Dominate the world

Chapter 323 I am not someone to be bullied

When the boy came to the gate of Liu's house, he was immediately stopped by the martial artist next to him.

"Who are you? Do you know where this is?" the martial artist standing in front of the young man scolded coldly.

"This is the Liu family? Isn't it right?" The young man raised his head and asked with a smile.

"You know this is the Liu family, but you still rush in." The martial artist who stopped in front of the young man scolded again. "who are you?"

"Me?" The young man said with a bright smile, "Qiluwu Dajiang Xiaobai!"

"Jiang Xiaobai?" The warrior didn't react for a while, and stopped Jiang Xiaobai, "I don't know you, this is the Liu family's private territory, you are not allowed to enter."

"You don't know me?" Jiang Xiaobai pointed to himself.

"I don't know!" The warrior shook his head resolutely. When he turned around to ask another warrior, he found that the other warrior was dripping with cold sweat and trembling.

"Why are you shaking? Are you sick?" the warrior asked in confusion.

"He, he is Jiang Xiaobai!" Another warrior said nervously and incoherently, "That God of Killing, God of Killing!"

Kill God?

The warrior didn't know why, so he stood in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

"Are you crazy?" Another warrior wiped the sweat from his forehead, and quickly pulled back the warrior beside him, "Dozens of eighth-rank warriors from the three major families were all killed by him, you are the fourth-rank warrior! , I want to die!"

When the warrior heard the news, he knelt on the ground with a thud, his face was pale, and he wanted to get his head into the soil.

How could it be him!

The Liu family's eighth-rank warriors were wiped out. The news had already spread all over the place, and the instigator was a young man.

But I didn't expect to meet this god of death in person today.

"Can I go in?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"Come in, come in... come in..." Another warrior said tremblingly.

Jiang Xiaobai walked in grandly, and the two warriors behind him saw Jiang Xiaobai walk in, they helped each other and fled.

If they let Jiang Xiaobai in, the Liu family will definitely not spare them. Instead of being punished, it is better to leave now.

Jiang Xiaobai went straight to the courtyard of the Liu family, and walked straight into the main hall.

"Jiang Xiaobai!"

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai's figure appeared, someone recognized him immediately.

"What? Jiang Xiaobai?"

"Jiang Xiaobai is here? How did he appear here?"

"My God, is it really Jiang Xiaobai?"

More and more Liu family warriors showed shock when they saw Jiang Xiaobai.

These people are all direct descendants of the Liu family, but most of them are at the sixth or seventh rank.

For example, there are not many elite fighters from the three major families of the Liu family, the Wang family and the Zhou family, and when dealing with Jiang Xiaobai, they all pushed them out.

Because under that circumstance, Jiang Xiaobai had absolutely no chance of surviving.

But the fact is that Jiang Xiaobai has created a miracle.

Not only came out unharmed, but also killed all the warriors.

After hearing the news of Jiang Xiaobai's return, no matter whether it was the Liu family or the other two families, the warriors in the family were anxious and anxious all day long.

Fearing that Jiang Xiaobai would come to their door sometime, just a few days ago, their Patriarch told them that the matter had been resolved, so there was no need to be afraid.

Only a few days later, Jiang Xiaobai appeared in front of them.

what on earth is it?

Jiang Xiaobai's appearance stunned everyone.

"Are you surprised to see me?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the puzzled crowd, "Where is Liu Tiangang?"

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't be arrogant, this is the Liu family!" A disciple of the Liu family stood up pretending to be calm, and pointed at Jiang Xiaobai. "Do you dare to play wild in our Liu family?"

"Are you teaching me?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the warrior in front of him and asked with interest.

"Yes!" The Liu family disciple nodded and said loudly.


Jiang Xiaobai punched out suddenly, and a strong wave of air shot out like a dragon, and rushed straight to the disciple of the Liu family in front of him.


The air wave surged violently, knocking the disciple of the Liu family to the ground in an instant. He rolled over several times on the ground before stopping.

"I don't kill you because I have no grudge against you, but if you stop me, I won't hold back!" Jiang Xiaobai said coldly, not just to the person just now, but to everyone around him. disciple of the Liu family.

This is true for the Liu family, Wang family, and even the Zhou family!

Jiang Xiaobai is extremely ferocious, but he is not a bloodthirsty person. In his heart, he naturally has a standard of measurement. If you deal with me, I will never spare you, but if you don't make a move, he will not be so paranoid that he must Kill these people in front of you.

"What should we do? We are not Jiang Xiaobai's opponent at all."

"How do I know what to do? Now only the Patriarch can deal with Jiang Xiaobai, we are just going to die!"

"Yes, let's go invite the Patriarch!"

None of the surrounding Liu family disciples was Jiang Xiaobai's opponent.

Now in the entire Liu family, there has been a gap in the warriors. Apart from the patriarch, the highest rank is the seventh-rank warrior, who is not Jiang Xiaobai's opponent at all.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the martial artist in front of him quietly, and did not stop him.

This time I chose to come to the Liu family alone, because I wanted to face the head of the Liu family.

Back then, the three major families besieged the Martial Arts Club, forcing Jiang Xiaobai to bow his head.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai has achieved success in cultivation, so naturally he will be ashamed.

within one year!

Revenge is inevitable!

It only took Jiang Xiaobai a few months to stand in front of the three major families without fear.

This strength alone is unmatched.

The disciples of the Liu family walked towards the inner hall, and not long after, Liu Tiangang came out surrounded by the crowd.

Liu Tiangang had a gloomy look on his face, he didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai's arrival.

A few days ago, Luo Yuxiang personally told them that he would solve Jiang Xiaobai's problem, but now he was approached by someone.

"Liu Tiangang, you are finally willing to come out." Jiang Xiaobai stared at Liu Tiangang and said, "How long did I think you were going to hide?"

"Hiding?" Liu Tiangang's face turned cold, "Why should I hide?"

"Don't think that you can act recklessly after being promoted to the eighth-rank warrior. Don't forget, this is in Luo City, and this is in the Liu family!"

"I know." Jiang Xiaobai replied flatly, "I know this is the Liu family, but is the current Liu family still the previous Liu family?"

"I originally wanted to give you a year to prepare, but you couldn't bear the loneliness and dispatched eighth-rank warriors to deal with me in advance, so I had to go to the door in advance to respond."

Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about Liu Tiangang's expression, but continued to say: "If not, the whole Luo City thinks that I, Jiang Xiaobai, are kind and deceitful."

"You are so loud!" Liu Tiangang was furious.

Jiang Xiaobai beheaded an eighth-rank warrior and was promoted to the eighth-rank realm, his strength improved greatly.

But in Liu Tiangang's eyes, he is still just an eighth-rank warrior!

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