Dominate the world

Chapter 292 Two Disputes

Soon, Jiang Xiaobai didn't argue with them. After all, it's meaningless to argue about these things.

The public says that the public is reasonable, and the mother says that the woman is reasonable.

In the end, it can only be a muddled account.

In addition, Jiang Xiaobai didn't have any interest in their past, as long as the three of them behaved well in front of him, it would be fine.

"You guys rest first, we will start tomorrow." Jiang Xiaobai came to the scarlet wolf again after speaking, took a look, and then directly dragged the scarlet wolf's body away.

"Brother, what does he mean?" Wei Dong, the third son of Luocheng Sansha, looked at Jiang Xiaobai puzzled, "Isn't he afraid that we will run away?"

"I don't know, this kid is different." Jiang Xiaobai's back, which the boss Pang Hong was staring at, fell silent.

Jiang Xiaobai was only a seventh-rank warrior, but he had to be promoted to an eighth-rank warrior before he could let them go.

Pang Hong and the others know how difficult it is to advance from the seventh rank to the eighth rank.

This didn't happen overnight, and after the other party finished speaking, they didn't seem to have the slightest fear that they would run away.

This makes him look different from the others.

After all, they just met, and there is no reliable relationship between them, who can be so relieved?

Either this person is rather stupid!

Either this person can control the whole situation!

Pang Hong's eyes flickered. Jiang Xiaobai was definitely not a fool, so it only meant that this guy had already got them.

But the opposite is just a seventh-rank warrior!

This made Pang Hong a little confused, what kind of way this guy is.

Pang Hong didn't stay here too long, instead he brought his brothers directly to Jiang Xiaobai's cave.

"Are you here?" Jiang Xiaobai, who was preparing the barbecue, frowned, "You have no place here."

Pang Hong and the others were speechless again and shook their heads one after another.

An hour later, Jiang Xiaobai took the roasted monster meat and ate it like no one else was around.

The smell of meat wafted into his nostrils, and Sun Xiaosheng was the first to hold back, looking at the barbecue in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, he couldn't help swallowing.

When Jiang Xiaobai saw Sun Xiaosheng approaching, he looked over coldly.

"Stay away from me..."

Just as Sun Xiaosheng was about to move, he was confused by Jiang Xiaobai's words and was at a loss.

"Don't you just want to eat a piece of your meat?" Sun Xiaosheng muttered dissatisfied.

"You have to clarify your position. Is this ordinary meat?" Jiang Xiaobai was not polite at all, and said directly, "If you want to eat the meat of a scarlet wolf, go and kill one yourself."

"It's like we can't deal with the scarlet wolf." Wei Dong responded.

"It's dealt with, why are you still beaten like that?" Jiang Xiaobai responded while eating meat.

"Isn't that because some bastard attracted three scarlet demon wolves?" Wei Dong tried his best to defend, "Besides, you are just taking advantage of the danger of dealing with those scarlet demon wolves."

"Uh..." Jiang Xiaobai choked on Wei Dong's words, but quickly recovered, "Do you think you are better than me?"

"Then why do you want me to save you?"

"Shut up!" Pang Hong patted Wei Dong and shouted sharply, "Don't forget who saved you."

"Huh!" Wei Dong snorted, and simply stopped talking to Jiang Xiaobai.

After eating, Jiang Xiaobai walked directly to the side, closed his eyes and got up.

There is a huge amount of power in the monster meat. After Jiang Xiaobai ate the meat of the whole monster wolf, the power generated in his body made him unable to digest it immediately, so he needed to use exercises to refine it.

The monster meat that Jiang Xiaobai eats is not just pure meat, but also contains the power contained in the meat stimulated by the seasoning.

What was sprinkled on the monster meat was not ordinary seasoning, but the existence that Jiang Xiaobai had tempered with a Tai Chi disc after exchanging for the elixir, and the medicinal power was even more powerful.

The three of Pang Hong looked at Jiang Xiaobai not far away, and started whispering.

"Brother, I don't know what you think. Could it be that we want to follow this kid?" Wei Dong was a hundred times reluctant to follow Jiang Xiaobai.

If the opponent is a ninth-rank powerhouse, he can still accept it in his heart.

But the opponent is a seventh-rank martial artist who is lower than them, and the gap in his heart can be imagined.

"Let's take a look for now!" Pang Hong stared at Jiang Xiaobai and said calmly.

"Well, I think so too, if he doesn't understand the rules, we'll kill him directly!" Sun Xiaosheng said fiercely.

In his opinion, the reason why Pang Hong followed Jiang Xiaobai was not because he really wanted to be Jiang Xiaobai's training partner, but because he was looking for an opportunity to kill him.

"Get rid of him?" Pang Hong knocked Sun Xiaosheng on the head heavily, "Can you grow your fucking brain?"

"What's the matter, brother?" Sun Xiaosheng was stunned by this blow, completely unaware of what it meant.

"Jiang Bai, have you heard of this warrior before?" Pang Hong asked coldly.

"No!" Sun Xiaosheng shook his head, staring at ignorant eyes, "What's the matter?"

"Dare to do it without you?" Pang Hong continued, "Young Tianjiao, eighteen or nineteen years old, can you find a second one in Los Angeles?"

"You mean Jiang Xiaobai?" Wei Dong understood instantly and said excitedly.

"Jiang Xiaobai?" Sun Xiaosheng's eyes lit up, "Brother, if he is really Jiang Xiaobai, then it is even more opportunity for us!"

"Think about it, the Luo family offered Jiang Xiaobai a reward of ten catties of shock gold. If we kill him..."

"Fuck your mother!" Pang Hong kicked again angrily, "Why is your heart so big? Do it every now and then? Fuck your uncle!"

"Brother, can you stop hitting me?" Sun Xiaosheng shouted aggrievedly.

Although Pang Hong has a bad temper, he has never taught himself such a lesson, or even lost his temper so much.

It seems that I don't know what medicine I took today, and I use myself as a sandbag.

"Let me tell you, such a simple truth, do you know that the person in charge of the dark web doesn't know?" Pang Hong looked at Sun Xiaosheng with a helpless look, "Why didn't they do it?"

"Then what does that mean?" Sun Xiaosheng asked tentatively, not daring to express his opinion.

"What do you mean? This shows that the person in charge also wants to win him over." Pang Hong said, "If we kill him, believe it or not, we will be on the dark web for arrest the next day?"

"It's not just the dark net, but the National Martial Arts Academy will also want us. Why doesn't the Luo family dare to do it directly and even issue missions to the dark net?"

"You have more capital than the Luo family!"

Pang Hong's words silenced Sun Xiaosheng and Wei Dong.

Indeed, they don't have any background and backing, and they can't even compare with the Luo family.

Of course, if the person in charge of the dark web is not optimistic about Jiang Xiaobai, there is nothing wrong with them doing it.

And all the signs on the dark web show that they are relatively kind to Jiang Xiaobai.

Otherwise, he would not be allowed to enter the dark web at all.

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