Dominate the world

Chapter 314 The Three Terrified Families

The news about Jiang Xiaobai soon spread throughout Luocheng, and when everyone heard the news, they all showed panic.

The three major families and dark web killers joined forces to besiege Jiang Xiaobai, but ended in failure!

The killers of the dark web are wiped out.

The warriors of the three major families are missing!

This news exploded like a blockbuster in Los Angeles, and everyone was shocked by it.

"Is this news true? Dark web killers and the three major families besieged Jiang Xiaobai? But Jiang Xiaobai didn't kill him?"

"It's too fake! How could it be true? Isn't Jiang Xiaobai a freshman fighter from Qilu University? The one who besieged Jiang Xiaobai is said to be an eighth-rank fighter. How is this possible!"

"If it's true, how powerful is this Jiang Xiaobai? He's no longer human, okay?"

"Lord City's No. [-] Tianjiao! This is too powerful!"

Not only the warriors in Los Angeles, but even the warriors in Qilu Province kept talking about it.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai's record is unique. A martial artist like him can achieve such an achievement, which is almost unattainable for all young martial artists.

Dark Net, Qilu Provincial Headquarters!

Yu Wensong sat down in front of Chang Yue, looking very haggard.

"Old Yu, how are you? Am I right!" Chang Yue joked as he looked at Yu Wensong's state.

"By the way, Mr. Chang, did you already know the result would be like this?" Yu Wensong was half lying on the chair, a little at a loss.

The final result was exactly as Chang Yue said, none of the darknet killers came back.

But all the killers who entered Qianfo Mountain died one after another, and now there are less than five eighth-rank warriors in their dark net.

These people still did not participate in Jiang Xiaobai's battle because of their missions.

If not, all the eighth-rank warriors in the dark net may end up in ruins.

"I'm just guessing." Chang Yue said lightly.

"But this is too great a loss for our dark net!" Yu Wensong said softly.

The loss of so many darknet killers is only a part, especially for their prestige, this is the biggest loss.

"Since they joined the dark net, this is their end, and if it wasn't for their greed, how could there be such a catastrophe?" Chang Yue said nonchalantly. "At the end of the day, it's their own choice."

"But at the headquarters, I'm afraid they won't let this matter go." Yu Wensong reminded.

"They?" Chang Yue smiled, "I'll make them shut up. Since you hand over the Qilu Province Darknet to me, you should have absolute trust in me. Otherwise, I won't do this person in charge."

Yu Wensong stared blankly at Chang Yue, the 40-year-old middle-aged king.

A 40-year-old King-level powerhouse is considered relatively young in the entire Hua Kingdom, because once he enters the Grandmaster level, his lifespan can reach 150 years.

Moreover, at the age of 40, he is in his prime, which is why Chang Yue is so confident.

Los Angeles, the meeting room of the three major families.

Now, the three major families gathered together, Zhou Lixing, Liu Tiangang, and Wang Yuan were full of sorrow, and everyone lowered their heads.

The news from Qianfo Mountain made them restless.

The eighth-rank warriors of the three major families were all mobilized, but Jiang Xiaobai was not beheaded.

What a good opportunity this is. Once this opportunity is missed, I'm afraid there will be no chance to deal with Jiang Xiaobai in the future.

But they still failed!

This failure was different from the others.

After this time, they directly announced that they might not be able to compete with Jiang Xiaobai in the future.

"Master Luo, what shall we do this time?"

After a long time, Zhou Lixin asked Luo Yuxiang in front of him.

Luo Yuxiang, the master of the Luo family, is also the current backbone of their three major families.

"What should I do?" Luo Yuxiang frowned, his eyes were red.

After hearing the news, Luo Yuxiang didn't close his eyes for several days, and was even brought in by the top management of the Luo family to put pressure on him.

The Luo family already knew that Luo Yuxiang was manipulating the affairs of the three major families, so they reprimanded Luo Yuxiang.

As a master, Luo Yuxiang was actually very humble in front of the high-level members of the Luo family, without any airs at all.

Even though the other party was only a ninth-rank martial artist, Luo Yuxiang still didn't dare to refute.

"That's right!" Liu Tiangang hung his head, showing no fighting spirit, "This time we can deal with Jiang Xiaobai because of your relationship."

"Now throw all the blame on my head?" Luo Yuxiang suddenly raised his head and stared at Liu Tiangang, "Are there no conflicts between your three major families and Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Everything you did was because of me, Luo Yuxiang? If it weren't for me, Luo Yuxiang, you would have been wiped out by Lu Feng long ago!"

"Grandmaster Luo calm down, Lao Liu didn't mean that." Wang Yuan came out to smooth things over, and at the same time gave Liu Tiangang a hard look.

No matter how bad Luo Yuxiang is, he is still a master-level powerhouse, and he is also a disciple of the Luo family. If he conflicts with him, it will not do them any good.

"What does that mean?" Luo Yuxiang didn't listen to any persuasion, "Do you want me to pay for this matter?"

Seeing Luo Yuxiang's fury, Zhou Lixing and others were restless.

The three major families now exist in name only and cannot withstand any blow at all.

"Master Luo, that's not what we mean. We want Master Luo to find a way for us." Zhou Lixing said in a low voice.

Now Zhou Lixing and others regretted it very much. They didn't expect so much to deal with Jiang Xiaobai. They thought that Jiang Xiaobai was just a new martial artist and couldn't make any big waves.

But these months of fighting made them realize that Jiang Xiaobai is simply a demonic existence.

From the rise of the first-rank warriors all the way to the eighth-rank warriors now!

This has only taken less than a year!

How can this not make them palpitate?

In particular, Jiang Xiaobai was once forced to swear to destroy the three major families within one year!

According to the current speed of Jiang Xiaobai's rise, it is really possible for him to do it.

So now Zhou Lixing and others are scared!

"Life?" Luo Yuxiang sneered again and again, "Go back first, I'll take care of this matter!"

"Don't worry, my matter will never affect you. Even if Jiang Xiaobai wants to deal with you, he must consider the feelings of the Luo family."

"Thank you, Master Luo!"

The three of them immediately thanked Dade and said.

The reason why they invited Luo Yuxiang here was to have a reassurance.

Now it's not just them, the warriors of the family are all in danger, especially those low-level warriors, who are even more panicked, for fear that one day Jiang Xiaobai will come out to deal with them.

After Zhou Lixing and the others left, Luo Yuxiang slammed the table angrily.

"Waste, waste, it's all a bunch of waste!"

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