Dominate the world

Chapter 459 The Four-Word Mantra

"Zhang Chulan, how dare you insult me!" Liu Wenzhao couldn't hold back the anger in his heart anymore, and roared angrily.

Even though he was a high-achieving student of Jixia Academy and well-trained, Zhang Chulan's words still made him unable to remain calm.

"Oh, so the lethality of these words is really great!" Zhang Chulan looked at Liu Wenzhao's almost violent beating, and said slowly, "Okay, let's fight!"


After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, a faint breath erupted from his body, which was slightly different from vitality.

"You are just from Ye Luzi, and I don't need much effort to kill you!" Seeing Zhang Chulan's vigorous attacks, Liu Wenzhao sneered, and his breath burst out suddenly.

The literary energy diffused from the top of Liu Wenzhao's head, and the literary energy hovered above his head.

Wenxiu's fighting style is different from that of warriors. Warriors pay attention to punching to the flesh, with skills and tactics to assist attacks, while the cultivation of strong Wenxiu depends entirely on the literary spirit in their hearts.

Wen Qi came out, as sharp as a sword, and as thick as a mountain.


The cultural qi of the two rushed out of each other, and they slammed into each other. A huge collision sound fell from the sky, and the entire ring vibrated.

In the shock of culture, neither Zhang Chulan nor Liu Wenzhao retreated in any way. They stood on the ring as if they were not affected at all.

"You have something, no wonder you are so arrogant!" Liu Wenzhao sneered, and the literary energy in his body gathered again, and he said softly, "The scenery of the northern country is covered with ice for thousands of miles, and snow for thousands of miles."

Following Liu Wenzhao's words, the surrounding aura changed again and again, and the sky filled with aura fell, turning into waves of cold air, and the temperature of the entire arena suddenly seemed to drop by dozens of degrees.

Even the warriors around the arena felt the cold air coming, which made them shiver uncontrollably.

"This is Wenxiu's duel? It feels a bit huge!"

"Yes! Wenxiu's duel is really shocking."

"Too strong, how did they do it?"

The warriors who were onlookers immediately talked about it. They didn't expect the two Wenxiu to have such a huge momentum.

"The literary masters of Jixia Academy really deserve their reputation." Kong Shang couldn't help admiring.

"Dean Kong, what is this? Is it a spell?" Jiang Xiaobai asked, staring at the changes in the arena.

"No, it's the artistic conception!" Kong Shang shook his head, and then explained, "Wenxiu will show the artistic conception in the book through the literary spirit, forming an illusion-like existence, bringing the opponent into the artistic conception world, and using it to Kill the enemy!"

After listening to Kong Shang's explanation, Jiang Xiaobai finally understood.

This is also the first time he has seen a battle between a strong Wenxiu, and it is still very different from a warrior.

The literary spirit forms the artistic conception, which draws the opponent into the artistic conception to fight.

Didn't that become his own home field?

"How should Zhang Chulan respond?" Jiang Xiaobai couldn't help asking.

Now that Liu Wenzhao has shown great strength, how should Zhang Chulan face it?

"Don't worry." Kong Shang said calmly, "Chu Lan should be able to handle this."

At this time, Liu Wenzhao's voice came again.

"Looking inside and outside the Great Wall, there is nothing left but wild; up and down the great river, it suddenly loses its torrential flow!"


Snowflakes suddenly floated on the ring, and the snowflakes became bigger and bigger, and finally turned into heavy snowflakes.

The wind was fierce and snowflakes were flying.

Then, snowflakes flew in the air, and then formed a snow-white silver dragon, hovering around Zhang Chulan.

"Mountain Dance Silver Snake, Yuan Chi Wax Figure, I want to compete with the God of Heaven!"

Liu Wenzhao's voice sounded around, and a slight dismissive smile appeared on his face.

The opening was Qinyuanchun·Xuelai's attack, which was Liu Wenzhao's most proficient way of fighting.

This is a majestic poem in itself. At the beginning, the practice of literary spirit was to improve literary accomplishment and cultivate literary spirit by reading classics aloud. However, since the drastic changes, some classic poems have evolved into battle poems, which create a powerful artistic conception through literary spirit. Their strength has been greatly improved.

Qinyuanchun Xue is a typical battle poem, and it is also one of the introductory battle poems of Jixia Academy.

This song Qinyuan Chunxue is not very powerful in Jixia Academy, but in the eyes of other people, such as the eyes of Luocheng warriors, it is an extremely mysterious existence.

The silver dragon rolled in the air, gathering huge snowflakes.


Suddenly, there was a roar, and the silver-white dragon in the air rushed down and rushed towards Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan suddenly opened his eyes, calmly staring at the silver dragon in front of him.

I only heard him open the button and say softly: "Fu Qiang!"


The silver dragon that had come to Zhang Chulan's side exploded instantly.

The surrounding aura was suddenly broken, and the cold snowflakes disappeared immediately.

"Pfft!" Jiang Xiaobai opened his mouth wide in surprise when he heard Zhang Chulan shout these two words.


24-character mantra?

This is real?

Kong Shang and Liu Douer looked at Jiang Xiaobai puzzled, and they couldn't figure out what Jiang Xiaobai meant.

"Is there something wrong?" Du Pingyuan also turned around, looked at Jiang Xiaobai and asked.

"No, no!" Jiang Xiaobai said quickly.

There was indeed nothing wrong with it, but when Zhang Chulan said this, it seemed a little funny.

Moreover, only these two words can shatter a poem by Liu Wenzhao, this...

"So strong! Zhang Chulan broke the opponent's attack with only two words. This is simply too powerful!"

"It's just two words. I think Zhang Chulan should have practiced for a long time, but these two words contain great truth."

"Rich and strong! Yes, our current Los Angeles city needs to become prosperous and strong. Zhang Chulan is indeed a generation of literary talent!"

After seeing Zhang Chulan break Liu Wenzhao's attack, everyone started talking again.

"He actually knows the truth?" Liu Wenzheng's face was cloudy, looking at Zhang Chulan on the stage, lost in thought.

Didn't it mean that he was just from Yeluzi?

How can it be cultivated into the mantra?

But if it is not the mantra, what is it that is so powerful?

"Boy, I didn't expect you to be quite capable!" Liu Wenzhao stared at Zhang Chulan, and asked sharply, "But so what? It was just a hand gesture just now."

"The article misunderstood me, there is nothing to be a bare-handed scholar!"

"I'm responsible for the article, and I only pay Gaocheng a national memorial!"

"The mountains and rivers are picturesque, and the grand passes are worthy of stationing horses everywhere!"

"Mountains and rivers are left, let the heroes cry and quit!"


After Liu Wenzhao finished chanting, the surrounding scene changed again, and a wave of Jin Ge's aura came to kill, and it was immediately filled with a huge aura.

The whole arena seemed to have turned into a battlefield, and Zhang Chulan was swept away by a strong killing spirit.

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