Dominate the world

Chapter 432 Monument to Heroes

When Jiang Xiaobai heard the news, he was not very happy and excited, but his mood became more and more heavy.

The greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, the higher the position, the greater the risk.

Dean of Wuhan University, this sounds like a position full of temptation, but in Jiang Xiaobai's eyes, it is not the case. Once you take this position, you have to take on more responsibilities.

It's not that Jiang Xiaobai doesn't want to take on more responsibilities, but that he feels that he still doesn't have the ability to accept all of this.

At first he thought he was strong enough, but when he faced the monster, he realized how small he was.

Even a master-level powerhouse cannot guarantee his life in front of the monster army.

For example, more than a dozen grandmasters were killed or injured in Los Angeles this time, which is almost all the combat power of the entire Los Angeles city.

There are many first-tier grandmasters, second-tier grandmasters, and even peak masters. Even a king-level powerhouse like Du Pingyuan can't guarantee that he can retreat completely when facing the demon king.

"Jiang Xiaobai, don't have too many burdens." Kong Shang knew what Jiang Xiaobai was thinking, so he said. "The future Qilu Wuda depends on you."

When Kong Shang saw Fang Xiqiong's last wish for the first time, his heart was filled with incomparable horror, but after he gradually figured it out, he found that this decision was the safest.

Qilu Martial Arts University, which had already shown signs of recovery, was knocked down under the siege of monsters, even harder than before.

It is estimated that none of the warriors in the Ministry of Martial Arts would be willing to take over Qilu Wuda University. Even if they accepted, who would be able to follow Fang Xiqiong's vision?

However, Jiang Xiaobai is different. He is a native of Qiluwu University, and he has experienced the tragic defense of Los Angeles. Even if he doesn't need to be reminded deliberately, he knows what to do.

"No!" Jiang Xiaobai raised his head, smiled and said, "I know what to do."

"Okay!" Kong Shang stepped forward and continued, "Tomorrow, Dean Du Pingyuan will build a monument to heroes in Luocheng Square. I have already reported the number of people in Qilu University. I must remember to participate tomorrow."

Monument to Heroes!

Jiang Xiaobai clenched his fists. The previous hero monument was destroyed when the monsters attacked the city, so it is not surprising that it will be rebuilt now.

What's more, the Hero Monument is to show all warriors and ordinary people the warriors who died in the war against monsters.

Although they are dead, the monument to heroes can keep their names in history and be admired by future generations.

Let everyone know that there used to be some warriors who threw their heads and blood for the peace of mankind, and poured their enthusiasm into the land under their feet.

It made everyone proud of this, and continued to fight and struggle with the monsters until they were driven out.

The next day, it was still drizzling, but even so, this time the Monument of Heroes still attracted all the humans in Los Angeles.

Not only warriors, but also ordinary people who have never evacuated!

In the entire Los Angeles city, there are thousands of empty streets, and almost all of them have long queues in the Los Angeles Plaza.

There is no need for someone to command or maintain order. Everyone stands in an orderly manner, looking up at the towering monument to heroes.

Perhaps, they can't see every name on it clearly, but they can feel the Taoist power coming from the monument.

Whether it is a warrior or an ordinary person, there is a black scarf wrapped around his right arm, his head is lowered, and he is secretly praying in his heart.

The dean of Wuhan University died in battle!

The whereabouts of the general of the army are unknown!


All of this makes everyone feel extra heavy, but it also urges them to work hard.


A bang emanated from the Monument to Heroes.

Soon, Martial Artists such as Martial Arts Academy, Military Headquarters, and Wuhan University appeared in everyone's sight.

Jiang Xiaobai, Kong Shang and others walked slowly from the crowd holding black boxes in their hands. People unconsciously made way for Jiang Xiaobai and others to pass.

Under the leadership of Sheng Le, the military department came from another direction...

Next is Martial Arts Institute, the Li family of Luo City came with other sacrificed warriors.

They walked very slowly, every step seemed to hit everyone's heart.

"woo woo woo woo!"

The first person in the crowd who couldn't bear it was a young woman. When she looked at these martial artists, she was touched by the scene and couldn't help covering her face and crying.

"Mom, why are you crying!" The child in the woman's arms stretched out her little hand and wiped away the tears for the woman. "I want to feel so sad, but I can't cry."

"My child, when you grow up, you must become a hero like them and protect other people, okay!" the woman sobbed.

"Okay!" The child nodded earnestly, "I want to be like my uncle, but why hasn't my uncle come to see me yet!"

When the woman heard this, she hugged the child tightly again, and tears soon soaked the child's back.

The uncle the son was talking about was a warrior who rescued them when they were fleeing. In order to let them escape, that warrior fought to the death with the monster, and finally died in the hands of the monster.

Scenes like this are not uncommon, and most people let out a silent sob.

Rain and tears intertwined and spread around.

No one spoke, no one made a statement, everyone stood silently, quietly looking at the hero monument in front of them.

This is not only to commemorate the dead heroes, but also to let everyone remember history, don't forget this time, don't forget this shame.

As the evening approached, some people left slowly.

Jiang Xiaobai, Zhang Chulan and the others looked at the Monument of Heroes quietly. This was Jiang Xiaobai's second visit here, but the faces around him changed again and again.

"They deserved to die!" Zhang Chulan said lightly.

"Death is worthy, but it is death after all." Jiang Xiaobai said silently, "Perhaps it is worthwhile in their eyes, but if it continues like this, it will be difficult for human beings to survive."

The strength of human beings lies in the hard work of the day after tomorrow and stepping on the road of thorns, so that they can become masters and become kings.

The monsters are much simpler than humans, as long as they are given enough time, they can become stronger.

There is no need to experience so many setbacks and pay so much bitterness like human beings.

But when fighting, the strong human beings are not as good as monsters.

Like this battle, if it weren't for the human race to die together, it is still unknown who will win and who will lose.

"I'm afraid there is only one way!" Zhang Chulan looked at the sky and said lightly.

"You mean?" Jiang Xiaobai looked over curiously.

"Take the blessed land of cultivation and let me human warriors practice!" Zhang Chulan clenched her fists, "This is my human land, how can I allow those monsters to occupy it?"

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