Wang Chao felt as if he was being hit on a hard steel plate, and there were bursts of piercing pain in his fingers.


Before Wang Chao could react, there was another crisp sound from his arm.

"Are you tickling me?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, "This amount of strength is also worthy of being in the martial arts genius class?"

"You..." Wang Chao blushed, wasn't that what he just said?

But unexpectedly, Jiang Xiaobai responded back.


With a whip kick, Jiang Xiaobai kicked towards Wang Chao's chest.

Wang Chao flew into the sky again like a kite with a broken string.

A spray of blood flew out of the air and fell heavily to the ground.


The heavy voice was clearly transmitted to everyone's ears.

Then, there was a long silence.

The originally noisy environment suddenly became silent.

Everyone's eyes were full of fear, and in a trance, they had an illusion.

Lei Ze No. [-] is the most ruthless person.

The pride of the martial arts genius class.

He is back!

At this time, no one looked at Wang Chao who was like a dead dog, and they all looked at Jiang Xiaobai in awe.

Especially the girl who confronted Jiang Xiaobai earlier, she was so frightened that her face paled at this moment.

Who is Jiang Xiaobai?

Each of them is very clear that he is not only a genius, but also an out-and-out ruthless person.

He looks gentle and refined on weekdays, but once someone provokes Jiang Xiaobai, a catastrophe awaits him.

"What did you yell just now?" Jiang Xiaobai turned around, looked at the students surrounding him, and asked with a sneer on the corner of his mouth, "I didn't hear you clearly just now upstairs, please yell again."

"I, we..."

The people around immediately faltered and dared not speak.

"Don't throw the banner on the ground. Where's the horn? Pick it up together." Seeing someone secretly throwing the banner on the ground, Jiang Xiaobai reminded him coldly.

"Ah..." The person who was throwing the banner just now shivered subconsciously, and he collapsed on the ground.

The next moment, a smell of urine came out.

"Jiang Xiaobai, we are all classmates!" Someone yelled weakly.

"Student, is this how you treat your classmates?" Jiang Xiaobai responded bluntly.

At this time, some people started to cry out in fright.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai had a fierce reputation, so they had to be afraid.

"Forget it, I won't make it difficult for you." Jiang Xiaobai lost interest in the group of trembling classmates in front of him, "You have been making trouble here for seven days, and now I let you kneel here for seven days, it is not an exaggeration Bar!"

Kneel for seven days?

Everyone raised their heads and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, begging.

Kneeling here for seven days, do they still want to lose face?

However, when they came into contact with Jiang Xiaobai's icy eyes, their pleas were swallowed abruptly.

It was beyond their expectation that things had developed to this point.

When everyone thought that Jiang Xiaobai had fallen and become a useless person, Jiang Xiaobai made a strong attack and seriously injured Wang Chao.

If they knew this, even if they were given 1 guts, they wouldn't come to provoke this great god.

"Xiaobai, it's just so boring to make them kneel. After all, they humiliated you just now." Zhao Chong played tricks on the side, "Now that they admit their mistakes and punish them, they have to kneel sincerely and creatively."

Although these people came to humiliate Jiang Xiaobai, Zhao Chong, Jiang Xiaobai's best friend, naturally would not let them go so easily.

Hearing Zhao Chong's words, the hearts of the people around sank.

Although Zhao Chong's strength is mediocre, he has a quick mind.

If there is any trouble, Jiang Xiaobai will push it all the way, and Zhao Chong, with a cold face behind his back, will make a decision, which is all pediatrics.

"Do you have an idea?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhao Chong, knowing that he had also suffered a lot in the past few days, so he simply handed it over to him.

"Of course." Zhao Chong smiled brightly, and then said to the students in front of him, "First of all, you have to make a banner. Now, let me reverse how you write it."

"Also, there is an ancient pleading guilty, you don't have to go to such trouble, put a glass of water on each head, the water can't be spilled."

Zhao Chong didn't say a word, and the faces of these people all changed. After hearing the last word, they almost collapsed.

Kneeling in front of the dormitory already made them lose face, and now they have to hold a glass of water.

How will they get along in No. [-] Middle School after this?

When everyone was showing embarrassment, a handsome young man came to Jiang Xiaobai.

"Jiang Xiaobai, we are all classmates, there's no need to be so stiff!"

"Zhang Hao?" Zhao Chong couldn't help curling his lips when he heard the voice of the visitor.

Zhang Hao, also a student of the martial arts genius class, had been suppressed by Jiang Xiaobai before, and could only be placed second. It was precisely because of this that the relationship between the two had always been at odds.

Since the end of Jiang Xiaobai's trial a few months ago, he has been called a useless person, but at this time, Zhang Hao has risen strongly and is called the big brother of the martial arts genius class.

Zhang Hao is good at winning people's hearts, and he was quickly recognized by other students.

"Senior brother Zhang Hao, you can come now, Jiang Xiaobai wants to attack us regardless of the friendship of his classmates."

"Yeah, this is too hateful, you have to decide for us!"

"Jiang Xiaobai is too deceitful, Senior Brother Zhang Hao, help us!"

Seeing Zhang Hao's figure, the obsequious people seemed to see hope and asked for help one after another.

Enduring the pain, Wang Chao got up from the ground and limped to Zhang Hao's side.

"Senior Brother Zhang Hao, Jiang Xiaobai deceived me!" Wang Chao complained, "Please make the decision for me."

"Are you injured?" Zhang Hao frowned when he saw Wang Chao's injury, "Did Jiang Xiaobai hurt you?"

"En!" Wang Chao nodded heavily.

"It seems that you are hiding well enough!" Zhang Hao stared at Jiang Xiaobai with fierce eyes.

I thought that Jiang Xiaobai had been abolished, but unexpectedly, at this moment, he stood up again?

What about standing up?

It's not your world anymore!

"Hidden?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "When did I hide?"

"The so-called hiding is just that you think that I, Jiang Xiaobai, have become a useless person."

"Since you've recovered, why bother to hurt Wang Chao? Humiliate your classmates?" Zhang Hao asked.

"Haven't I always been like this?" Jiang Xiaobai shrugged, seemingly indifferent, "Could it be that they just let them humiliate me? Am I doing nothing?"

"Do you think I, Jiang Xiaobai, are such a cowardly and incompetent person?"

"Furthermore, I am also No.1 in the martial arts genius class. If I let them humiliate me, where is the dignity of the martial arts genius class?"

Jiang Xiaobai's series of questions left Zhang Hao speechless.

"Since I did nothing wrong, why are you still beeping here?"

Jiang Xiaobai gave a final cold drink, his arrogance overwhelming.

Zhang Hao took a step back subconsciously, his face became extremely ugly.

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