Dominate the world

Chapter 449 News from Lingquan

Soon the military department also sent a list, a total of three masters, and twelve ninth-rank warriors, which made Jiang Xiaobai very excited.

When Kong Shang and other old people from Qiluwu University saw the list of the new batch of instructors, everyone showed a surprised expression.

"You did this? How is this possible? Five grandmasters? They are still young grandmaster-level powerhouses. This will keep me at Qilu University for 50 years!"

"Fifty years? As long as the master doesn't fall, a hundred years is fine! God bless Qilu Wuda!"

"God bless, it's all thanks to Principal Jiang Xiaobai!

When the remaining old instructors of Qiluwu University heard the news, they all became awed by Jiang Xiaobai.

Although they are old men of Qiluwu University, it doesn't mean anything to Jiang Xiaobai's succession as the dean of Qiluwu University.

One is Jiang Xiaobai's strength, and the other is the strength Jiang Xiaobai showed in the last battle.

Relying on these two points, Jiang Xiaobai convinced everyone in Qilu University.

So when Jiang Xiaobai was the head of the martial arts academy, they all sent congratulations, and even helped Jiang Xiaobai find a place to hold a celebration banquet, but Jiang Xiaobai declined it later.

"Dean Jiang, you are a bit strong!" A middle-aged man came to Jiang Xiaobai and said.

"That's right! Dean Jiang, how did you do it?" Another Wuhan University instructor asked in confusion. "These are five grandmasters, and I feel like we can all retire."

Five grandmasters, more than 20 powerhouses at the peak of the ninth rank.

This kind of faculty is not only much stronger than before, but also a bit higher than other Wuhan universities.

"This is all thanks to the help of the military department and the Martial Arts Institute!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Now, teachers, don't worry! This disaster will not break us, but give us a chance."

"Don't worry, don't worry!" Several old instructors couldn't hide the smiles on their faces.

Although they didn't say it in their hearts at first, they could see it through everyone's daily life, because of the shortage of instructors in Wuhan University, they were very troubled.

It's just because there are too many things going on at Qiluwu University, and they don't want to bother Jiang Xiaobai.

"In this case, let's prepare for the next recruitment work!" Jiang Xiaobai looked at the old instructors in front of him.

Although most of their cultivation bases are around the sixth-rank martial artist, their strength is not very high.

But they are full of experience, which Jiang Xiaobai can't compare with at all, and even the upcoming Tianjiao warriors can't compare with them.

Therefore, Jiang Xiaobai plans to divide them into two categories, one is the instructor team composed of the original Wuhan University instructors, and the other is the instructor team composed of Tianjiao warriors, one is in charge of the school, and the other is in charge of cultivation.

This can not only improve efficiency, but also avoid disputes.

Jiang Xiaobai is already the dean of the martial arts academy, but the recruitment work is directly delegated to other instructors. Even the current Liu Douer, who was supposed to be a junior, was directly and forcibly recruited by Jiang Xiaobai to be an instructor.

As for the Martial Arts Club, after Jiang Xiaobai became the president of the Martial Arts Academy, he could not continue to serve as the president, but because there was no good replacement, he could only be suspended temporarily. As for the internal affairs of the Martial Arts Club, Yang Chengbin and Wang Chuang Wait for someone to take charge.

After a big battle, the three of Yang Chengbin improved a lot both in terms of strength and mood.

Jiang Xiaobai was very satisfied with this promotion, and it was precisely because of this that the three of them, Yang Chengbin, were in charge of the Martial Arts Club.

In the next few days, apart from sorting out the documents of Qilu Wuda, Jiang Xiaobai was discussing the next thing with Du Pingyuan.

Ye Xiang and Ding Yi went to look for Xiong Chang again, but they still couldn't find any news about him. They had no choice but to report Xiong Chang as a missing person. We have Sheng Le in charge of the military headquarters of Qilu Province.

If there is still no news of Xiong Chang after half a year, the military department will send a new strong man to take over the military department.

Or Sheng Le was promoted to the realm of a king-level powerhouse and directly served as the general of the military department.

"Jiang Xiaobai, can you know why the monsters attacked the city?" Du Pingyuan and Jiang Xiaobai talked quietly in a secret room alone.

"Why attack the city?" The image of Luo Shouyi bombing Luoquan flashed through Jiang Xiaobai's mind, but he didn't reveal any information, "How do I know?"

"From my investigation, the demon king suddenly led an army to attack the city, and it was actually for Luoquan." Du Pingyuan said in a low voice.

Luo Quan?

It really is Luo Quan!

Jiang Xiaobai was shocked for a while, but his face remained calm.

"What happened to Luoquan?" Jiang Xiaobai continued to ask.

"Luoquan is the spiritual spring of Luocheng. As early as in ancient times, many powerful people were promoted to a higher level through the spiritual spring, but later their vitality was exhausted. Although Luoquan existed, the underground spiritual veins disappeared. "Du Pingyuan explained, "However, after being brushed by the spiritual pulse, the spring water is so sweet that many people praise it."

"So much so that it was called the number one spring in the world by later generations, but the reputation of the number one spring in the world has already been spread among the strong."

"The number one spring in the world." Jiang Xiaobai muttered silently, "Is this the number one spring in the world?"

"Yes, the No. [-] spring in the world is now showing signs of recovery!" Du Pingyuan said with a solemn expression.

Lingquan recovery?

Jiang Xiaobai's heart trembled violently. When he saw Luo Shouyi burying Luoquan, he had guessed some news, but now he was horrified to confirm the news from Du Pingyuan.

If Lingquan really recovered, it would be no less than finding a blessed place for cultivation.

If everyone can cultivate through the spiritual spring, all the losses in Luocheng can be made up for.

"How do you know?" Jiang Xiaobai asked.

"Chang Yue told me." Du Pingyuan didn't hide anything from Jiang Xiaobai, but said directly, "At the beginning, Luo Shouyi was captured by Chang Yue. In order to save his life, he told Chang Yue the news."

"However, I can't confirm whether the news is true or not. Now that the Lingquan is also buried, it will take time for us to find the Lingquan."

"Well, if it's true, it's a great blessing for Luocheng." After Jiang Xiaobai finished speaking, he suddenly thought of something, "Will the spiritual spring of Luocheng attract other people coveted?"

"Others?" Du Pingyuan looked into Jiang Xiaobai's eyes and immediately understood what the other party meant. "Not for the time being. Whether it's the top Wuhan University, the Martial Arts Department, or the military department, they all have their own blessed lands for cultivation."

"Besides, this was discovered in my city of Los Angeles, and it is not easy for anyone to interfere. If they want to cultivate through the spiritual spring, they must obtain our permission."

"Furthermore, I don't know now whether this spiritual spring has recovered, and how much it has recovered?"

"That's good," Jiang Xiaobai felt relieved. If the news about Lingquan leaked and other people knew about it, it would definitely not be a good thing.

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