After the confrontation, Jiang Xiaobai also felt the opponent's strong power, which was continuous and extremely powerful.

This is the first time Jiang Xiaobai has encountered a warrior with such powerful strength.

The warriors I met before, including the Sansha of Luocheng, although their strength is strong, they are not so thick.


Wu Shifeng's power poured out and bombarded Jiang Xiaobai again.

A huge wave like a tsunami hit and rushed towards it.

When Jiang Xiaobai wanted to dodge, it was too late, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and attack.

At this moment, the power in Jiang Xiaobai's body has been generated to the extreme, and the huge power rushed out in an instant, facing Wu Shifeng's power and bombarded him.


The two forces collided, and there were bursts of explosions, which were deafening.

The flowing light generated after the collision of the roads splashed in all directions, and made a sizzling sound when it fell to the ground.

After the strong force collided, the two were separated.

"You are stronger than I imagined!" Wu Shifeng stared at Jiang Xiaobai, was silent for a while, and then said slowly.

"You are not as strong as I imagined." Jiang Xiaobai smiled, showing his white teeth, "The peak of the eighth rank should not only have such a little strength!"

"Still mocking at this time? What is this guy thinking?"

"It's really shameless. Mr. Wu didn't use his full strength, otherwise how could he be arrogant?"

"This arrogant guy must be shredded into pieces!"

The killers around looked at Jiang Xiaobai, glaring.

In their opinion, Jiang Xiaobai was too arrogant, facing such a strong opponent, how dare he make fun of him?

Wu Shifeng's face was as gloomy as water, ready to kill.

"I wanted to play with you more, but now it seems that there is no need!" Wu Shifeng raised his head, his eyes radiated a deep black light, like ripples on the surface of water, rippling and spreading away.

At the same time, Wu Shifeng took out short sticks from his backpack, which just formed a spear.

"Soldier?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the weapon in Wu Shifeng's hand, his pupils tightened.

The spear was black, and there was a thin streak of blood flowing in the middle.

"My warrior has killed countless people!" Wu Shifeng stroked the spear and said softly, "However, since I entered the peak realm of the eighth rank, I seldom use this spear to kill enemies."

"Drink the arrogant blood of heaven today, and wish me a peerless spear!"

Jiang Xiaobai blinked: "Are you calling Mai? There are quite a lot of words."

"Huh?" Wu Shifeng's eyes turned cold, he swung his spear, and then kicked his legs on the ground and came straight to Jiang Xiaobai.

The black spear rushed out like a comet with a long tail.

A huge coercion emanated from the spear, with a suffocating breath.

"Shadow Killer!" Wu Shifeng shouted coldly, his figure gradually faded.

Shadow kill!

One of the dark net's killing tactics was created by the dark net master in the future. It is powerful, and I don't know how many times stronger than the seven kills.

Shadow Kill Assault!

It can be said to be a nightmare for warriors in Los Angeles. Every time a warrior encounters a shadow killer, he will appear powerless.

After all, this level of offensive tactics cannot be resisted by ordinary people.

Others can't, what about Jiang Xiaobai?

After Wu Shifeng performed Shadow Kill, the people around held their breath and watched the battle without blinking.

Can Jiang Xiaobai resist it?

"The attack has become stronger!" Jiang Xiaobai's face was serious, and he held the assassin tightly.

The sixth level of power of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber evaporated from Jiang Xiaobai's body, and his strength was constantly rising.

"What is this?" Wu Shifeng also noticed the change in Jiang Xiaobai.

However, his attack has already been launched, so there is no possibility of retreating.

Moreover, Wu Shifeng was very confident in his attack. No matter how strong Jiang Xiaobai became, it was impossible to resist his attack.

Shadow Killer cooperates with his huge strength, unless he is a ninth-rank powerhouse who has opened up a sea of ​​​​qi, he cannot resist this strong and fierce attack at all.

"Nine Hell Thunder Knife!" Jiang Xiaobai shouted with his eyes red.

Ci Hong shot out, like an arrow off the string, and rushed towards Wu Shifeng.

Around the spine, bursts of purple light are very dazzling, and around it is even more thunderous, surrounding it.big

Thunder potential?

Wu Shifeng, who was originally very calm, was horrified when he saw Cihong.

As a warrior at the peak of the eighth rank, he also has a deep understanding of the Nine Prison Thunder Saber.

Only when you have cultivated to the sixth level of the Nine Hells Thunder Saber, can there be a thunder potential.

And the power of Lei Shi is invincible!

"Not good! Retire!" Wu Shifeng made a judgment instantly.

Although the spear is powerful, it cannot stop the thunder.

When Wu Shifeng wanted to retreat, it was too late, and he could only watch the assassin charge towards him with great power.


The huge collision sound made Wu Shifeng the center of the storm.

After the assassin arrived, thunder broke out.

Wu Shifeng was instantly knocked into the air and flew upside down in the air.

But at this time, Jiang Xiaobai didn't stop, and with a flash, he came directly in front of Wu Shifeng.


He clenched his fist and blasted towards Wu Shifeng heavily.

A cloud of blood mist emerged from Wu Shifeng's body. He was injured by the powerful attack of the stab, but this time he was seriously injured again.

"Ah!" Wu Shifeng screamed, his body fell down uncontrollably.


Wu Shifeng fell heavily to the ground, and the ground around him showed cracks like spider webs.


Jiang Xiaobai's figure then fell down and stepped on Wu Shifeng's head.

"I have never killed an eighth-rank warrior like you before." Jiang Xiaobai glanced down and said coldly, "But, now I will kill it!"

Although the battle between Jiang Xiaobai and Wu Shifeng was fierce, it only took a few minutes to decide the outcome.

After two strong collisions, Jiang Xiaobai used the Nine Prison Thunder Knife to make a final decision, ending the battle.

Wu Shifeng is dead!

Wu Shifeng, the pinnacle of the eighth rank, died!

Facing such a result, all the killers around were taken aback, and they didn't recover for a long time.

Everyone showed incredible expressions, as if they were dreaming, and couldn't believe that what they saw was real.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was only in the realm of a seventh-rank warrior, actually beheaded Wu Shifeng, a peak eighth-rank warrior?

how can that be!

Not only them, but Pang Hong and others who were hiding in the dark were also stunned.

"Is this guy hiding something?"

The three of Pang Hong raised a question, is this Jiang Xiaobai's real strength?

After doing all this, Jiang Xiaobai directly stuffed a few pills into his mouth. Although everything just now seemed simple, only he knew the hardships involved.

It's not as simple as it seems, and if it wasn't for the battle with Pang Hong and the three of them, he raised the Nine Hell Thunder Saber to the sixth level, and it wouldn't have such an effect.

The Nine Prison Thunder Knife, the more powerful and unstoppable it is in the later stage.

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