Dominate the world

Chapter 461 Jiang Xiaobai's Cultivation

Liu Wenzheng and Liu Wenzhao clenched their fists, trembling all over.


Both of them couldn't help lowering their heads, and said with great struggle in their hearts.

These three words are easy to say, but it takes a lot of courage.

Especially for Liu Wenzheng and Liu Wenzhao of Jixia Academy, it was even more uncomfortable than killing them.

Zhang Chulan immediately put away his literary spirit, and Liu Wenzheng and Liu Wenzhao walked down in a daze and left Qiluwu University.


After the two left, the warriors around immediately burst into applause.

"Hey! This time I have offended Jixia Academy!" Du Pingyuan sighed.

"Dean Du, are you scared?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"Afraid? What am I afraid of?" Du Pingyuan raised his eyebrows, "I'm the head of the Provincial Martial Arts Academy. You Qilu Wuda provoked this matter, and it has nothing to do with me!"

"It's just a pity that Zhang Chulan lost the opportunity to enter Jixia Academy to practice."

Whether it is the Jixia Academy or the Confucian Mansion, it is a holy temple for any literary cultivator, and countless literary practitioners flock to it.

There are only a handful of literary cultivators who can enter it to practice every year.

However, such an opportunity was just given up.

"How can you know that it is not a blessing if you lose your horse?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Zhang Chulan on the ring, "This guy is so evil without entering the Jixia Academy. I believe he can blaze a trail of literary cultivation like me."

"Yes!" Kong Shang couldn't help sighing, "I always feel that Zhang Chulan is different from other people."

"Chu Lan, how are you?" Jiang Xiaobai asked with a smile when he saw Zhang Chulan walking down.

"Fortunately, the strength is average, not as strong as I imagined." Zhang Chulan replied truthfully.

"But this time you won't be able to enter the Jixia Academy to practice." Jiang Xiaobai said deliberately, "Do you know how powerful the Jixia Academy is..."

"It doesn't matter, reading thousands of books is not as good as traveling thousands of miles." Zhang Chulan raised her head and said calmly, "Whether it is the Confucian Mansion or the Jixia Academy, they are just created by people. Can’t you be the one who started a school?”


After Du Pingyuan and Kong Shang heard Zhang Chulan's words, their eyes widened involuntarily, as if they had just met Zhang Chulan.

If Jiang Xiaobai said this, they might not feel strange, but Zhang Chulan, this is a little different.

In their eyes, Zhang Chulan has always been that kind of well-behaved student, but his personality is a bit cold and out of place, and the rest is a good boy who does things down-to-earth.

"This time it's my Jiang Xiaobai's brother!" Jiang Xiaobai said with a smile, "Let the two of them join hands and make the whole world tremble!"

"Oh!" Zhang Chulan said lightly.

Liang Xiaoyuan in the stands was very excited, grabbing Li Changtian's arm: "Xiaotian, look, Zhang Chulan won, and won the disciple of that school."

"Didn't you say that they are very strong? Why does it seem like that now!"

Li Changtian bared his teeth when Liang Xiaoyuan grabbed him, but his heart was full of doubts.

Why is this?

Zhang Chulan actually defeated the disciples of Jixia Academy?

This is a bit strange. Normally speaking, the disciples of Jixia Academy are very powerful, and they are not something they can deal with at all.

But Zhang Chulan was different. He defeated his opponent directly by relying on hard power.

Not only Li Changtian, Li Chan was quite surprised when he saw this result.

"Is this kid so strong?"

Li Chan, who is a first-tier grandmaster, also fought against Wenxiu, but no one could surprise her.

And Zhang Chulan's battle today made her eyes shine.

It is said that Qilu is a land of outstanding people.

But in the era after the upheaval, the land of Qilu seems to have declined.

"Maybe he hasn't fallen, but just fell asleep." Li Chan said silently, "Maybe he is slowly waking up, and will appear in front of others with a new posture at that time?"

I thought that staying at Qilu Wuda would be of no use to me, but now it seems that this is not the case at all.

Maybe there will be a lot of gains!

Seeing that the competition was over, Li Chan flickered and left the martial arts arena.

The warriors watching slowly dispersed, and Liang Xiaoyuan and Li Changtian came to Zhang Chulan's side.

"Chu Lan, you are too strong and you fought well, but you shouldn't hold back in the end." Liang Xiaoyuan waved his fist, "You should teach a lesson to such a person who doesn't know what to do."

"Well, I've tried my best!" Zhang Chulan responded.

"Xiao Yuan, why did you appear here?" Du Pingyuan reprimanded Liang Xiaoyuan when he saw Liang Xiaoyuan, "Shouldn't you practice hard? What are you doing here?"

"Grandpa, I'm already a seventh-rank martial artist." Liang Xiaoyuan said coquettishly, "Besides, Zhang Chulan is my younger brother. Seeing that my younger brother has something to do, how can I, the eldest brother, not come and see?"

"..." Du Pingyuan was very speechless.

"It seems that Li Changtian has been doing well these few days, has he gained weight?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Li Changtian who was beside Liang Xiaoyuan, who was as quiet as a kitten, and asked with a smile.

"Is there? I just improved my strength." Li Changtian looked at himself, and then said.

"Would you like to fight with me? I remember that you still have a high-grade master-level soldier." Jiang Xiaobai blinked and said.

"No time!" Li Changxia consciously protected his pocket.

Fighting Jiang Xiaobai?

Now Li Changtian won't compete with Jiang Xiaobai at all.

Not to mention not being able to win, but also fighting soldiers, where is the reasoning?

"Xiaobai, don't make things difficult for Li Changtian." Du Pingyuan reminded Daojiang Xiaobai, "If the elders of the Li family from the Central Plains come here, I won't be able to handle it."

"Hey, I'm just sparring, just to add some color!" Jiang Xiaobai chuckled, "If that's the case, forget it."

"Hehe!" Li Changtian smiled lightly.

You are a bad old man, very bad.

After several people dispersed, Jiang Xiaobai pulled Du Pingyuan to a corner beside him.

"What do you want from me?" Du Pingyuan looked at the mysterious Jiang Xiaobai and asked in confusion.

"President Du, you are also a king-level powerhouse anyway, do you have any tricks that you can teach me?" Jiang Xiaobai looked at Du Pingyuan, looking like a chicken thief, "Look, I don't have a teacher to teach me now. , if our dean is still here, I am now a student who is about to enter his sophomore year!"

"It's a good thing now. You can only rely on yourself. I think at this time, as the head of the Provincial Martial Arts Institute, you should take part of the responsibility."

"You want to practice with me?" Du Pingyuan asked in surprise.

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