Don't worry, with Zhou Ming around, no one will dare to snatch your spoils."

The other teachers and students looked at Zhao Wenyu expectantly, eager to see the results of the opponent's battle.

After all, beheading a first-level monster during the assessment has never happened before.

And Jiang Xiaobai showed a playful smile, and he also wanted to know what Zhao Wenyu would use for business.

"It's right here!" The classmate standing behind Zhao Wenyu directly opened the backpack.

Suddenly, the head of Golden Knife Mantis appeared in the backpack.

"Wow, it's really a golden knife mantis, a first-level monster golden knife mantis?"

"Zhao Wenyu and the others really killed a first-level monster? This is too incredible!"

"The students of No. [-] Middle School are really powerful!"

After seeing the head of the Golden Knife Mantis, there were bursts of exclamations.

A first-class monster, the Golden Saber Mantis!

This is their basic cultural class from school to the knowledge points, from the first level monsters to the ninth level monsters, will be compiled into the teaching materials for all students to learn to identify, and even used as the test center for the exam.

Therefore, they were certain that the monster in front of them was a first-class monster—Golden Saber Mantis.

Before reaching the realm of warriors, a student from No. [-] Middle School actually managed to kill a first-level monster.

It has to be said that the strength of the No. [-] Middle School martial arts class is indeed embarrassing.

"What's the use of just having a head? I remember the book said that the most valuable thing of the Golden Knife Mantis is a pair of golden knives. What about the knives?"

When everyone was shocked, a faint voice came over, which immediately attracted everyone's attention.

When they looked over, they found that Zhao Chong had come into the crowd at some point.

"Yes! Where's the knife?"

Immediately, several people began to react and asked in doubt.

Hearing Zhao Chong's words, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help shouting for him, this guy is definitely the No. 1 make-up knife.

"Zhao Wenyu, open their eyes to the golden knife you have captured." Zhou Ming said to Zhao Wenyu in a bullish manner.

"Golden knife?" Zhao Wenyu showed a timid look, and at this moment he hated the person who asked the question.

"That's right! That's a good material for refining weapons." Zhou Ming continued.

"I don't have a golden knife!" After a moment of silence, Zhao Wenyu said in confusion.



When everyone heard this sentence, they were instantly confused.

What does it mean?

Killed the Golden Knife Mantis but didn't take off the Golden Knife?

Could it be for fun by beheading the golden knife mantis!

Zhao Wenyu seemed to be aware of everyone's doubts, and then slowly explained: "This golden knife mantis fought fiercely with us for a long time, and when it was dying, it released a powerful attack to hold us back, and then fled alone. When I was there, I found out that someone had snatched it first."

The other students were still staring at Zhao Wenyu. Obviously, everyone didn't quite believe these words.

How could it be possible to be snatched first?

This is a first-level monster. Apart from the students of No. [-] Middle School who participated in the trial, who would dare to go to Qingshan Town to find a first-level monster?

If it was a student from No. [-] Middle School who made the move, it would be impossible to snatch the prey of Zhao Wenyu and others!

Faced with everyone's doubts, Zhao Wenyu wanted to cry but had no tears.

Obviously what he said was the truth of the matter, but it seemed that no one believed it, and looking at the expressions of the people around him, it was as if he was looking at a mentally retarded person.

"What?" Zhou Ming also turned pale with shock, with rare panic showing on his face.

The first-level monster was robbed?

how can that be!

Zhou Ming racked his brains and never imagined such a result. There are only a handful of places in Qingshan Town where there are first-class monsters, and most of them are marked out. Ordinary students can't avoid them, let alone snatch them.

This is simply impossible.

Such a good opportunity to pretend to be so good, but it's gone like this?

Several students from the Martial Arts Class of the No. [-] Middle School heard the news among the crowd and subconsciously looked at Jiang Xiaobai.

Could it be that this guy succeeded?

Snatched Zhao Wenyu's prey?

Thinking of this, several people suddenly turned pale.

Although they have guessed about this matter, they will undoubtedly not say it, and they can only rot it in their stomachs.

"It's boring." Jiang Xiaobai said a little bored.

"It's quite boring!" Lei Li nodded and echoed.

"The students of our No. [-] Middle School did kill the Golden Knife Mantis!" Zhou Ming shouted at the top of his lungs.

Zhao Wenyu would not lie to him, so there is only one truth of the matter, the Golden Knife Mantis was indeed robbed first.

Even without the golden knife, the students in their middle school have killed first-level monsters.

"Okay, good!" Jiang Xiaobai picked out his ears, "We all believe that you killed the first-level monster Golden Sword Mantis, but the golden knife is lost..."

"You..." Zhou Ming's eyes widened, and Jiang Xiaobai's was clearly provocative.

However, what the other party said was correct, it was indeed the loss of the golden knife, which made him unable to refute despite his resentment.

"Let's all go away!" Lei Li said to the students of No. [-] Middle School, "All of you will show what you have gained this time, and I want to count."

It was originally the only show in the No. [-] middle school, but it was killed in the cradle like this.

Zhou Ming felt very disappointed and lowered his head helplessly.

Zhao Wenyu stared at Jiang Xiaobai's back, frowning slightly.

"Is that Jiang Xiaobai?"

The classmate next to Zhao Wenyu said puzzledly: "That's right! Didn't the Tianjiao of the third middle school have conflicts at that time?"

"Why do I feel a familiar aura from him?" Zhao Wenyu asked inexplicably, "Could it be that I feel wrong?"

Although Jiang Xiaobai is the pride of heaven, he is only the pride of Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School, not the pride of Lei Ze City as a whole.

Zhao Wenyu bluntly said that such a student could be crushed.

But he happened to sense a familiar aura from Jiang Xiaobai's body again, and that aura was exactly the medicine powder he used to track down the Golden Knife Mantis.

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