Dominate the world

Chapter 32 The Threat of Tier 3 Warriors

The next day, Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School immediately sent out a message, handing over the matter of Jiang Xiaobai's assassination to the Public Security Bureau, and even the principal of No. [-] Middle School personally came forward to supervise the matter.

After receiving the news, the Public Security Bureau did not neglect at all.

If it was an ordinary case, they might have put it aside, but now it is different, the one who was assassinated was a student of Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School who was about to take the college entrance examination, the future pillar of the country.

Soon the Public Security Bureau sent several warriors to investigate the matter together, and even summoned the Patriarch of the Zhang family.

After Zhang Qiming learned about it, he was stunned.

He didn't expect that things would be exposed at all, and it was exposed so quickly.

What is the reason for this?

How long has it been since it was exposed?

Even so, Zhang Qiming behaved very calmly, without any panic, especially at this time, he couldn't let himself be confused.

"Housekeeper, take care of the family's business." Zhang Qiming told the old housekeeper when he left.

"Patriarch, leave the family affairs to me!" The old housekeeper said calmly.

Hearing this, Zhang Qiming left with peace of mind and followed the people from the Public Security Bureau.

The old butler was looking at Zhang Qiming's back, his eyes swollen showing a gloomy look.

"Jiang Xiaobai? I didn't expect that a mere student would need me to deal with it!"


Jiang Xiaobai had already learned about Zhang's family from the news. This time, Zhang Qiming was accused of maliciously assassinating a martial arts class student.

Once this crime is committed, not only Zhang Qiming's life will be over, but the Zhang family will cease to exist in the future, and will become a despised existence in Lei Ze City and be cast aside by others.

Students in the martial arts class do not have a particularly high social status, but they may become martial artists in the future.Moreover, it is the hope of the country's future. If it is an ordinary student, it may rely on the power of the family to settle the matter, but the opponent is Jiang Xiaobai.

The most dazzling genius in the last mock exam [-] is also the Tianjiao who is most likely to be admitted to the national key martial arts university.

The principal of No. [-] Middle School is quite concerned about this matter, basically doing it himself.

In his opinion, Jiang Xiaobai finally came out of No. [-] Middle School, and there are still people who come to make troubles. This is simply not taking No. [-] Middle School seriously.

Although the third middle school is not as good as the first middle school, it is also one of the few high schools in Lei Ze City, and there is a country behind it, so naturally it will not be afraid of the Zhang family.

The principal of the No. [-] Middle School also wanted to prove to everyone in Lei Ze City that the students of the No. [-] Middle School should not be provoked by others.

A genius like Jiang Xiaobai is related to the reputation of the No. [-] Middle School, and it is also a stepping stone for the promotion of the principal.

Naturally, there is no room for loss.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't worry, I can't just let this matter go." The day before the college entrance examination, the principal of No. [-] Middle School came to Jiang Xiaobai himself and explained, "Just take the college entrance examination and leave everything to me. "

"Okay, I'm relieved with the principal's words." Jiang Xiaobai nodded seriously, "If not, I'm really afraid of the Zhang family's retaliation."

"The Zhang family retaliated?" The principal waved his hand, "It doesn't exist, he has such courage?"

"Don't worry, if I don't subdue them, how can I be the principal of No. [-] Middle School? How can I protect my students?"

Jiang Xiaobai listened quietly to the principal's righteous words, filled with emotion, this guy still has a way of comforting people.

Even though the principal said so, Jiang Xiaobai didn't trust all of them. Although the Zhang family is not as good as Lei Ze No. [-] Middle School, they still have certain strength.

And Zhang Hao once said that there are third-rank warriors in his family.

If it is a third-rank warrior, even Jiang Xiaobai can only obediently catch him.

Especially now that Zhang Qiming has been arrested, the other party will inevitably jump over the wall and give him his life.

After the principal left, Jiang Xiaobai fell into deep thought.

It is obviously not very reliable to rely on the power of the school to protect himself now.

But if he was to face a third-rank warrior, he would have no chance of winning. If the opponent was a second-rank warrior, he would still be able to escape, a third-rank warrior?

How can you stand this?

"Forget it, it's useless to think about it now. When soldiers come to cover up water and earth, I, Jiang Xiaobai, am afraid that he won't succeed?" Jiang Xiaobai quickly stopped worrying about this issue.

"Xiaobai!" Zhao Chong ran in sweating profusely, and came to Jiang Xiaobai smiling.

"You've been running blind all day." Jiang Xiaobai scolded with a smile when he saw Zhao Chong. "The college entrance examination is going to be tomorrow, don't lose the chain."

"What do you mean running away blindly? I'm just going to get the treasure." Zhao Chong smiled mysteriously and handed over a glass bottle.

"What treasure do you have, what is this?" Jiang Xiaobai took the medicine bottle, which contained only a drop of purple liquid.

"Didn't I hear that you were attacked at school last time? I went to the black market to get this thing for you." Zhao Chong said after closing the door of the dormitory, "Although he only has one drop, it is said that it can make a warrior Lose power."

this drop?Will it be able to deal with a warrior?

Jiang Xiaobai re-examined the bottle of liquid medicine again, saying that there was only one drop in each bottle.

"Can it deal with third-rank warriors?" Jiang Xiaobai asked Zhao Chong while playing with the liquid medicine in his hand.

"Third-rank warrior?" Zhao Chong shook his head, "It shouldn't be possible!"

"Xiaobai, don't tell me, the Zhang family is going to dispatch third-rank warriors to deal with you!"

Third rank martial artist, what a powerful existence this is.

In Lei Ze City, he would be considered a big shot!

In Lei Ze III, if someone told Zhao Chong that he wanted to become a third-rank martial artist, Zhao Chong would definitely scoff.

Are you kidding me?

"Xiaobai, if it's okay for ordinary warriors, third-rank warriors, this is a bit over the top." Zhao Chong rubbed his head, thinking of third-rank warriors would make his scalp tingle.

He has seen the strength of the third-rank warriors before, they are extremely powerful, not to mention dealing with them, even the upper-rank warriors can be crushed easily.

Jiang Xiaobai wanted to deal with third-rank warriors, it was tantamount to a mantis holding a chariot.

"Xiaobai, let's tell the instructor!" Zhao Chong thought for a while and said seriously.

"Tell the instructor?" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, "Do you think they will believe it?"

"What's the matter?" Zhao Chong sat on the bed, looking as if he was facing a big enemy, "This can only be used against ordinary warriors. If it is a third-rank warrior, this liquid medicine is useless at all."

"How about I go back and find my dad?"

Suddenly Zhao Chong's eyes lit up. If he went back to find his father, maybe there would be a solution.

Zhao Danian is still very energetic in Lei Ze City. From starting from scratch to gaining a firm foothold in Lei Ze City, he is naturally not someone to wait for.

"Looking for your father?" Jiang Xiaobai gave Zhao Chong a white look, "Aren't you afraid of being beaten to death by your father? The opposite is a third-rank warrior?"

"Being beaten up is better than being killed by a third-rank warrior!" Zhao Chong said speechlessly.

"Do you really think that I will be killed by a third-rank warrior?" Jiang Xiaobai asked back.

"Xiaobai, Brother Bai, is it possible that you can still become a third-rank warrior?" Zhao Chong disagreed, "Third-rank warriors are not rats in Qingshan Town, so you can't be careless."

"I'll think of another way." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the purple liquid medicine in his hand, lost in thought.

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