Six hours later, Jiang Xiaobai arrived near the secret place of Mount Tai.

This is still the result of Jiang Xiaobai's hard work on the road. If he followed the normal speed, he might have to walk for a few days to reach here.

Mount Tai is not as steep as Mount Hua, but there is still a big gap between the mountain road and the flat land.

When Jiang Xiaobai came near the secret realm, he was always on high alert.

Only the Taishan Token can enter the Taishan Secret Realm, but this does not mean that having the Taishan Token is already safe.

Among warriors, there is very little absolute safety. If someone wants to deal with Jiang Xiaobai, they will not distinguish between occasions.

Even in the secret realm of Mount Tai, he will do it.

This is why Jiang Xiaobai is so cautious, at least if he is a little careless, he may be in danger.

Not only the threat of warriors, but also the threat of possessing monsters.

This is a challenge for any warrior.

But Jiang Xiaobai was not afraid. Ninth-rank warriors pose little threat to him, unless they are evildoers from those aristocratic families.

The aristocratic family has abundant resources and a huge supply of exercises, which are far beyond ordinary warriors.

There is no doubt about this.

Even Jiang Xiaobai, without the help of Taiji Yuanpan, would not be able to get to where he is today.

Jiang Xiaobai stopped in front of a stone wall, sat cross-legged, and quietly waited for the opening of the secret realm of Mount Tai.

Not long after, several warriors had come to Jiang Xiaobai's vicinity. When they saw Jiang Xiaobai, everyone showed shock.

"Someone arrived before us? Who is this guy?"

"I don't know, it should be a local martial artist from Qilu Province, otherwise I wouldn't have found this place so quickly."

"A local martial artist in Qilu Province? They are just some small shrimps. The current Qilu Province is no longer the Qilu Province it used to be."

Several ninth-rank warriors whispered among themselves, but they didn't take Jiang Xiaobai seriously.

For them, Qilu Province doesn't have any proud warriors, especially the younger generation, and they don't have anything to sell.

In the land of Qilu a hundred years ago, there were so many talented people that the warriors in other provinces of China were overwhelmed.

However, in the past hundred years, all the Tianjiao in Qilu Province have fallen into the hands of monsters, which is extremely tragic.

Today, there are only a handful of king-level powerhouses in Qilu Province.

It is precisely because of this that the status of Qilu Province in China has plummeted.

Warriors from other provinces turned out to be the mainstay of Huaguo.

Most of the martial artists who came later were disciples from other aristocratic families. After seeing the martial artists from Qilu Province, they naturally didn't take it seriously.

Hearing the voices of these people, Jiang Xiaobai opened his eyes and quietly looked at the warrior in front of him.

"Get out of the way." One of the ninth-rank warriors ordered in a cold voice after seeing Jiang Xiaobai open his eyes.

"Get out of the way?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the warrior in front of him, raised his eyebrows, "Why?"

"Just because we are ninth-rank warriors!" The family warrior said condescendingly, "You are only eighth-rank warriors, how dare you come to the secret realm of Mount Tai?"

"What happened to rank eight?" Jiang Xiaobai responded unceremoniously, "Did the secret realm of Mount Tai say that rank eight warriors cannot come?"

"You..." The aristocratic warrior didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to show him no face at all, and directly retorted, "Are all the warriors in Qilu Province so arrogant now?"

"Aren't you a martial artist from Qilu Province?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, grasping the point.

"Of course, I am a warrior from the Central Plains Province, Li Changtian from the Li family of the Central Plains." The warrior from the family replied proudly.

"The Li family in the Central Plains?" Jiang Xiaobai pouted, "I don't know, are they famous?"

Li Changtian was furious when he heard that, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai with round eyes.

The five major families in the Central Plains are very famous in the entire Hua Kingdom, especially their Li family, which has been passed down from the Tang Dynasty to the present. The Central Plains is the birthplace of the ancient civilization of the Hua Kingdom. It is one of the most famous families in Huaguo.

After the upheaval, they took off with the help of the Yellow River, making the Li family in the Central Plains one of the best families of warriors.

Now, this boy in front of him who is only in the eighth stage has never heard of the Li family in the Central Plains. How can Li Changtian be able to sit still?

"You are insulting my Li family!" Li Changtian roared through gritted teeth.

Several other warriors watched the fun from the sidelines. They had seen Li Changtian's strength along the way, and he was at the peak of the Ninth Rank. People can reach.

"I'm afraid this kid will be miserable, provoking Li Tianchangtian? What is he thinking?"

"Now the warriors in Qilu Province are not only declining, but also extremely arrogant, alas!"

"It's time to let the warriors in Qilu Province know how powerful they are, and let them understand their position."

The few remaining warriors looked at Jiang Xiaobai as if they were watching the excitement. From their point of view, Jiang Xiaobai's provocation to Li Changtian has only one end, and that is death!

"Insulting the Li family?" Jiang Xiaobai's face became extremely ugly, and he said helplessly, "I really don't know, how did it become an insult to you?"

"How dare you say that?" Li Changtian drew out a long sword and pointed at Jiang Xiaobai, "It's extremely arrogant."

The anger in Li Changtian's heart can be imagined, but this time he really wronged Jiang Xiaobai.

If the Li family in the Central Plains is respected by other families of warriors, Jiang Xiaobai is just a commoner, so he has never heard of these huge families.

But in Li Changtian's eyes, he felt that Jiang Xiaobai didn't take the Li family seriously.

"If you want to fight, just fight, why bother to make such a clumsy excuse?" Jiang Xiaobai took out the stab star and stab star, and said impatiently, "I understand your family's routine, come on!"

Jiang Xiaobai's expression was extremely calm, without the slightest affectation.

"Okay!" Li Changtian shouted angrily, and rushed over directly.

A sword light that seemed to be substantial came to Jiang Xiaobai, stabbing directly at his throat.


Holding the thorn in his hand, Jiang Xiaobai rushed up to meet the sword light. The thorn hit the sword light and instantly defeated the sword light.

Then, Jiang Xiaobai stepped forward, came to Li Changtian again, and swung out the stabbing star.

"Huh?" Li Changtian didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to defeat his sword glow so easily, and he frowned.

The purple long sword swung quickly, drawing a sword flower in the air, turning into a lot of auspicious clouds to block in front of him.


Cihong and Xiangyun collided together, and a heavy sound erupted.

"The strength is good!" Jiang Xiaobai said secretly in his heart.

The strength of Li Changtian in front of him is the strongest among the ninth-rank warriors that Jiang Xiaobai has faced.

Even the warriors of the Luo family cannot compare with it.

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