Dominate the world

Chapter 28 Training, Improving

No. [-] middle school's body training technique is undoubtedly much more subtle than that of No. [-] middle school.

Even if Jiang Xiaobai is very talented and memorized all the moves, it is impossible to master them instantly.

While practicing, Jiang Xiaobai checked for gaps and made up for omissions, constantly optimizing his movements.

Among the three high schools in Lei Ze City, the body training skills of each high school are secrets that are not passed on. Even if they are relatives, they cannot leak the body training skills.

For example, in Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School, if Jiang Xiaobai told his friends or relatives about the body training technique of No. [-] Middle School, once he found out, he would be severely punished by the school. All are blacklisted and unable to enroll.

Of course, there are very few people like Jiang Xiaobai, who can watch the body training technique several times and be able to memorize all the movements.

"Without the instructor's guidance, the progress is still slow." After two hours of practice, Jiang Xiaobai sat on the massage chair in the training room, relaxed his body, closed his eyes and rested his mind, carefully reviewing the details just now.

After two hours of rehearsing the body training technique, there was no progress at all.

Although Jiang Xiaobai had clearly memorized every movement, even some small details he had noticed.

However, Jiang Xiaobai didn't understand the breathing of the movements.

"It seems that it is extremely difficult to steal the body training technique from Master No. [-] Middle School!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed for a long time.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaobai's Tai Chi disc moved.

A faint figure appeared on the Tai Chi disc, and was practicing the body training technique that Jiang Xiaobai had just performed.


After Jiang Xiaobai found out, he immediately immersed himself in it.

The figure on the Tai Chi disc was more perfect than Jiang Xiaobai's movements. Although the figure was dim and blurred, after Jiang Xiaobai put all his attention into it, it became so clear that even the figure's breathing could be seen clearly.

"It should be done like this here, no wonder, no wonder!" Jiang Xiaobai said to himself after carefully observing the figures on the Tai Chi disc.

By observing the movements of the figures on the Tai Chi disc, Jiang Xiaobai's many mysteries were solved, as if he had the feeling of seeing the sky through the clouds and mist, and he suddenly opened up.

After figuring it out, Jiang Xiaobai tried it without any hesitation.

Sure enough, after this side, his movements and breathing became much smoother.

After practicing a complete set of body training techniques, Jiang Xiaobai immediately felt that his strength was increasing.

From [-] catties to [-] catties!

If he burst out with all his strength, his body strength would likely reach [-] jin.

"Tsk tsk, the body training technique in this school is really strong!" Jiang Xiaobai showed a faint smile after feeling the strength of his body improve.

Unexpectedly, after practicing one side, the body strength directly increased to [-] jin.

But Jiang Xiaobai knew that this was not all due to the body training technique, but also because of the result of his own trials in Qingshan Town.

During the trials in Qingshan Town, Jiang Xiaobai was always in the middle of the battle, and it was only natural for him to improve his strength.

In addition, he practiced body training techniques, which undoubtedly increased Jiang Xiaobai's chances of breaking through.

Although the strength of one hundred catties does not seem like much, it is not a small step for these talented martial arts students.

After more than a thousand catties, it is very difficult to increase every hundred catties. Even using the body quenching liquid cannot achieve a [-]% increase.

"Thirteen hundred catties, it seems that before the college entrance examination, it can really reach fifteen hundred catties." Thinking of this, Jiang Xiaobai became excited.

Fifteen hundred catties is the realm of a warrior. After being promoted to a warrior, one can absorb the power generated by the mutation to practice.

After the drastic changes in the world, human beings call the energy factor that is powerful in the world called vitality.

Only after being promoted to a martial artist can one obtain exercises and absorb vitality according to the operation of exercises.

Someone once did an experiment. After he was not promoted to a martial artist, he forcibly absorbed the power generated by the drastic change according to the kung fu. As you can imagine, the person died suddenly after inhaling the vitality.

After all, ordinary people simply cannot absorb such a huge amount of vitality. After many experiments, everyone discovered one thing.

That is, as long as the physical strength reaches [-] jin, it can bear the power of vitality.

