Dominate the world

Chapter 379 Rescue

Facing the two lord level monsters, Li Changtian broke out in a cold sweat.

The two lord-level monsters did not give Li Changtian too many opportunities to attack directly.

"This, is this desperate?" Li Changtian ran away when he saw that something was wrong.

At this time, I don't care about the demeanor of a master. The most important thing now is how to save my life.

There is no threat from two lord-level monsters, but Jiang Xiaobai is not under so much pressure when facing the iron-backed devil bear.

If the three-headed lord-level monsters were besieging, Jiang Xiaobai would have no chance at all.

Things are different when there is only one head.

"You're too confident." Jiang Xiaobai looked at the iron-backed devil bear with a sneer on the corner of his mouth.

"Human, I will kill you alone." Ironback Demon Bear roared angrily.

The last time the original Zhenjin mine fell, if the Ironback Demon Bear hadn't been promoted to the lord level, he might have been killed.

Just like the two-headed giant elephant at that time, it has been beheaded by the demon king, and there is no room for it.

"Kill me?" Jiang Xiaobai smiled, "You think too much."

After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he straightened his back, stared at the iron-backed devil bear and said word by word: "Ning!"

As soon as Jiang Xiaobai's voice fell, Cihong and Cixing burst into a blinding white light.

The white light flashed instantly, attracting all the monsters and warriors to watch.

They all felt a shuddering power, although it was only a momentary power, it still made it difficult for them to conceal the shock in their hearts.

After the white light passed, Cihong and Thorn Star disappeared, replaced by a three-foot green front.

The body of the sword is red, with a faint purple dotted in the red.

Thorn Hung and Thorn Star merged into a brand new soldier.

This was discovered by Jiang Xiaobai by accident, and it can also be said to be Jiang Xiaobai's greatest achievement.

However, he has never revealed it.

Now facing the iron-backed demon bear, he had no choice but to do his best.

Thorn Hong and Thorn Star are soldiers tempered by the Tai Chi Disc, and they will not feel any repulsion. Jiang Xiaobai held the long sword in his hand, and suddenly felt a huge surge of power.

This force, heavy and sharp, is much stronger than the Thorn Hung or Thorn Star alone.

The eighth level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber!

With a movement of Jiang Xiaobai's figure, as if he had just caught a glimpse, he came in front of the iron-backed devil bear.

call out!

The long sword thrust out, rushing towards the opponent like lightning.

"Death!" Ironback Demon Bear slapped out a pair of meaty palms heavily, one left and one right as if he wanted to pat Jiang Xiaobai into meatloaf.


The long sword trembled, and stabbed towards the iron-backed demon bear's palms.

The long sword collided with the Ironback Demon Bear's palm, piercing its palm like a spike.

"Ah!" Ironback Demon Bear screamed, and subconsciously withdrew its palm.

Before the iron-backed demon bear could react, Jiang Xiaobai attacked again, and the sword light overflowed and flowed around.

It seemed that Jiang Xiaobai had expected this result a long time ago, so he attacked directly without any hesitation.

Every attack contains the enormous power of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife.

The sword lights flew around, and it wasn't like they were waving irregularly. They formed a strong encirclement circle around the iron-backed demon bear, encircling them together.

Ironback Demon Bear sensed the coercion brought by Jiang Xiaobai, and continuously blasted out bombardments, trying to break Jiang Xiaobai's siege on him.

However, how could Jiang Xiaobai let him do what he wanted.

The newly formed sea of ​​qi kept rolling, and the vitality circulated in the meridians.

Jiang Xiaobai's body surface burst out with a faint purple light, and he swung his long sword heavily, bursting out bursts of powerful attack power at the iron-backed demon bear.

The iron-backed demon bear, who had been firmly in the upper hand, was actually counterpressed after Jiang Xiaobai fused the two master-level soldiers.

"Human! Die!" the Ironback Demon Bear roared, his whole body trembling violently.

As a lord-level monster, he was helpless against a ninth-rank warrior like Jiang Xiaobai.

Undoubtedly, this made him surprisingly angry.

"You are the one who died!" Jiang Xiaobai took out a Qi Hai Pill, stuffed it directly into his mouth, and swallowed it forcefully.

After all, the opponent is a lord-level monster, and the strength in Jiang Xiaobai's body cannot be compared with it at all, but fortunately, Jiang Xiaobai has Tai Chi Disk and Qi Hai Pill, which can replenish his vitality.

Although Qi Hai Pill is a panacea used to conceive and nourish Qi Sea, the mild medicinal power contained in it is much stronger than Pei Yuan Pill.

Boom boom boom!

Jiang Xiaobai swung a few swords violently, and landed on the iron-backed demon bear one after another.

As the sword energy fell, the iron-backed devil bear stomped its feet, and demon power erupted from him.

The long sword only left shallow marks on it.

"Rough skin and thick flesh?" Jiang Xiaobai snorted coldly, "Nine Hell Thunder Knife, broken!"

Jiang Xiaobai held a sword in both hands, his black hair danced wildly, and the sword energy was overflowing.

In the light of the sword, thunder is looming.


Only a bang was heard, and Jiang Xiaobai's long sword came to the top of the iron-backed demon bear.

Pressing down with both hands, the long sword slammed heavily on the iron-backed demon bear's head.


After the long sword collided with the iron back demon bear, a striking wound appeared on the iron back demon bear.

Blood flowed down the wound, soaking the black hair red.

"Ho Ho Ho!" Ironback Demon Bear roared violently, glaring at Jiang Xiaobai. "Damn, ah!"

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the Iron-backed Demon Bear sharply, and said coldly, "Do you really think he is my opponent?"

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai took out another Qi Hai Pill and swallowed it.

In such a high-intensity battle, the loss of vitality is extremely huge, even if Jiang Xiaobai owns the Tai Chi disc, he cannot afford to consume it.


Jiang Xiaobai swung his long sword again, blasting towards the iron-backed devil bear.

The Ironback Demon Bear resisted Jiang Xiaobai's attack with all his strength, but it was still to no avail.

With Taiyue Heart Sutra as a support, the Nine Hell Thunder Knife showed enormous power, and the iron-backed demon bear couldn't breathe.

The other two lord-level monsters were chasing Li Changtian.

Li Changtian is not as lucky as Jiang Xiaobai, he is already covered in bruises, if the two lord-level monsters hadn't put their minds to play, the current Li Changtian would have died.

"Ho Ho Ho!" Ironback Demon Bear's screams echoed around.

Hearing this voice, the two lord-level monsters who were chasing and killing Li Changtian couldn't help but look over.

When they saw the scarred iron-backed devil bear, they subconsciously gave up on Li Changtian.

Whoosh whoosh!

Two lord-level monsters rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai frantically.

This damned human has seriously injured their own race.

"Kill!" Ironback Demon Bear saw his companion coming, his eyes lit up, and hope was rekindled in his heart.

"Don't think about it." Jiang Xiaobai's eyes were full of killing intent, and the power in his body soared.

The sea of ​​qi was tumbling, and under the actual combat of the Nine Prison Thunder Knife, bursts of thunder emerged.

The long sword shot out, turned into a streamer of prosperity, and fell down suddenly.

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