Dominate the world

Chapter 350 The Magical Use of the Tai Chi Disc

Boom boom boom!

The battle between Jiang Xiaobai and Tan Zhiran erupted with deafening noises, the ground trembled violently, and power fell to the ground, causing deep cracks.

The cracks were densely packed and spread out like spider webs.

Tan Zhiran didn't feel well when he was facing Jiang Xiaobai.

However, because of Tan Zhiran's own strength, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't win for a while.

"Jiang Xiaobai, I have to admit that you are a talented monster, but now your strength is too low, and you are no match for me at all." Tan Zhiran punched, and then licked his lips, "If you are given a few more years, You are afraid that you will grow up, "

"But you have no chance, I, Tan Zhiran, never keep threats."

Tan Zhiran has been in Qilu Province for so many years, relying on his own caution, he has achieved today's achievements.

Even after he became a ninth-rank powerhouse, he still didn't change this state, but made him more proficient in this way.

In the eyes of rank nine warriors, Tan Zhiran is despised by others, and some even disdain to be with him.

Because Tan Zhiran's performance is too unlike the posture that a ninth-rank warrior should have. As a ninth-rank warrior, he should have his own posture.

Instead of being good at calculating, even fighting needs to have a certain demeanor of a strong man.

An insidious villain like Tan Zhiran would naturally be disgraced by other ninth-rank warriors.

However, Tan Zhiran didn't have much emotional fluctuations, instead he accepted these things calmly.

In his opinion, there are no rules at all in the world of warriors, as long as he can survive and kill his opponent, this is his martial art.

Therefore, Tan Zhiran doesn't care what other people think, everything is just to live better.

When facing Jiang Xiaobai, Tan Zhiran was not as proud as other warriors, but chose to display his strongest strength directly.

The strongest combat power erupted suddenly, and Tan Zhiran's vitality was surrounded by it. The surging vitality was wanton and tyrannical, and under his control, it directly blasted at Jiang Xiaobai.

"It's so strong!" Jiang Xiaobai's expression became solemn after feeling the huge combat power.

Tan Zhiran looks cautious and timid, but his strength is undoubtedly strong.

He was a bit stronger than all the ninth-rank warriors Jiang Xiaobai had encountered, which also made him feel strenuous.

After all, Jiang Xiaobai only has the strength of the peak of the eighth rank, and the opponent is almost the strength of the peak of the ninth rank. The gap of a whole realm is an insurmountable existence for any warrior.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai swung two waves of strength with all his strength, and then the Thorn Hung and Thorn Star in his hand blasted past again.


Jiang Xiaobai and Tan Zhiran collided, and they retreated sharply. After retreating several tens of feet, they stabilized their figure.

"You haven't opened up a sea of ​​qi, so you are not my opponent at all." Tan Zhiran said with a smile.

"Really?" Jiang Xiaobai sneered, and responded abruptly, "Isn't it your opponent if you haven't opened up the sea of ​​Qi?"

"You are only an eighth-rank warrior, so naturally you don't know the magical effect of opening up a sea of ​​qi." Tan Zhiran sneered, "You can be invincible below the ninth-rank peak, but the strength of the ninth-rank peak warrior is beyond your imagination. .”

"I have killed no fewer than five or six ninth-rank warriors. You and I can kill them too." Jiang Xiaobai stretched out his hand and shook it gently.

"Fart!" Tan Zhiran shouted coldly, "It's up to you? I'm not afraid that the wind will flash my tongue."

"Hehe!" Jiang Xiaobai laughed lightly, "You don't know anything about power!"


A powerful aura suddenly erupted from Jiang Xiaobai's body, and Taos of vitality surrounded him.

For a moment, a breath of vitality pervaded, not weaker than Tan Zhiran's, suddenly emerged from Jiang Xiaobai's body.

"Huh?" Tan Zhiran saw Jiang Xiaobai's breath change, and his face changed, "Hey, what's going on?"

"You haven't opened up a sea of ​​Qi, how can you use your vitality? Or so much vitality?"

The vitality exuded by Jiang Xiaobai in front of him was no different from that of a strong man in the ninth rank realm, but the opponent was only a warrior at the peak of the eighth rank.

This made him a little curious!

"I said before, you don't know anything about power." Jiang Xiaobai said indifferently, releasing the vitality in his body without any concealment.

Jiang Xiaobai is only at the peak of the eighth rank, and has not opened up a sea of ​​Qi, but this does not mean that Jiang Xiaobai cannot use his vitality.

Ever since he became a martial artist, Tai Chi Yuan Pan has been absorbing vitality, even most of the Yuan Qi refined by Jiang Xiaobai has been absorbed by Tai Chi Yuan Pan.

Jiang Xiaobai was troubled by this for a while, but just a few days ago, he suddenly discovered that he could use the vitality of the Tai Chi disc.

This surprised Jiang Xiaobai quite a bit. All along, the Tai Chi Disc was only absorbing vitality, and had no other use at all except for tempering soldiers and skills.

But when Jiang Xiaobai was promoted to the eighth-rank realm and bombarded his dantian forcefully, he discovered that the Tai Chi disc could provide him with a steady stream of vitality.

This is equivalent to the sea of ​​qi of other warriors, and the Tai Chi Disc is larger than the sea of ​​qi of warriors, and the amount of vitality absorbed and provided is shockingly large.

It's just that Jiang Xiaobai didn't use it all the time. He originally wanted to use it as a killer move at the bottom of the box.

But he didn't expect that he would meet Tan Zhiran, the most powerful ninth-rank warrior, so he had to use the Tai Chi disc in advance.

The Tai Chi disc was running, and a huge amount of vitality was suddenly condensed.

"This is too scary!" Tan Zhiran looked solemn, and Jiang Xiaobai's performance had far exceeded his expectations.


When Tan Zhiran was in shock, Jiang Xiaobai's attack had already arrived.

The huge vitality mixed with strong strength slanted down and came to Tan Zhiran in an instant.

Tan Zhiran didn't dare to be careless, and urged the vitality of Qi Hai to resist.


The vitality collided, and the powerful aura burst out, lashing the ground, and cracks followed.


After one blow, Jiang Xiaobai blasted out waves of vitality again, forcing Tan Zhiran.

The other three ninth-rank warriors were dumbfounded and froze on the spot, completely at a loss.

"He, isn't he an eighth-rank warrior? What's going on?"

"Yeah! This is too powerful! How proficient is it to display vitality?"

"Horror, this is too scary! Can a warrior at the peak of the eighth rank be so powerful?"

The three of them looked at each other, thinking of the scene where they fought against Jiang Xiaobai just now, if Jiang Xiaobai used his vitality directly, they might not be able to stand here safe and sound now.

Tan Zhiran was even more distressed at this moment. He thought that even if Jiang Xiaobai used his vitality, he would not have such a strong power, but now it seems that he was completely wrong.

Jiang Xiaobai's attack was on par with him!

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