Dominate the world

Chapter 383 War Escalation

"This battle has lasted for more than a week?"

After Jiang Xiaobai heard Lan Yingying tell the whole story, he asked suspiciously.

A week ago, the students of the Martial Arts Club were practicing in the wild and found a powerful monster. Of the three students of the Martial Arts Club, only one escaped.The remaining two warrior students were all buried in the belly of the monster.

Afterwards, a large area of ​​monsters gathered, and many powerful monsters came down from Qianfo Mountain.

Among them are many high-level monsters, lord-level monsters, and even king-level monsters.

This time, the war is even bigger and more dangerous than the previous monster riots.

This puzzles many people.

"It's been over a week." Lan Yingying nodded, "This time, Qiluwu University has suffered the heaviest loss."

"Our Qilu Wuda?" Jiang Xiaobai frowned. "Why, shouldn't it be the Martial Arts Academy and the military department? It really can't be done. There are also some aristocratic warriors. Why is it that our Qilu Wuda suffered serious losses?"

Jiang Xiaobai once went to see it, and half of the members of the Martial Arts Club were seriously injured.

Qian Buyi and Zheng Kai were almost in a coma, and Zhong Liang was so busy these days that he looked haggard.

At that time, Jiang Xiaobai didn't think too much, just encouraged him a few words, and then came to the dean's office.

"Both the Martial Arts Academy and the military department have dispatched fighters, as for those aristocratic families." Lan Yingying's tone became cold when she said this, "We don't ask them to contribute, we just ask them not to make trouble for us."

"How to say?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"The aristocratic warriors headed by the Luo family did not send warriors to participate in the battle on the grounds of protecting the common people of Luo City. Finally, under strong pressure from the Martial Arts Institute, they sent warriors, but they did not work hard." Tang Songting was angry. He complained loudly.

The scope of this battle is extremely wide, and almost every corner of Los Angeles has been affected, even those civilian fighters are actively participating in the battle, and the Luo family...

This is why Fang Xiqiong was so angry on the city wall, and threw Luo Dong down directly.

On the one hand, it was because of Jiang Xiaobai's safety, and on the other hand, it was because of their grievances against the Luo family.

"But why do monsters attack for no reason?" Jiang Xiaobai thought.

Monster beasts and humans have conflicts with each other, but in the past few days, they are also clearly separated, and no large-scale conflicts have occurred.

But now, why did they suddenly attack and besiege Los Angeles for a week, as if they were determined to take Los Angeles to the death?

This is not an ordinary thing.

Could it be that the monsters are going to start a full-scale war with human fighters?

In the history of mankind, except for the large-scale battle between humans and monsters at the beginning of the upheaval, there has never been a similar situation.

The biggest thing was the nationwide monster riot. Such a powerful monster besieging the city had never happened before.

"It's not clear yet." Fang Xiqiong shook his head.

The Huaguo Martial Arts Institute already knew about this matter, but there was still no news.

The military headquarters of the entire Qilu Province immediately set their sights on Luocheng, and even sent out some warriors to help Luocheng.

The affairs of each province will be handled by the Martial Arts Academy and the military department of each province. Unless it is a problem that cannot be solved by the provinces, it will be possible to solve it through the Huaguo Martial Arts Academy.

"I always feel that something is not right." Jiang Xiaobai thought for a while, then said. "How could monsters attack for no reason?"

"I'm afraid there are only two possibilities, one is because a powerful strange treasure was born..."

"What about the other one?" Lan Yingying asked seriously.

"The other is that the monster wants to launch an all-out war." Fang Xiqiong said in a deep voice.

Total War?

These four words are like huge stones, pressing on everyone's heart.

Once this happened, not only the city of Los Angeles, but the entire country of Hua, and even the whole world would fall into endless wars.

At that time, people will be devastated, whether they are ordinary people or warriors, their lives will be threatened.

"I hope this is not the case." Tang Songting said lightly.

"We still have to be prepared." Jiang Xiaobai said calmly, "Once the monsters launch a war, we will have a countermeasure."

"At that time, we will not only have to consider the threat of monsters, but also the threat of the aristocratic family."

Jiang Xiaobai's words made everyone unable to help but nod in agreement.

Prepare for the worst in everything, otherwise, they will be blinded by then.

"Dean, the Martial Arts Institute and the military department let the Luo family not participate in the war of monsters?" Jiang Xiaobai asked suspiciously.

"Of course not." Fang Xiqiong shook his head, "But there is no other way. Whether it is the military department or the martial arts academy, there are warriors from the Luo family. The Luo family uses these people as an excuse to make the martial arts academy and the military department have nothing to say. explain."

"So, the Martial Arts Institute and the military department simply turn one eye and close the other."

"I see." Jiang Xiaobai seemed to understand something.

"Who is that little guy who came back with you?" Fang Xiqiong couldn't help asking when he thought of Li Changtian.

"Li Changtian?" Jiang Xiaobai said casually, "A warrior I met in the secret realm of Mount Tai, he himself said he came from the Li family in the Central Plains."

Central Plains Li Family?

Fang Xiqiong couldn't help being shocked, and a bright light flashed in his eyes.

The Li family in the Central Plains is a huge family in the Central Plains Province. The entire Central Plains Province has a vast territory, and its area is much larger than that of Qilu Province. It is also the birthplace of the Yanhuang culture.

The source of the Yellow River is in the Central Plains Province.

The Li family in the Central Plains is one of the five major families in the Central Plains, and it is a transcendent existence in the Central Plains Province.

"What? Is the Li family in the Central Plains famous?" Seeing Fang Xiqiong's expression, Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help asking.

"It's more than famous!" Fang Xiqiong said with a serious face.

In the Li family of the Central Plains, there have been emperor-level powerhouses in the past!

Looking at the entire Hua Kingdom, whether it was in ancient times or after the drastic changes, the Central Plains Province was a leader.

In the entire Central Plains Province, the Li family and the Qin family are the most powerful. Both families are descendants of emperor-level powerhouses.

"Emperor-level powerhouse?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Fang Xiqiong in confusion, "It took only a hundred years for the world to change dramatically, how could they appear emperor-level powerhouse?"

King level, emperor level, and the latter is the emperor level.

The king-level powerhouse is the king of a province, the emperor-level powerhouse can sit on half of the country, and the emperor-level powerhouse is the existence of the real king and emperor.

In related reports, Jiang Xiaobai knew of the existence of an emperor-level powerhouse.

But for an emperor-level powerhouse, this is unheard of.

Once he becomes an emperor-level powerhouse, he will be the Optimus Prime of the entire Hua Kingdom.

"It's the emperor-level powerhouses that appeared in the past, not now." Fang Xiqiong continued, "For example, in our Qilu Province, there were saints who appeared in the long time ago."

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