After hearing Jiang Xiaobai's words, the old housekeeper of the Zhang family felt a wave of doubt in his heart.

After Jiang Xiaobai reminded him, he felt a tingling pain coming from his body.

At first, there was no strange feeling, but as time passed, the feeling in his body became stronger and stronger, as if ten thousand insects were gnawing at his body.

"You, what did you do to me?" The old butler asked with a slight frown.

"Guess?" Jiang Xiaobai showed a mysterious smile, but because of his abdominal injury, he smiled very reluctantly.

"Little brat, I don't believe you have any backhands!" The old butler was completely enraged.

He couldn't attack Jiang Xiaobai for a long time just now, which already made him anxious.

After all, he is a third-rank martial artist. Even if he is not convinced by the peak, he still has the strength of the second-rank peak, but he cannot immediately suppress Jiang Xiaobai.

Don't forget, there is a huge gap between a second-rank warrior and a first-rank warrior. This kind of thing has never happened before, but now he has encountered it.

The old butler of the Zhang family brandished a sharp knife and stabbed Jiang Xiaobai again.

However, when he moved, he suddenly found that his speed slowed down.

How is this going?

After the old butler made a move, he was completely stunned.

His movements became extremely slow, and the strength in his body seemed to be suppressed.


Before the old butler could attack, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly kicked him in the chest.

Immediately, the old butler couldn't help taking a few steps back.

"How? Old guy?" Jiang Xiaobai didn't expect that the effect of the five poisonous vines would be much stronger than imagined.

When meeting the housekeeper of the Zhang family, Jiang Xiaobai quenched the venom of the five poisonous vines on the stabbing dagger.He was not careless, but directly used two drops of venom.

Originally thought that he could contain the opponent and let himself go, but he didn't expect that the attack of the stabbing dagger was dodged by the opponent, and it was only scratched a little, but he could still exert such a powerful force.

Looking at the old butler's current state, Jiang Xiaobai suddenly had a bold idea.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

"Looking for death!" The old butler was completely enraged, the other party was just a first-rank martial artist, and he humiliated him so much.

"Let me die, you are not qualified enough!" Jiang Xiaobai's eyes turned cold, and he put away his laughing expression, "Luckily, you became the first warrior I killed."

"We have no grievances or enmities, but because I am stronger than Zhang Hao, you can't tolerate me in your eyes."

"Using such indecent means to deal with me, is this the face of your big family?"

"If it is, then I will tear up your ugly face!"

As Jiang Xiaobai said, he directly attacked, and bursts of air exploded in the air.

The poisoned old butler's strength has dropped by more than one level. After all, it is the venom of the five poisonous vines, and after being refined by the Tai Chi disc, it naturally becomes very powerful.

Bang bang bang!

After two people played against each other once, they were evenly divided.

However, the old housekeeper didn't think so. He could feel that the venom was slowly invading into his body, suppressing his strength and affecting his movements.

I'm afraid that it won't be long before he will become a useless person.

Where did this guy get such a potent drug?

In desperation, the old butler had no choice but to resist with all his might.

At this time, Jiang Xiaobai was not very relaxed. After all, he was stabbed before and faced with a powerful warrior alone, which made him feel more stressed.

When fighting the old man, Jiang Xiaobai took the opportunity to pick up Cihong.

After the assassin succeeded, Jiang Xiaobai was determined and slowly launched a counterattack.

When the old butler saw the dagger in Jiang Xiaobai's hand, he became cautious.

This dagger was sharper than his blade, and it was quenched with venom, it was very dangerous, if he was not careful, it would kill him.

The momentum ebbed and flowed, and soon Jiang Xiaobai took the initiative, gradually suppressing the old housekeeper.

The advantage of stabbing the dagger is also manifested at this time, its sharpness is unparalleled.


The sharp blades of the assassin and the old butler collided, and the sharp blade in the old butler's hand suddenly broke.

"How is it possible!" The old housekeeper's eyes widened, showing an expression of disbelief.

Ci Hong collided with his sharp blade countless times, but this time, he was directly cut in half?

"Surprised? Surprised?" Jiang Xiaobai came behind the old housekeeper and asked with a smile.

"Ah?" The old butler turned pale with shock, he didn't realize that Jiang Xiaobai had come behind him at all.

When he realized it, Jiang Xiaobai had already made a move.

The stabbing dagger turned into a flash of cold light and pierced into the old housekeeper's back.

Blood immediately spread from around the wound, staining the opponent's clothes red.

"Old dog, are you comfortable?" Jiang Xiaobai quickly pulled out the stabbing stick, and stabbed at another position.

A person cannot fall twice in the same place, and there is no need for a knife to stab twice in the same place.

If you want to stab, you must stab him into a sieve.

The injured old butler barely reacted and was stabbed again.

The stabbing dagger almost turned into an afterimage in Jiang Xiaobai's hands, stabbing the old housekeeper again and again.

Soon, the old housekeeper couldn't hold on anymore and fell down heavily.

Rank three martial artist, die!

Jiang Xiaobai breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the old butler who had fallen down.

At this moment, he is exhausted and has no chance to fight again.

If the old butler hadn't been careless and was poisoned by the stabbing dagger just now, he might be the one who fell on the ground now.

A third-rank martial artist is simply not something a first-rank warrior like Jiang Xiaobai can handle.

Although he killed the other party, he didn't feel lucky in the slightest. After all, what happened just now was extremely dangerous. If he was a little careless, he would fall into a situation where he would never be able to recover.

Fortunately, I won!

Jiang Xiaobai gently wiped the assassin's dagger clean, and sat on the ground trying to recover his strength.

This battle has cost Jiang Xiaobai all his strength, and now he is extremely weak, even an ordinary person can kill him at will if he comes in front of him.

In addition, this is the mountain range of Qingmu Town, where all the candidates practice. If Jiang Xiaobai's strength cannot be recovered, it will not be a good thing for him.

Don't forget, there is also a potential threat like Zhao Wenyu.

Jiang Xiaobai couldn't guarantee whether other people would do anything to him.

He didn't find anything like body quenching liquid from the old housekeeper, but only a few bank cards, which disappointed Jiang Xiaobai very much.

"This old guy is also very picky." In desperation, Jiang Xiaobai had no choice but to put the body quenching liquid he brought on the Tai Chi disk.

Soon, a jasper-colored aura hovered loomingly on the Tai Chi disk.

Without the slightest hesitation, Jiang Xiaobai directly absorbed that breath, and his whole body suddenly felt the power rising slowly from his body.

The body refining technique was practiced by Jiang Xiaobai again, and the remaining Tai Chi vitality in his body was also breeding his strength.

An hour later, Jiang Xiaobai's strength fully recovered.

Such an astonishing recovery speed has already broken through the cognition of others. Even second-rank warriors are not as fast as Jiang Xiaobai.

"The strength has recovered! Now it's time to get down to business!"

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