Dominate the world

Chapter 410 Fierce battle with monsters

In the end, Li Changtian still left. When he returned to Los Angeles, he still couldn't figure out why he flinched at this moment.


Yes, but it's not the main reason.

The main reason was that he wasn't used to this kind of battle at all. Facing so many monsters, he realized his lack of self-confidence.

Coming from a wealthy family, he has never faced so many monsters.

As soon as Li Changtian returned to Los Angeles, he saw Li Jingyu with a frosty face.

"Uncle!" Li Changtian felt guilty for no reason when he saw Li Jingyu.

"Where are they?" Li Jingyu looked around but didn't see anyone else, so he asked.

"They're still below." Li Changtian pointed to Jiang Xiaobai and the others below.

"Why haven't you come back?" Fang Xiqiong looked on with a puzzled expression, and a strange thought rose in his heart.

Jiang Xiaobai wouldn't want to make trouble, would he?

As soon as the idea appeared, it quickly spread.

According to Jiang Xiaobai's previous personality, he might really do something out of the ordinary.

While Fang Xiqiong was thinking, Xiong Chang and Du Pingyuan also came nearby.

The two of them had solemn expressions, especially Xiong Chang, who was even more murderous, and the vitality of his body was involuntarily exuded.

"What happened?" Fang Xiqiong asked, looking at the two of them.

"Aren't you a good student?" Xiong Chang asked.

"Jiang Xiaobai? Zhang Chulan? What's wrong with them?" Fang Xiqiong yelled inwardly. Could something have happened?

"Yes!" Du Pingyuan nodded, "Sheng Le just sent the news that they will not come back for the time being."

"Not coming back?" Fang Xiqiong looked down in astonishment, "They don't want to kill monsters, do they?"

Du Pingyuan and Xiong Chang nodded. They were also taken aback when they first heard the news.

Fight back against the monsters!

It's not that they haven't thought about it, but this move is too bold and dangerous, full of too many uncertainties, so it has not been confirmed.

But now, Jiang Xiaobai took advantage of this opportunity to start a war with the monster.

Sheng Le brought a dozen or so masters with him, originally to bring Jiang Xiaobai back, but he didn't expect these people to be bewitched by Jiang Xiaobai.

Although Jiang Xiaobai was received, he did not return immediately.

"too crazy!"

Fang Xiqiong couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

This idea is really crazy!

"However, it may not be impossible to give it a try." Fang Xiqiong continued, "Although there are so many monsters now, they completely crush our warriors in terms of numbers, but now the strength of these monsters is far inferior to ours, so we just take advantage of this time to attack monsters."

"I think Jiang Xiaobai also has the same idea!"

After Fang Xiqiong finished speaking, she fell silent, quietly looking at Du Pingyuan and Xiong Chang in front of her.

If Luo Shouyi was here, Fang Xiqiong would definitely not say that.

But facing Du Pingyuan and Xiong Chang, Fang Xiqiong believed that these two people had the same thoughts as himself.

"Indeed, I discussed it with General Xiong. This is indeed an opportunity." Du Pingyuan expressed his thoughts, "I just didn't expect Jiang Xiaobai to get involved."

"Jiang Xiaobai is indeed a variable." Xiong Chang continued, "I wanted to take this opportunity to inquire about the strength of the monster, but I didn't expect it to happen suddenly."

"Jiang Xiaobai won't hold back." Liang Xiaoyuan interjected.

"Xiaoyuan, why are you here?" Du Pingyuan discovered the existence of Liang Xiaoyuan.

"I am the main force of Luocheng Wuhan University!" Liang Xiaoyuan said proudly.

"Pay attention to safety." Du Pingyuan sighed, he knew Liang Xiaoyuan's character very well, so he couldn't persuade her at all.

Now Du Pingyuan is so busy with the monsters that he has no time to care about other things.

And now that the situation is critical, he cannot be distracted from taking care of Liang Xiaoyuan.

"Huh?" Fang Xiqiong's communicator suddenly rang, and when he looked down, it was Jiang Xiaobai's communication.

"Dean, hello!" Jiang Xiaobai's holographic projection appeared in front of Fang Xiqiong, greeting with a smile.

"You bastard." Fang Xiqiong pretended to be angry when he saw Jiang Xiaobai's playful smile. "What are you doing?"

"I don't want to make a contribution to the people of Los Angeles!" Jiang Xiaobai still laughed.

"Don't mess around, the monster reinforcements will arrive soon." Fang Xiqiong reminded.

"Okay, I get it." Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand, "One hour, we retreat. At that time, we can let the warriors fight and reap the spoils of war."

Harvesting loot?

When the other warriors around heard this, they looked at each other in blank dismay.

This guy is so confident?

Neither Du Pingyuan nor Xiong Chang expected Jiang Xiaobai to have such a plan.

It's only an hour!

Can they really do it?

If he can really do it, Jiang Xiaobai will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of Luo City.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't joke." Fang Xiqiong shouted coldly.

