Dominate the world

Chapter 381 Good Man Luo Dong

"Tang Songting, what you said is wrong." Luo Dong stared at Tang Songting, and said in a cold voice, "How can I be a person who is afraid of monsters, but if I go down, who will guard this area?"

"Stop talking nonsense, get out of the way, let me go out." Fang Xiqiong stared at Luo Dong and said.

"President Fang, you can't do this." Luo Dong rejected Fang Xiqiong, "You are my master in Los Angeles, I dare not let you go out and take risks."

"Also, if we want to rescue Jiang Xiaobai, we must have a warrant from the Martial Arts Academy, so we can go out."

The reason why Luo Dong said this was to delay time.

Right now, Jiang Xiaobai has already fought with a lord-level monster. Although Jiang Xiaobai has injured a lord-level monster, it is estimated that he will also be seriously injured.

As long as he can delay for a little time, I believe Jiang Xiaobai will be beheaded by the monster.

At that time, it would be a blessing for the Luo family to avenge their vengeance.

"I'll take care of the problems at the Martial Arts Academy," Fang Xiqiong said, "What you have to do now is to open the formation and let Jiang Xiaobai come in, or get out of the way and let me go down."

"Sorry, we must strictly abide by the order. There is no warrant. Dean Fang, please go back!" Luo Dong said in a deep voice.

The current Luo Dong is already a master-level warrior and has the right to talk to Fang Xiqiong.

"Are you forcing me to do it?" Fang Xiqiong said with her face turning cold, staring at Luo Dong.

"What do you mean by forcing you to do something?" Just when Luo Dong didn't know how to answer, Luo Yuxiang walked over.

"Principal Fang, are you going to attack the warriors of my Luo family?"

Seeing Luo Yuxiang coming, Luo Dong let out a long sigh of relief.

Luo Yuxiang has been in the realm of a master for many years, and his five internal organs have been tempered by one-fifth. His strength is second only to Fang Xiqiong.

"My students are fighting monsters outside, while the warriors of your Luo family are standing here watching, do you think it's appropriate?" Fang Xiqiong asked sharply. "You don't need to do anything now. I went out of the city to rescue my students. Could it be that you still want to stop me?"

"I know Dean Fang's mood, but I ask Dean Fang to focus on the overall situation." Luo Yuxiang said with a smile.

"The overall situation is important?" Fang Xiqiong sneered, "If the warriors of your Luo family are below, will your Luo family remain indifferent?"

"Even if my Luo Family Tianjiao is below, I will stick to Los Angeles." Luo Yuxiang replied without hesitation. "After all, as a grandmaster, it is all human beings in Los Angeles who need to be protected, not just one person."

Anyone would say, how could the warriors of their Luo family be below?

"Okay!" Fang Xiqiong stepped forward.

What is he going to do?

Luo Yuxiang looked at Fang Xiqiong full of doubts, not knowing why.

Lan Yingying and Tang Songting were also at a loss, not knowing what their dean was doing.

Fang Xiqiong came to Luo Dong in an instant, made a sudden move, and grabbed Luo Dong by the collar.

"Don't you think there are no warriors from the Luo family here?" Fang Xiqiong stared at Luo Yuxiang and said coldly, "Then let me tell you, there are now."

"What?" Luo Yuxiang looked over in shock.

Fang Xiqiong grabbed Luo Dong's collar and swung it heavily, and Luo Dong's body immediately flew out of the city wall.

When Luo City built the city wall, although it had a defensive formation, it was only for external defense to prevent the invasion of monsters from outside.

There is no defense in the formation, because no one would have thought that when the army of monsters and beasts came under pressure, someone would risk their lives to go out.

Luo Dong's body was falling, and Fang Xiqiong's sudden attack was something he did not expect.

"Damn it!" Luo Dong cursed secretly in his heart, but he couldn't change the ending that he was about to fall to the ground.

"Fang Xiqiong, what are you doing?" Luo Yuxiang asked Fang Xiqiong word by word with rounded eyes.

"What do you say I am?" Fang Xiqiong asked back, "Now that the army of monsters and beasts is overwhelming, as a master, he should participate in the battle."

"Luo Dong has just been promoted to Grandmaster, and this battle just sharpened his temperament."

Tang Songting and Lan Yingying were completely shocked by Fang Xiqiong's manipulation. Fang Xiqiong, who has always been calm and steady, now acts a bit like Jiang Xiaobai's shadow.

"You..." Luo Yuxiang stared at Fang Xiqiong and said sharply. "Fang Xiqiong, I will definitely report to the Martial Arts Academy about what happened today."

"Up to you!" Fang Xiqiong sneered, "But you'd better get out of the way now."

After Luo Dong went down, Fang Xiqiong originally wanted to follow, but Luo Yuxiang occupied the only passage just now and blocked Fang Xiqiong.

Jiang Xiaobai and Li Changtian, who were fighting, happened to hear the sound of Luo Dong falling down, and the two of them looked back at the same time, and happened to find Luo Dong's figure.

"Why is this guy here?" Jiang Xiaobai was full of doubts.

This Luo Dong should be a martial artist of the Luo family, and he is his sworn enemy, how could he jump down to help him now.

The two lord-level monsters who were fighting also discovered Luo Dong's existence, and one of them directly threw off Jiang Xiaobai and blasted towards Luo Dong.

Luo Dong is a master-level powerhouse, and his aura is much stronger than Jiang Xiaobai's, so the monsters can naturally detect it.

That's why it gave up on Jiang Xiaobai and turned to attack Luo Dong.

Facing the threat of a lord-level monster, Luo Dong's face changed drastically, and he had no choice but to use his vitality to resist in a hurry.

Jiang Xiaobai, who was facing the iron-backed demon bear alone, obviously felt a lot less pressure.


The long sword stabbed out violently, hitting the Ironback Demon Bear again.

The Ironback Demon Bear, who was already seriously injured, was stabbed by Jiang Xiaobai again, and a stream of blood spattered out.

"Roar! Die!" The Ironback Demon Bear roared and rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai, his eyes were red, bursting out with anger.

"You are the one who died!" Jiang Xiaobai's sea of ​​qi roared, and a strong vitality burst out.

The eighth level of the Nine Hell Thunder Saber!

Seeing Jiang Xiaobai's attack, Ironback Demon Bear didn't dodge, but punched the long sword.

Huge monster power permeated the surroundings, gathering at one point through the iron-backed demon bear's fist.

Jiang Xiaobai's long sword pierced the Ironback Demon Bear's body, however, Ironback Demon Bear's fist also exploded in front of Jiang Xiaobai.


Jiang Xiaobai's chest was immediately stained red with blood, revealing his bones.

"Okay, very good!" Jiang Xiaobai wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, staring at the iron-backed demon bear.

Thorn Hong and Thorn Star couldn't stab Ironback Demon Bear, but the long sword they fused directly pierced through each other.

It's a pity that the sword just didn't hit the opponent's vital point, if not, the iron-backed devil bear would definitely be dead.

However, this also made the already seriously injured Ironback Demon Bear weaker.

Take advantage of his illness and kill him!

Jiang Xiaobai didn't care about his wound, swung his long sword, and stepped forward to attack again.

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