Dominate the world

Chapter 365 The Secret Realm Opens

A dozen or twenty Qi Haidans?

The master-level powerhouse widened his eyes and looked at Jiang Xiaobai in shock.

Is this guy crazy?

"This is my bottom line." Jiang Xiaobai reiterated again.

"Too much!" The corner of the master's mouth twitched, and then he said, "Even I don't have that much Qi Haidan."

"Then what do you have?" Jiang Xiaobai asked immediately.

"Up to three!" The master-level powerhouse stretched out three fingers and shook them, "Is there any more?"

"Six pieces!" Jiang Xiaobai said decisively, "If it really doesn't work, I'll kill him and snatch the Taishan Order!"

"How dare you!" The grandmaster's complexion changed, and he roared angrily.

"See what you don't dare?" Jiang Xiaobai calmly pointed at the ninth-rank warrior on the ground, he chuckled, "He is just a ninth-rank warrior, and he has been seriously injured by me. I can exchange him for one at the limit." .”

"Seeing that the secret realm of Mount Tai is about to open, even if there is an order of Mount Tai, you will not be able to enter."

"Even if I change them, I believe you will not be able to go down Mount Tai."

Jiang Xiaobai's words moved the master-level powerhouse slightly, and he looked at Jiang Xiaobai in surprise.

The guy in front of him was only seventeen or eighteen years old, but at this moment, he showed a calmness that didn't match his age.

Seventeen or eighteen years old.

The cultivation base of the peak of the eighth rank.

To have such a calm side.

As the grandmaster of the Zheng family, he has seen countless warriors, but he has never seen someone like Jiang Xiaobai.

It was precisely because of this that he was even more surprised.

"Smart teeth." Grandmaster Zheng said dismissively.

"Whatever you say, let me tell you your choice now!" Jiang Xiaobai looked reassuring, and the thorns and thorns were shining with a little bit of cold light in his hands, each of which was full of great power.

"Uncle!" the ninth-rank martial artist looked at the master and asked softly.

"Okay, I promise you!" Grandmaster Zheng gritted his teeth, "Six Qi Haidans will be exchanged for Taishan Token."

"Deal!" Jiang Xiaobai snapped his fingers, then looked at the ninth-rank martial artist on the ground, "The big family is rich in resources!"

The ninth-rank martial artist on the ground bowed his head in silence, and didn't even dare to look at the family master.

It's not that the Zheng family can't afford the six Qi Haidans, but giving them to an outsider like this would be an incalculable loss to the family.

"It's nothing, you have to become a grandmaster, and then all the losses will be on your head." The grandmaster of the Zheng family came to the ninth-rank warrior, helped him up, and said in a deep voice, "The face of the Zheng family can't be lost!"

"Yeah!" The ninth-rank martial artist nodded heavily, and looked at Jiang Xiaobai solemnly.

When he saw that Jiang Xiaobai didn't pay attention to him, but came in front of another ninth-rank warrior, he was immediately discouraged.

"What about you? How do you choose?" Jiang Xiaobai came to another ninth-rank warrior.

"I choose six Qi Haidans." Another ninth-rank warrior chose to submit without any hesitation.

They all saw the confrontation between Jiang Xiaobai and the master just now, since the other party didn't even care about the master, he had nothing to do.

Moreover, the elder warriors in the family just now have transmitted the voice, no matter what, they must keep the Taishan Order.

The remaining four warriors were willing to take out Qi Haidan to keep their Taishan Order.

In just a few minutes, Jiang Xiaobai harvested 36 Qi Haidans.

This kind of record can't help but make everyone speechless.

Luo Dong and the others were even more astonished. There was obviously a grandmaster present, but Jiang Xiaobai didn't care at all. He pulled out his teeth abruptly, and six Qi Haidans were about to come.

This made Luo Dong jealous, these are 36 Qi Hai Pills, and none of the Luo family has such a large amount of resources.

"This kid, when I enter the Grandmaster realm, I must not stay!" Luo Dong couldn't help clenching his fists. Jiang Xiaobai's growth rate had already made him feel the crisis.

If he was allowed to grow up, no one in the Luo family would be able to restrain Jiang Xiaobai.

Undoubtedly, this is a very scary thing.

Jiang Xiaobai collected all the Qi Hai Pills and glanced at Li Changtian again.

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, Li Changtian trembled all over.

This guy's eyes are clearly telling himself that brother has been very kind to you.

"Damn it!" Li Changtian clenched his fists and cursed secretly in his heart.

He is the pride of the Li family, and he can be ranked among the top ten warriors in the entire Central Plains.

But after coming to Mount Tai, he was so bullied by an unknown person!

Jiang Xiaobai!

I remember the name!

Li Changtian, as the arrogant of the Li family, naturally does not lack Qi Haidan, but now that Jiang Xiaobai has directly ignored him, is it possible that he still allows himself to accept his favor?

"Here are six Qi Hai Pills, I'll give them to you!" Li Changtian stood up, with a gloomy face, and threw out the six Qi Hai Pills in his hand.


Li Changtian's actions fell into the eyes of other warriors, and they all showed puzzled expressions.

What is this operation?

"Why did you give it to me?" Jiang Xiaobai was also confused, "You didn't care what you wanted?"

"Others have given it to you, so why don't you ask me, Li Changtian, for it?" Li Changtian asked back, "Could it be that you look down on my Central Plains Li family?"

"..." Jiang Xiaobai was speechless for a while, this guy is too arrogant!


I can afford it, I can afford it.

"I didn't expect to harvest forty Qi Hai Pills today." Jiang Xiaobai put away the Qi Hai Pills and calculated in a low voice.

"It's 42 pieces!"

The warriors around couldn't help reminding.

"Oh yes!" Jiang Xiaobai looked in the direction of the source of the voice just now, and the ninth-rank warrior was instantly hidden in the crowd.


At this time, there was a loud noise on Mount Tai, and a ray of light rose from behind Jiang Xiaobai.

"The secret realm is about to open?"

The masters who were hiding around showed their radiance one after another, and then disappeared in place.

The opening of Mount Tai's secret realm will exude enormous power, which even the grand masters cannot bear.

Only warriors under the master level can enter the secret realm of Mount Tai. Once a master-level powerhouse is nearby, they will be under the pressure of the entire secret realm of Mount Tai.

"Taishan secret realm?"

After all the warriors around saw that brilliant brilliance, everyone stared blankly at the source of the light.

I saw that a door was slowly opened, and thousands of golden rays of light gushed out suddenly.

At the same time, everyone's Tarzan Token suddenly flew up from the body, suspended in the air.

"How is this going?"

Everyone raised a question and looked up in confusion.

Taishan Ling gradually dissipated in the glow, and finally the glow scattered and fell on the surrounding warriors respectively.

At this moment, all warriors felt that there was an inexplicable power in their sea of ​​consciousness.

"Is this the mark of entering the secret realm of Mount Tai?"

Jiang Xiaobai felt the extra power in the sea of ​​consciousness, and unexpectedly had a strange connection with Mount Tai.

Moreover, the gate behind him seemed to be calling him.

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