"No kidding, one hour is enough." Jiang Xiaobai looked back at this point, "Stop talking, the monster has already arrived, remember, one hour."

After finishing speaking, Jiang Xiaobai directly hung up the communicator.

"The combat members of each group prepare and follow Jiang Xiaobai's instructions." Du Pingyuan directly ordered the arrangement.

"You really believe him?" Fang Xiqiong asked in surprise.

"Don't you believe it too?" Du Pingyuan smiled, "I didn't expect that we old people are not as good as a boy under the age of [-]."

"Just do it!" Xiong Chang said calmly, "I believe in Jiang Xiaobai, and I also believe in Sheng Le."

Under the arrangement of Du Pingyuan, the warriors in Los Angeles prepared in an orderly manner.

When they learned that Jiang Xiaobai was out of the city to hunt monsters, their hearts were touched, and now they heard that Jiang Xiaobai led his master to encircle and suppress monsters, which shocked them even more.

A mere ninth-rank martial artist has such a strong side.

Outside Luo City, Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Chulan stood beside Sheng Le, facing the monster in front of them.

"Are you nervous?" Sheng Le asked Jiang Xiaobai softly.

"Not nervous." Jiang Xiaobai shook his head and said casually, "On the contrary, I'm a little excited."


Sheng Le couldn't help but glance at Jiang Xiaobai, shouldn't he be afraid at this moment?Or are you nervous?

Why is Jiang Xiaobai acting so calm?Still have some faint excitement?

Is this guy born to fight?

"What about you?" Sheng Le looked at Zhang Chulan, who was as good as Jiang Xiaobai.

"I don't feel it!" Zhang Chulan glanced lightly and said softly.

"They're all monsters." Sheng Le complained, and his eyes fell on the monster in front of him.

The monster standing in front of Sheng Le and the others was full of anger and disdain.

These monsters have never put human beings in their eyes. In their eyes, all human beings are extremely weak and weak.

They chose to attack the city, not only to blast away the defenses of Luo City, but also to see humans trembling in front of them.

Unexpectedly, just now, there were three humans who dared to hunt and kill them in the dark.

Let them feel that their dignity has been challenged.

"Human beings, you take the initiative to seek death, and you will perish in our hands today." The golden demon leopard angrily stared at Jiang Xiaobai and roared.

It was this hateful human in front of him who escaped from him, and now he is leading a strong human to confront them.

"Arrogance!" Jiang Xiaobai said flatly with a smile on his face.

The battle just now made the eighth level of his Nine Prison Thunder Saber significantly improved. If he goes through another battle, he may be able to promote the Nine Prison Thunder Knife to the state of Dzogchen.

Once the eighth level Nine Prison Thunder Knife is completed, it can completely allow him to be promoted to the ninth level.

Nine levels and nine hells thunder knife, even the grand master dare not beat it.

"Kill!" Sheng Le didn't talk nonsense with the monster, and after a loud shout, he swooped over with the master beside him.

Facing the sudden attack, the monsters approaching Sheng Le obviously didn't react, and were instantly besieged by the warriors.

"Let's go too!" Jiang Xiaobai said softly.

The next moment, he and Zhang Chulan rushed into the group of monsters.


With a punch, the monster close to Jiang Xiaobai was suddenly blown away.

Most of the lord-level monsters were taken over by Sheng Le and others, while Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Chulan faced mostly nine-level monsters.

Jiang Xiaobai's combat strength is undoubtedly crushing against the ninth-level monsters.

Bang bang bang!

Zhang Chulan swung his folding fan, and every time he hit the monster, there was a burst of blood mist.

The ninth-level monsters fell under Zhang Chulan's attack one by one, but Zhang Chulan did not stop and continued to move forward.

Jiang Xiaobai swung a pair of iron fists, and the vitality slanted down like a torrent, and there were thorns and thorns surrounding him, exuding fierce power.

Boom boom boom!

The sound of collisions continued one after another, and there were bursts of trembling sounds on the ground, and deep cracks suddenly appeared one after another.

Each of Sheng Le and the others faced a lord-level monster and fell into a bitter fight.

However, they are all warriors of the military department, and their battles are amazing and rich. Even monsters of the same level, it is impossible to get benefits from them.

Moreover, this time all monsters are not as good as human fighters.

As the battle continued, the monsters were decreasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Especially Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Chulan, like bulldozers, they flattened the eighth-level and ninth-level monsters in front of them.

At first, seeing that Jiang Xiaobai's strength was not high, those monsters didn't take it seriously.

But when Jiang Xiaobai and Zhang Chulan showed their strength, the monsters all showed horror and retreated one after another.

From the retreat, it finally turned into a collapse, and the low-level monsters fled in all directions.

It seemed that in their eyes, Jiang Xiaobai was the beast.

The huge momentum made them unable to breathe.

"This..." After seeing a lord-level monster, doubts hung on his face, "How could this happen?"

Will the monster retreat?

Facing humans will retreat?

how can that be!

In front of him is just a human being who is a rank nine martial artist.

How could it be possible to force the monsters to flee!

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