The two sides are still confronting each other, and Jiang Xiaobai is taking advantage of this time to frantically replenish his vitality.

After the battle just now, although Jiang Xiaobai paid a painful price, the strength in his body also slowly increased.

The bottleneck of the seventh-rank pinnacle has been somewhat loosened!

"No!" Jiang Xiaobai, who was recovering his vitality, suddenly found a problem. "Why is the aftereffect of the blood-stained vitality repaired like this?"

Blood-stained vitality is a kind of self-mutilation explosion for the warrior himself.

Especially for warriors who have not opened up a sea of ​​qi, it is an untouchable taboo.

Just now Jiang Xiaobai had to use it because he was threatened by Lin Jiang.

I thought I was seriously injured and dying, after all, Jiang Xiaobai had the attitude of swearing to the death.

At that time, he only had Lin Jiang in his eyes, and only the killer of the dark net. As for his own life and death, he put it behind.

After all, only when the enemy in front of him is killed is it possible to consider his own comfort.

If they live, they will never live.

I thought that the blood-stained vitality would cause great damage to him, but after the vitality entered his body, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't feel anything wrong.

"What's going on?" With the supplement of vitality, Jiang Xiaobai could clearly feel the recovery of the strength in his body.

"Tai Chi disc?"

Jiang Xiaobai suddenly thought of the Tai Chi disc in his sea of ​​consciousness. When his essence and blood entered his vitality, the Tai Chi disc once moved.

Now this kind of thing can't be explained, the only possibility is that Tai Chi Yuanpan helped him at a critical time.

Character: Jiang Xiaobai

Cultivation: Seventh-Rank Peak

Exercise: Taiyue Heart Sutra (80% proficiency)

Tactics: Jinghong Youlong (89% proficiency), the sixth level of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife (82% proficiency)

When Jiang Xiaobai looked at Tai Chi Yuanpan, the first thing that appeared was his own attribute information, and there was a faint aura surrounding him, which was a little dimmer than before.

"Brother Pan, it seems that you are not useless. Snatching vitality and absorbing the monsters and warriors I killed really came in handy at a critical moment." Jiang Xiaobai said secretly fortunately.

There was no response from Tai Chi Garden, not even a sound.

"It's so cold!" Jiang Xiaobai sighed helplessly, and withdrew from the Tai Chi Disc.

Jiang Xiaobai is the only one who can maintain such an optimistic attitude under such circumstances, and I am afraid that he will never find another warrior with such an optimistic attitude.

The killers standing opposite Jiang Xiaobai had serious expressions on their faces.

Facing Jiang Xiaobai, they have to be cautious, and if they are not careful, they will fall into the abyss.

Jiang Xiaobai, who had recovered some of his strength, saw that Taiji Yuanpan ignored him, then raised his head, and looked indifferently at the warriors around him.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, the dark net killers around couldn't help but feel a sudden jump in their hearts.

Lingering and full of killing spirit!

As soon as they make contact, let them stay away.

It's hard to imagine that more than a dozen eighth-rank warriors, who are also dark net killers, would be afraid of a seventh-rank warrior.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe it was real.

When everyone was at a loss, there was another sound of footsteps around.

The noisy footsteps came from far to near, and soon came to Jiang Xiaobai and the dark net killer.


Jiang Xiaobai and the dark net killer frowned in confusion.

Almost all the eighth-rank warrior killers in the dark net have come here, and now someone else?Who is it?

The dark net killer standing opposite Jiang Xiaobai was also suspicious: "Could it be Jiang Xiaobai's helper?"

Jiang Xiaobai, the dark net killer, and a team of warriors who just arrived, the three teams glanced at each other.

"Zhou Lixin?" Jiang Xiaobai glanced at the visitor and recognized him immediately.

Zhou Lixin of the Zhou family of the Los Angeles family!

It turned out that this group of people were warriors from the three major families, the heads of each family did not appear, but Zhou Lixin, Liu Tianyi and Wang Tian led the eighth-rank warriors from the family.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I didn't expect you to be so lucky! You can't die?" Zhou Lixin said in shock when he saw Jiang Xiaobai.

"Are you so afraid? Do you have to let me die?" Jiang Xiaobai responded with a smile, "I thought your three major families would not dare to come today?"

"To deal with a bereaved dog like you, of course we must eliminate all evil." Zhou Lixin mocked.

Zhou Lixin and the others had already arrived at Qianfo Mountain, but they never showed up, not because they didn't dare, but because they were waiting for an opportunity.

Just like Jiang Xiaobai's Zhenjin raw mine before, they also wanted to let Jiang Xiaobai be seriously injured or even killed by dark net killers, and they reaped the benefits.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I thought you wouldn't last long, but I didn't expect you to kill so many dark net killers." Liu Tianyi stepped forward and looked at Jiang Xiaobai, "Why didn't I think you had How about such a great ability?"

"No matter how great your ability is, you have to break it here today." Wuyou said slowly from behind.

"Are you also here to kill me?" Jiang Xiaobai asked knowingly, and then absorbed the vitality of the surroundings.

The appearance of Zhou Lixin and others plunged Jiang Xiaobai into crisis again. Now Jiang Xiaobai is always thinking about delaying time and recovering his strength.

"Kill you?" Wuyou stared, "Shouldn't I kill you and keep it for the New Year?"

Zhou Lixin and the others appeared here because of their relationship with the Luo family.

Killing Jiang Xiaobai was their sole purpose, and they had to do it seamlessly.

Once they are caught by Qilu Martial Arts University, even if they become vassals of the Luo family, they cannot escape the tragedy of being wiped out.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai is too evil.

It could almost be the first genius in the entire city of Los Angeles in a hundred years.

Even the Martial Arts Academy began to notice this genius.

"It makes sense." Jiang Xiaobai nodded seriously, "I think so too."

"You think so too, but can you do it?" Zhou Lixin looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked softly, "Now you are already at the end of your battle, let alone us, even these killers from the dark net You can't handle it."

"Since you're so sure, why don't you give it a try?" Jiang Xiaobai mocked.

Zhou Lixin's eyes gradually turned cold, and his whole body was covered with a layer of gloom.

Wang Tian and Liu Tianyi's expressions also became extremely ugly, even those family warriors standing behind him were all aggrieved.

Are you still so arrogant when you are about to die?

"Okay!" Zhou Lixin snorted coldly, "Then I will satisfy you!"

Afterwards, Zhou Lixin looked at the dark net killer beside him: "We're on it, you can do whatever you want."

As soon as Zhou Lixin finished speaking, all the warriors of the family rushed out one after another, drowning Jiang Xiaobai in an instant.

Dozens of eighth-rank warriors surrounded Jiang Xiaobai.

At this point, the juncture!

The power is stronger than before!

The threats Jiang Xiaobai faced became more and more difficult.

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