Moreover, there are data showing that the limit force that human beings can withstand without absorbing vitality is exactly [-] jin.

That's why the world has set [-] jin as the realm of warriors.

This division is common throughout the world, and when it continues, it has become an iron law.

Jiang Xiaobai did not waste time, but practiced a body training technique over and over again.

In order to prevent others from finding out, Jiang Xiaobai specially applied for a training room. If it was Jiang Xiaobai before, he would definitely not apply for it.After the last mock assessment, Jiang Xiaobai's status in Lei Ze No. [-] High School has rapidly improved. As long as his demands are not too excessive, the school will satisfy him.

Needless to say, it was a secret training room, even if Jiang Xiaobai said today that he would clear the martial arts arena, the instructors of Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School would follow suit.

There is no other reason, because now Jiang Xiaobai is the master!

As long as Jiang Xiaobai gets good grades, No. [-] Middle School will be famous in the city. Not only their instructors will be honored, but also the principal of Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School will be rewarded.

After entering the training secret room, Jiang Xiaobai was not in a hurry to practice, but put the body quenching liquid on the Tai Chi disk again.

Soon, a familiar aura appeared on the Tai Chi disc.

A jasper-colored aura slowly emerged, and Jiang Xiaobai absorbed it without any hesitation.

Suddenly, a force appeared in the body again and spread to all parts of the body.

For several days, Jiang Xiaobai was training his body in the training room, and his strength was slowly improving.

A week later, Jiang Xiaobai once again broke through the [-] jin mark.

Fourteen hundred catties!

It is only a hundred catties away from the realm of warriors!

In less than half a month, Jiang Xiaobai increased his strength by two hundred catties.

This is enough to see his terrifying talent.

No matter in the history of No. [-] Middle School or in Lei Ze City, such a thing has never happened before.

Fourteen hundred catties of strength!

Even in No. [-] middle school, he can be regarded as a top student in the martial arts genius class.

Moreover, Jiang Xiaobai's progress is not only an improvement in strength, but also an increase in speed, which has reached 90m per second.

On this day, while Jiang Xiaobai was practicing, Zhao Chong suddenly came to his training room.

"What's the matter? In a panic?" Jiang Xiaobai asked when he saw Zhao Chong who was sweating profusely.

"Of course it's a good thing!" Zhao Chong wiped the sweat from his forehead, took a bottle of water and drank it.

Jiang Xiaobai just looked at Zhao Chong like this, and only said after Zhao Chong finished drinking the water.

"The best body quenching liquid has been obtained, these people are really a fool!"

After Zhao Chong finished speaking, he took out two bottles and handed one of them to Jiang Xiaobai.

"The body quenching liquid exchanged with the blood of monsters costs [-] yuan per bottle." Zhao Chong said in pain, "and it has been delayed until today, don't you think it's annoying?"

The ultimate body quenching liquid?

Jiang Xiaobai took the bottle, but he didn't allow the Taiji disc to absorb it. If it was absorbed by the Taiji disc, he might never return. After all, he didn't have any more monster blood to improve the quality of the best body quenching liquid.

However, relying on Jiang Xiaobai's observation, the best body quenching liquid with monster blood is even stronger than the body quenching liquid after being tempered by the Tai Chi disk.

"It's true!" Jiang Xiaobai said decisively, "A bottle of [-] yuan, where is the black-hearted businessman?"

"People in the black market, there is no way to reason about this, we have to admit it!" Zhao Chong said casually, "People in the black market are not easy to mess with."

Jiang Xiaobai nodded. The black market is a place for underworld transactions. It is so powerful that no one dares to mess with it.

Besides, there are very few merchants in the black market who will buy and sell by force. After all, there are powerful forces behind the black market. Someone once tried to provoke the black market, and the end was extremely miserable.

"It's better to be careful when trading in the black market," Jiang Xiaobai reminded.

He didn't expect Zhao Chong to go to the black market to trade, but after thinking for a while, he realized that this is the monster blood of the Golden Knife Mantis after all, and it is relatively easy to sell in the black market. be noticed.

"I see, let's use this thing first! I haven't used it yet?" Zhao Chong opened the bottle of the best body quenching liquid, and drank it all at once.

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